Author Topic: Is this group for real? AIM PA  (Read 99609 times)

Offline bls926

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Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #105 on: October 30, 2009, 03:01:50 am »
I don't even know where to begin. How do you respond to someone who hasn't taken the time to read this thread, to become familiar with everything that has been said? Rick, it's obvious you haven't read all the posts. You're speaking from emotion, not facts or rational thinking. I am probably wasting my time, but I'm going to give it my best shot. Maybe, just maybe, something will sink in this time.

First post on NAFPS and you're criticizing everything and everyone here. That shows a lot of class!
------ i wasnt aware that we needed "Class" to put a post up on here,sounds discriminatory to me.I wa stating that your name is on here more than anyone elses,thats all,it does seem you do have alot of time to waste on this thread.------

I try to make sure that nothing I say or do would bring shame to my family. Class? Respect? Maturity? The way I was raised. Discriminatory? How so?

I don't think I post on NAFPS any more than the other members. As far as my name being on this thread more than anyone else's . . . Each of us has certain issues that we're working on. This problem caught my attention because I grew up in Chester County; it's my home. I have family in both counties.

I'm only going to address the part you directed to me. An agitator, an instigator . . . no, not at all. I'm someone who believes in being honest. I don't care if you're full-blood or little-to-none-at-all ------apparently you do your own words state it,liar!-----. . . just be truthful about it.

You did not call me a liar. Anyone who knows me, knows that I don't lie. It doesn't matter if you're full-blood, a descendant, white as snow or black as coal. I don't discriminate. Just be honest about who and what you are. Don't claim to be Indian when your last relative with ties to your Nation died before you were born.

Don't pretend to be someone or something you aren't.------Whos pretending? your just accusing people of doing so------

If your family has been removed from their People for 100 years, you are not Indian. You're a descendant, but you cannot claim to be Indian. If you are, you're pretending.

Descendants who think they're honoring their one Indian ancestor by claiming Indian status aren't honoring anyone at all. If someone wants to play Indian in their own backyard . . . have at it. If they think they can speak for Indian Country -----again,if they dont live on a rez,they arent Indian? why do you keep repeating this?------. . . that's something entirely different.

I never said you aren't Indian unless you live on a reservation, not on this thread or anywhere else. I don't think like that. The point I was trying to make was that as a descendant, you do not have the right to speak for Indians. You can support what they are doing, but you can't speak for them.

Pretendians aren't helping; they're actually doing damage. Petitions like the one David Hughes has started and AIM-PA is supporting hurt the real Nations. How will anyone take sovereignty seriously, if every over-nighter thinks they're entitled? Fake tribes, like the one Gene/Thunderwolf is enrolled in,------Hold on where is this proof of Gene Thunderwolf's card?,not hear say,PROOF!?----- are an insult to the real Cherokee Nation.

In Gene's own words:


Fri Feb 27, 2009 2:48 pm
My name is Gene Thunderwolf,I am a member of the SECCI in PA
My wifes name is Joy Blueflower,I have 2 kids n 2 step kids.
Im 35 years old,and i practice the old ways.If u get the Talking Leaves
Newspaper,this issue has an article and picture in it of my Traditional
Cherokee Wedding i had a few years ago n some information as well.
I am a Marshall for The Earth Band of SECCI.
If there are any more questions feel free to ask.
Im looking forward to getting to know all of you,
Dona dagahv,Gene Thunderwolf

I really don't think I need to add anything; his words speak for themselves.

Nothing better to do? Get a life? I think exposing frauds is important.------But your not really doing that,all you are doing is wasting everyones time,The question was,Is this group for real?,the answer is YES they are,enough said why do you keep this thread going with you bs? BS---- You have no idea what all I'm involved in; no idea how full my life is.

As I said earlier, I may have to accept that this AIM chapter is legitimate, but I don't have to accept any of y'all. I have a real problem with wannabes and bliss bunnies. A bead and a feather does not make an Indian, no matter how much y'all want it to.

For both true_blood and Rkmiller . . . bls926 is my name, Bonnie L Singleton, and my birthday, September 26. I'm not hiding behind a computer screen or a silly nic.
Well my email says my name! Rick Miller,its kind of obvious,DUH!

Hopefully, you'll now have a better idea where I stand on this issue, provided you took the time to read what I've written.

Offline Teepeecreeper

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Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #106 on: October 30, 2009, 03:11:32 pm »
Teepeecreeper please don't take offense to the 'tone' of my post, I'm not trying to respond to you sounding snarky or anything, though in rereading my words that's how it could be taken.  I'm simply frustrated with the entire issue.

Sky, no offense taken. By rereading my words I have to admit that you are right. It's just so frustrating to stay focused and calm on this particular thread. All that bickering, inmature and childish behavior and there is no end to it. I have the feeling that everybody from that particular "group" is molded the same way, that's why they get along so well. They seek and find their own kind, but their behavior is no excuse and something I cannot accept. Rudely telling people to shut up and throwing crude insults is unexceptable. The insults just keep coming and so do the threats and all that from people who sign up with another new name yet they are the same person. That trueblood and Redthunder seemed to be the same and so does another, but that's just my personal opinion. It quite obvious to me... always the same temper and always the same pattern in writing yet they still think people are stupid. They operate (at least that's what they're trying to do) under the cover of anonymous by signing up with different names yet they are easy to figure out. So my question would be..."who's the liar?"

Kudos to taraverti and I agree and quote
Look, if you are AIM, you are public figures. It's AIM Autonomous, not AIM Anonymous. Your names are going to be out there. You are going to be scrutinized. If you don't want that, don't put yourself out there. It comes with the territory. IMHO, the cause is worth it, BUT realize, when you do this, there is a risk. That's part of it. The truth is, if you could see it, you could learn a lot from this thread. People have asked real questions and have been told basically to butt out or have been insulted. Most of the insults in this thread are from the people who have been questioned.

Guess that's where them people have a problem with. The meaning and difference between Autonomous and Anonymous. There action speak much louder and I'm not wondering anymore that these people have so many issues and bad behavior. I cannot help it but to me it looks like boys scouts/girls scouts gone wild. They are nothing more then cuber bullies yet I wouldn't be surprised if they bully elsewhere as headed, inmature, stupid little wannabe rambos who think they can run and/or operate whatever they are trying to run. For sure as hell's not freezin over I don't want them people represent me or my family/people and that's all there is to it.


Offline true_ blood

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Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #107 on: October 30, 2009, 06:13:04 pm »
I see you also have a way to try and brings things out. Red thunder? That is a compliment, but no I am a woman. And once more " I do not " belong to this group. As to some in this whole forum know ! And know who i am, a Liar I'm not. An ole' timer yes. For not looking through the thread, I have, I looked through the entire forum. And see that most are out to fight for what they believe. To protect their way of life. And also the future generations. I wanted to back out of this thread and look into the others because there are some that caught my attention, But yet again i am left having to defend myself and another from allegations. Knowing and belonging to a organization are two separate issues. And to be frank with you, there are A.I.M members that stay anonymous. Why, Because it needs to stay that way. That is why, But you question that also. You said it also, Quote " It's so frustrating to stay focused and calm on this particular thread" end quote. look at your own words. but you can not move on. Easy to figure out? You still haven't and never will. Sometimes calls are made and issues need looking into. On both sides.
Cyber bullies, no i despise this cyber world.! It takes away from learning the true teachings that our children need taught, because they are so much more interested into being on here then learning their true culture. And so many of what you call wannabees find a perfect way to make more money. to trick others into things they never would of came across if it wasn't for this cyber world.
And i ask again why your insults were not edited out? Favoritism can not be when everyone is fighting the things this forum is fighting. Your thoughts and insights of everyone needs to considered. Not saying you have to agree on everyone else's opinions. because you don't.
They are not the only one's being looked at, Keep that in mind, Before you give this forum and what they stand for a bad name, I believe the insults needs to stop. I seen some other threads and letters written to whom were being considered at the time and the professionalism went way further then the insults, Do you not agree?
So i wish you well in your cause and your fight.                    AHO

Offline E.P. Grondine

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Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #108 on: October 30, 2009, 07:17:15 pm »
Hi -

I apologize for interrupting, and I am having a tough time following this thread, but would like to get my expose of the nu-age fraud ring through to AIM both National and Autonomous. A large number of the frauds who show up here at NAFPS operate through this ring.

Please PM me if you can be of assistance in getting this information to them - I paid for it dearly.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #109 on: October 30, 2009, 08:24:44 pm »

And i ask again why your insults were not edited out?

It's not clear who you were speaking to. As far as I can see, the ones you are angry with have not insulted you, just disagreed. if you can show a personal insult from one of them, simply inform a mod. There is no favoritism here. Longtime members can attest to that. 

Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #110 on: October 30, 2009, 10:02:47 pm »
Critter,of all the things that were said,the whole "grammer" thing is what make u lose your appetite? yeah,ok!

stop saying things like that,you will just make everyone else lose thiers.

LOL  Sorry, I found this rather funny.  Please read what I've written, it is not as you are saying.  :)   Bowing out of the fray...  not really my thing to argue senselessly.   Be well!  :)
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Teepeecreeper

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Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #111 on: October 31, 2009, 03:55:17 am »
I see you also have a way to try and brings things out. Red thunder? That is a compliment, but no I am a woman. And once more " I do not " belong to this group. As to some in this whole forum know ! And know who i am, a Liar I'm not. An ole' timer yes. For not looking through the thread, I have, I looked through the entire forum. And see that most are out to fight for what they believe. To protect their way of life. And also the future generations. I wanted to back out of this thread and look into the others because there are some that caught my attention, But yet again i am left having to defend myself and another from allegations. Knowing and belonging to a organization are two separate issues. And to be frank with you, there are A.I.M members that stay anonymous. Why, Because it needs to stay that way. That is why, But you question that also. You said it also, Quote " It's so frustrating to stay focused and calm on this particular thread" end quote. look at your own words. but you can not move on. Easy to figure out? You still haven't and never will. Sometimes calls are made and issues need looking into. On both sides.
Cyber bullies, no i despise this cyber world.! It takes away from learning the true teachings that our children need taught, because they are so much more interested into being on here then learning their true culture. And so many of what you call wannabees find a perfect way to make more money. to trick others into things they never would of came across if it wasn't for this cyber world.
And i ask again why your insults were not edited out? Favoritism can not be when everyone is fighting the things this forum is fighting. Your thoughts and insights of everyone needs to considered. Not saying you have to agree on everyone else's opinions. because you don't.
They are not the only one's being looked at, Keep that in mind, Before you give this forum and what they stand for a bad name, I believe the insults needs to stop. I seen some other threads and letters written to whom were being considered at the time and the professionalism went way further then the insults, Do you not agree?
So i wish you well in your cause and your fight.                    AHO

True_blood....if I was wrong and obviously I was then I do apologize. I sure am not perfect and make mistakes just as others yet have no problem to speak my mind and apologize for my wrong doings. What I cannot accept from you is putting words into my mouth. I never insulted anybody in here...I DISAGREED and obviously you cannot handle that but quite frankly I really don't care. Why should I agree? You sure don't! Do not think that you can claim favors only for yourself. I voiced my opinion...I was wrong (in some things) and I apologize, but do not think you can step on my toes too much and put words into my mouth. And for the cyber bullies...well, I cannot and will not change my mind on that. I've seen and heard enough from this "autonomous" group and there was nothing pleasant about it. It's all about choices and I made mine as you made yours. I do not have to agree with your opinions...I respect them as I respect everybody elses opinions but I expect the same in return.


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Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #112 on: October 31, 2009, 03:58:45 am »
hoping for a new question ...going back to staring at the monitor
« Last Edit: October 31, 2009, 06:01:09 am by oldspirit »

Offline taraverti

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Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #113 on: October 31, 2009, 04:22:28 am »
Real but not credible, IMHO. There's a difference.

Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #114 on: October 31, 2009, 04:43:30 am »
oh, good grief, critter has said SEVERAL times it was not the GRAMMAR that did it, it was the use of criticism of someones spelling to DEFLECT from the objection to the OFFENSIVE use of term "LITTLE SAVAGES" to refer to one's children.

It's all there in print if you read the thread.

Oh Taraverti, I meant to say thank you.. but also wanted to clarify it was suicide that was the post I was reading when I then went on to read reply on that issue and found instead, issues of spelling. 

Suicide is close to my heart, and so perhaps I over reacted in my response. 

Just wanted to clarify.. that's all.  And thanks.  :)
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline taraverti

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Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #115 on: October 31, 2009, 04:46:22 am »
oh, good grief, critter has said SEVERAL times it was not the GRAMMAR that did it, it was the use of criticism of someones spelling to DEFLECT from the objection to the OFFENSIVE use of term "LITTLE SAVAGES" to refer to one's children.

It's all there in print if you read the thread.

Oh Taraverti, I meant to say thank you.. but also wanted to clarify it was suicide that was the post I was reading when I then went on to read reply on that issue and found instead, issues of spelling. 

Suicide is close to my heart, and so perhaps I over reacted in my response. 

Just wanted to clarify.. that's all.  And thanks.  :)

Thanks, I remember that now. Both are important.


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Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #116 on: November 01, 2009, 01:58:36 am »
i have seen the following link,SecciCircle

theres the proof i was seeking,i humbly apologize to you as i was wrong.
i am human and i make mistakes,once again i apologize for questioning what you had told before.

as for the rest of this thread,i read and re-read the responses and questions on here,and i will be stepping out because i feel that there was a question,the question was answered,and that should be the end of it. instead everone in here is just lookin for more things to insult this group,its like watching my 10 year old and 7 year old daughters argue,i cant believe how childish,repetative everyones being on here,sounds like a bunch of politicians in here.

enclosing i wish everyone on here well,i hope that sometime soon everyone stops focusing on negative issues such as this one and thinks positive and supports this group,i have done some investigating,and they have done some good things,and are working on some good things as well,i myself will not interfere with positive progress or smash anyone who is trying to do something positive for the people,thanx for the conversation on here,i wish you all well,Rick Miller

Offline bls926

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Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #117 on: November 03, 2009, 04:58:14 am »
. . . So i will take it upon my self to apologize for my personal insults Because i do not know you ,so  i have no right to judge you, correct ? But it is time for me to move on and i wish all of you the best of what you are fighting for.             

i have seen the following link,SecciCircle

theres the proof i was seeking,i humbly apologize to you as i was wrong.
i am human and i make mistakes,once again i apologize for questioning what you had told before. . .

Apologies accepted.


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Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #118 on: November 03, 2009, 10:02:45 pm »
LOL  Sorry, I found this rather funny.  Please read what I've written, it is not as you are saying.     Bowing out of the fray...  not really my thing to argue senselessly.   Be well!

Yeah you do that,not sure that it was funny as much as you were probably embarrassed as besides this,nothing you have said here has made any sense at all,and you have the mentallity of a 12 year old,obviously you cant make a grown up point and no one can have a adult conversation with you, so the only thing senseless about that arguement was what you yourself said,so yes do your little LOL laugh,keep thinkin your better than everyone else and leave the thread,because if that was the best you have you need no try to make anyone else on here look bad as you do worse and worse to yourself.

Offline taraverti

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Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #119 on: November 03, 2009, 10:14:50 pm »
LOL  Sorry, I found this rather funny.  Please read what I've written, it is not as you are saying.     Bowing out of the fray...  not really my thing to argue senselessly.   Be well!

Yeah you do that,not sure that it was funny as much as you were probably embarrassed as besides this,nothing you have said here has made any sense at all,and you have the mentallity of a 12 year old,obviously you cant make a grown up point and no one can have a adult conversation with you, so the only thing senseless about that arguement was what you yourself said,so yes do your little LOL laugh,keep thinkin your better than everyone else and leave the thread,because if that was the best you have you need no try to make anyone else on here look bad as you do worse and worse to yourself.

It really takes very little to set you off, doesn't it?