Author Topic: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"  (Read 1828693 times)

Offline luciddreamer

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #810 on: January 18, 2011, 11:59:19 pm »

This was posted today by the filmmaker who is making a film with Don Alejandro:

Shift of the Ages

SOTA does not know and has no affiliation with Keisha Crowther aka "Little Grandmother." Don Alejandro "Wandering Wolf" does not know or "recognize" her as a "Shaman," "Wisdom Keeper," or "Elder" of the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders of the Americas as she claims. Neither Don Alejandro nor the SOTA project authorized use of "Wandering Wolf's" messages or the SOTA video material used in support of the personal opinions she shares in her videos and viral messages. Much of information she is sharing is misleading and "taken" out of context.

SOTA is not here to push anyone else down. The truth will eventually reach the surface. Our prayers are that Mrs. Crowther learns a valuable lesson and she, as well as her team and followers, benefit as result.

11 hours ago

Note - Neither NAFPS as a group, nor I as an individual, have any connection to SOTA. I am just passing along what is posted on their public Facebook page.

somebody's got some explaining to do... ::) good luck Kiesha
« Last Edit: April 16, 2014, 12:12:49 am by Kathryn »

Offline goozih

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #811 on: January 19, 2011, 09:27:12 am »
Last night I was banned for trolling on Little /tomc forum/The Heart of the Tribe/one with nature, I said that the video was not accurate and bingo banned... anyway not only banned but IP is banned.
Tonight from another computer they have a message that"This video is currently being edited to remove reference to a particular tribe to avoid any misunderstandings. Little Grandmother would like to make it clear that she speaks for herself and is not representing or acting on behalf of any tribe."
I think they have a lot of editing to do in the next little while.
I wish I would have waited to join the TOMC forum until the latest Don Alejandro news broke!
...Missed it by that much ><

Offline luciddreamer

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #812 on: January 19, 2011, 11:48:01 am »
Some heavy censoring going on. I posted a question to the TOMC fb page asking if there is an official response from Kiesha regarding the recent statement made by the film maker of 'SOFT'....I asked in a friendly manner, saying I was confused as Kiesha had made claims as being associated with Alejandro. It was deleted and I was kicked out of the group within 10 mins! There was NO reason to delete it, no malice or hate of any form in my post it was a simple query and can only suggest that they do not want 'tribe of many colors' members to see that statement. One doesn't need much common sense to see why.

For any followers of Kiesha...I urge you to dare ask for clarification on that page, you will be kicked out straight away

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #813 on: January 19, 2011, 02:00:54 pm »
Given Crowther's past history, the statement may actually be a surprise to her and her inner circle, though it wouldn't be to anyone reasonable. Likely Crowther once again greatly misinterpreted/distorted/lied about what Perez actually did. It may have just been a simple blessing for the gathering as a whole, and Crowther in her usual pattern of delusion imagines she's being "recognized".

I wouldn't be surprised if we get another elaborate and completely unbelievable statement yet again, saying she "had every reason to believe" Perez endorsed her or nonsense to that effect.

Crowther's open threats I take very seriously. "Harshly" could be interpreted to mean the possibility of violence. Obviously some of the threats are directly aimed at me since I'm the one who wrote the article repeatedly quoting a source close to the family. Some of the threats are fairly silly lies. No one has hidden their name in any email to Crowther's circle.

But these threats don't surprise anyone who is the target of them. So far Crowther's circle has sent at least five threats to sue for libel, etc, vs anyone who openly criticizes her. (I'm one of the few ones to not be threatened with a suit, at least so far.) Crowther's manager and longtime friend Jennifer Ferraro has even called up and threatened to sue the Salish and Kootenai Tribe.

At the same times as the threats, Crowther's circle are also desperately searching for actual elders or any actual NDNs who will endorse her. They keep demanding we give them the names of elders.

Offline czech

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #814 on: January 19, 2011, 02:07:42 pm »
Crowther's manager and longtime friend Jennifer Ferraro has even called up and threatened to sue the Salish and Kootenai Tribe.

At the same times as the threats, Crowther's circle are also desperately searching for actual elders or any actual NDNs who will endorse her. They keep demanding we give them the names of elders.

Unbelievable. How much more insolent can you get?

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #815 on: January 19, 2011, 04:40:32 pm »

Unbelievable. How much more insolent can you get?

Well they could also try to threaten Don Alejandro if they like....

Offline Diana

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #816 on: January 19, 2011, 05:13:55 pm »
Crowther's manager and longtime friend Jennifer Ferraro has even called up and threatened to sue the Salish and Kootenai Tribe.

These people's ignorance is beyond the pale, don't they know you can't sue a soveriegn Nation. Lots of people have tried it including the US government. Crowther's ignorance of Tribal matters just goes to prove she is not Indian by any means.

Lim lemtsh,


Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #817 on: January 19, 2011, 06:20:36 pm »
LOL even if they COULD sue what would be the basis??  That they don't recognize her as
their spiritual leader and issued a statement to that effect? How is that even any kind of
legit basis?  You can't force people to recognize you as something you're not by suing them..

She is ridiculous beyond belief!  And this just really made me laugh today..  :)
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline luciddreamer

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #818 on: January 19, 2011, 07:15:32 pm »
It does seem that the more you look into this the more it becomes apparent that Kiesha is more than likely being shielded by all the controversy. She probably has no idea until people on her fb ask questions, there's a tonne of people censoring on her behalf, even the Prophets Conference page which lets have it right need her to keep her act together because they are getting a slice of the cake. She has dates booked with them for this year which people have already paid for...I sure would like to attend the Glastonbury workshop this March and ask her some questions!

Who is this Ferraro woman anyway?...sounds like she's the organ grinder and how the hell can they sue the tribes?, none of it makes sense. It's obviously all usual.
Noticed the latest interviewer (I won't name)  hasn't been censoring her videos of Kiesha, which is a good sign. I think maybe these interviewers and people she's affiliating herself with are realizing that she could potentially be quite damaging to their reputation. Taking away people's freedom to ask questions makes them seem suspect too, so bravo to the latest interviewer for allowing people to discuss these concerns openly...just hope it stays that way

Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #819 on: January 19, 2011, 07:34:54 pm »
They keep demanding we give them the names of elders.

LOL That's crazy!  Some so called leader doesn't know the names of the elders?
That in itself proves her lies.. if she was all she claimed to be.. she'd know who
they are.. how utterly stupid this is. 
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Diana

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #820 on: January 19, 2011, 08:50:20 pm »
They keep demanding we give them the names of elders.

LOL That's crazy!  Some so called leader doesn't know the names of the elders?
That in itself proves her lies.. if she was all she claimed to be.. she'd know who
they are.. how utterly stupid this is.  

You're right Critter, this is funny and ridiculous. It also smells of desperation on team Crowther's part. It looks like we have them on the run! Eeeeya!!!

Lim lemtsh,

« Last Edit: January 19, 2011, 08:52:26 pm by Diana »

Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #821 on: January 19, 2011, 09:32:17 pm »
I want to start off by saying you're welcome Spandex~Atom

Here is my personal experience over at TOMC before I was ultimately banned and my Last two posts deleted.

TOMC post

Frome me: Hello all, I'm a little new here and a bit confused as to all the new uploads happening regarding LG's background. As we are all here searching for truth i was hoping others would have a bit more information to help me out. I ask the following because I too have Native Blood, while less than most it still runs in my veins. Her mother does live on the Flathead Reservation in Montana right? People are saying it's not accurate and that her mom's not even native. Can someone please shed some light?

Love is of vital importance at this time. We need to stand in truth for it sets us free. Open hearts are powerful tools that we can use in harmony with an evolved mind. 

Travel well

Response 1: 
well ... i feel like ... not to answer the clarification ... but just to say what comes out my heart ....!

personally when i saw the first video of LG this question flow away after few minutes when i listen to here ...!

She is a pure soul ... we are all brothers and sisters and all our's blood is red 

i think for clarifications on black and white ..theres allot on wikileaks ...
but the message of LG and who she is...try to clarify this with your heart !

this is just what i felt to say ... sorry not a real clarification 

One love

Response 2:
.. this is a fair question and I know there are discussions about this. Some people are exhausting their time trying to find inaccuracies in LG's story about her heritage. My thought is this - that is all negative energy. If we push hard enough, we can always find what we are looking for. That is, if we insist on finding distrust, then that is what we find. Simply compare the messages of Kiesha Crowther to that her critics. One message is pure love and good - the other is a persistent inquiry based on fear and distrust. The path is for you to choose. You are here for a reason. Stay in the heart. LOVE

My reply:
Opening energetically to someone comes with trust, with honesty, with transparency, and with love. This is required from both sides. The message of love has been on this planet for quite sometime. 

I have a variety of personal experiences regarding religion and sprituality, my understandings of this place in space and time, and connections with a host of other great and wonderous phenomenon. Before coming into contact with LG I told my husband how I have this huge love for humanity as a whole and knew love is the way of our society. 

As I listened to her first video, what drew me most was the amazing story of how she 'became' her tribes shaman. How her tribe recognized her and how she was the fulfillment of this other prophecy. So for me, my heart connected to the indigenous portion of her story. Of how this was the time when they chose someone to speak for them and others. 

Does it matter then if her mother never lived on the reservation? Yes. I believe it does. Because while we are all divine, until we realize that, there are certain working concepts in play. One can open the heart recieve information and acklowledge it as true. If then, new data comes through describing how there were false filters that the original information was past through, then the information becomes tarnished and any further information, while needed may very well be disregarded.

I worry. For if it comes to pass many many can be hurt. The heart, while indestructable in its pure light, is still vunerable to great sorrow in its human form. All I can ask is that LG steps forward to clear this up herself rather than having other people do it for her.

Response3: moderator 

 Thank you for your post. I see that you are sincere in your concern and quest for the truth. As a fellow life long seeker of the truth, I understand completely. 

I would first like to address your last comment that you would like Kiesha to address these issues personally. On that point I would draw your attention to her official statement on her official site which comes directly from her.

It clearly states her Mother lives on the Reservation. 

Little Grandmother has said publicly in more than one video that she is part Native American. (The videos are all posted on this site under The Heart of the Tribe ) I particularly recall the story she told of having been picked out of the crowd when she was about 8 years old and how the Elders gave her a special blessing. 

I believe the above answers the two points you were most concerned about. 

I would also comment as follows:

* I totally agree with Xxx xxx and what she said about the negative comments and who makes them 

Simply compare the messages of Kiesha Crowther to that her critics. One message is pure love and good - the other is a persistent inquiry based on fear and distrust. 

* With respect to negative comments....those unfortunately always appear in an attempt to create doubt and division and to detract from what is really happening in the world. They are a distraction. 

* As Xxx pointed out....listening to Little Grandmother took him into his heart and listening to her certainly does that for me and it appears many thousands of people so far around our dear Mother Earth. The message of Love & living from our Hearts is what people are responding to.

* It is truth that since Little Grandmother was recognized as one of the 12 Wisdom Keepers of the Earth at this time of major transition, that she has been receiving sacred gifts from Elders of indigenous tribes the world over who had known that "Little Grandmother" would come at this time. It is also truth that she is in contact with the other 11 Wisdom Keepers very regularly. 

I hear your point about connecting to the Native American part of Little Grandmother's personal history and how this resonates with your own. I hope the above clarifies that for you. I also read how you shared with your husband that you knew that love is the way for our appears that this common belief with Little Grandmother is perhaps what drew you to her and to The Tribe of Many Colors. 

For the is what you feel in your heart. 

Be well, Many Blessings. 

Response 4:
We are all brothers and sisters of this planet. It doesnt matter what color our skin is or what tribe or reservations we come from, or what background we are or who our parents are. It doesn't matter any more. We are all walking on mother earth and I wish we could drop our divisions and come together as human beings. I am praying for peace and for divisions between people to end. 

This whole thing going on with those who are protesting Little Grandmother only strengthens my resolve in creating peace, in dissolving that which puts up walls between us as humans. Why does it matter who is indian or not? Who is white or who is dark skinned? We all look the same inside. This fighting I see hurts my heart.
I hope we can find a common ground to lay aside difference and learn acceptance. When we pass through this time on mother earth I think learning to break down those walls would be our greatest human accomplishment. 

Peace & Love always

My reply:

So how then do I and others cope with direct confirmation that her mother nor any of her maternal family is enrolled or known by the elders of Flathead Reservation? I spoke directly with the official representative for the Selish/Kootenai tribes. They nor any of the other indian names in her BIO are enrolled or known. And please keep from calling this an attack. Because a heritage that you are banking on needs to be verifiable. Robert McDonald 406-249-1818

Also, how do I and others cope with SOTA's (Shift of The Ages) press release today?
(included was the copy of statement)

Please please stop dividing 

travel in light love and purpose

After, I sat in contemplation and finally resolved a few things so I put up the following and was banned from TOMC. Unsure which comment hit the hardest but I was banned because of "posting attacks on LG"

I sit in peace and love for all that is in the myriad of? ways it creates itself. 

dearest brothers & sisters- when a being stands in the light and truth of their words, it radiates such a pure energy that when the words are true we welcome the naysayers as blessed opportunities? to reach a greater audience rather than creating defences against them and causing division between people.

BEings of light, after many human emotions my heart of hearts experienced great sorrow for this woman. May we embrace her in Love and Light so that she may experience the very essence of what she herself lacks. By doing this, she can start again in this new world and simply BE the love she wishes to see rather than BE something other than love. LOVE is all pervasive ALL the time and it is when we unify it with our mind that our human potential becomes unlimited.

join me in sharing a message of: ? 
Love is FREE - Love is FREED - Love is FREEDOM
please change your direction

Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #822 on: January 20, 2011, 01:43:23 am »
I have a question- if you google kiesha Rae kreps or crowther you get a listing of fraud sites but if you enter little grandmother not a one. How do you get a more balanced front page? One that has truth on it rather than all the false stuff about who she is.

Offline goozih

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #823 on: January 20, 2011, 06:42:03 am »
On this page    she talks about her crystal burying missions, here is an excerpt "These crystals have been prayed over, watched over, and kept safe for this time. There are many more crystals to be placed back into the earth. Soon one of the crystals in my care will return to the Waitaha people in New Zealand, and they will place their crystal back into their sacred lands."
Could someone please please contact the Maori people and warn them of her impending intrusion. 8)

Offline kaioatey

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #824 on: January 20, 2011, 08:26:32 am »
I've received a link to KCs video from a good friend who was obviously falling for her. Something seemed fishy after a couple of minutes of watching (Wisdom Keepers???)  so the first thing i did was google NAFSP and voila - here she was.

Thanks guys, you're doing a good thing here.

My sense is that the woman is  a victim of Yellowbird et al who have used her to expand their circle of influence. & catch another fish. When you start feeling people's adoration projected on you it's hard to pull back, it's like heroin.  So Keisha's painted herself into a corner. Kind of sad. I hope she pulls through in a good way.