Wouldn't #1 take care of that?
In most cases I would think that would be all that would be needed, but having a clause that would protect people who are Native , if someone in a tribal government had some sort of personal agenda, which unfairly excluded some people , this might help protect a few more people who deserve protection. Rattlebone sounds like he has seen some situations like this in California.
Perhaps a clause of some sort, that states the intention of the producer
I think proving someones intentions is next to impossible and would just lead to endless disputes. Enrollment or official OK from a tribe is the most objective criteria, and would protect the most people, who rightly deserve protection.
It's hard to understand how people can say an image they captured with a camera , when the person niether made the object photographed or the camera , is their intellectual property, and a author of a musical composition that is too closely copied by another composer has legal protection, but when non natives do obvious copies of traditional designs or melodies , there doesn't seem to be the same legal consequences.
Perhaps one thing that could be done is create a recognizable seal that is stamped on any true Native works
That would help, but first you would have to define who was eligible to use this seal.
I also believe that people who have a certain heritage whether that be Cherokee, Swedish or Chinese, do have the right to practice that heritage and be proud of it
I don't know Blackwolf... if someone has a Swedish gr grandma, and their family has lived in the US for the past 3 generations, even if they have visited Sweden and feel a deep connection with that part of their heritage, unless they were going to become a formal citizen of the country of Sweden , it would still seem strange if such a person who had 7 gr granparents who were Irish began insisting they were Swedish and nothing else.
it would make me wonder why they were so concerned to deny that other 7/8 of their family background...
And even if such a person did become a citizen of Sweden, and in becoming a citizen of Sweden they renounced all other political identities, they would still have a lot of non Swedish heritage.
That is where people of distant ancestry who claim an NDN identity begin feeling unreal and even exploitive to me. Unless they had some kind of discomfort with the other parts of their heritage, it seems a person can be proud of their small amount of Swedish / Cherokee or Chinese heritage, and can even feel most strongly about the influence this has on them, without needing to deny everything else.
I know lots of PODIAs who are proud of their Native heritage, and acknowledge it's influence, but who would never claim to be NDN, and as far as i have seen , those who do are usually exploiters.
Thats why I believe that most these unenrolled PODIAs who say they are Cherokee (or other tribal identity) are not being honest, even if they do have some Native blood, and it would be more correct to say they had some influence from their Cherokee ( or whatever it is ) heritage.
I also think the world view /influence of indigenous people has generally rubbed off on a lot of the other cultures they have lived beside, often in very benificial ways.
But people don't have to have Native blood to have been influenced by this, and people don't have to become NDN to incorporate some of the positive core values- (like it is no longer acceptable to beat children) - or musical influences - into their own ways.
My use of the term "American Indian produced" was just a short way of avoiding a long list of specific tribes.
(Edited to improve order of paragraphs)