Author Topic: Central Band of Cherokee  (Read 68029 times)

Offline BlackWolf

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Central Band of Cherokee
« on: October 27, 2009, 02:35:46 am »
I thought this Wannabee Cherokee Tribe was particulary bizarre.  They are claiming some kind of connection between Jewish people and Cherokee people.  This is nothing new though.  I've heard different stories over the years where people have claimed some kind of ancient connection with Cherokees and the Ancient Israelites.  Although I personally don't beleive the claims have any basis whatsoever, I was wondering if anyone else has heard these claims before?

Offline Don Naconna

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Re: Central Band of Cherokee
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2009, 02:47:23 am »
I found this group in Missouri who claim to the be Jewish Cherokee an also have some ties to the Mormons...

Offline wolfhawaii

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Re: Central Band of Cherokee
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2009, 06:37:21 am »
I have heard of this alleged Jewish/Cherokee connection before; James Adair, a trader in the 1700's, wrote a book positing this theory. The essentially racist idea was that as the Cherokee had such an advanced culture, they necessarily could not be indigenous and had to be a "Lost Tribe of Israel".  I have this book and I am not convinced by the arguments which were based on EuroAmerican ignorance and racism.
I am also not convinced by the information presented on the so called "Cherokee of Lawrence Co. TN" website; I am perfectly satisfied by their contention they are Jewish but not by their contention they are Cherokee. They go so far as to claim that because the federally recognized Cherokees do not recognize them that they are "anti-Semitic." Ashkenazi Jews are mainly European in origin, not Semitic, as near as my understanding reaches, and the concept of Cherokees as lost Israelites was discredited many years ago. Another group that pushed the idea of Cherokees as Jews was John Redhat Duke and his cohort Dorothy "Lady In White" Daigle, who runs the website grossly misnamed "The Original Keetoowah Society" which is associated with the questionable Scott "Blue Otter" Anderson and his webring. Oh yeah, I forgot to add the fraudulent NCOLT of Beverly Baker Northup, who also pushes the Cherokees as Jews theory.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2009, 06:57:00 am by wolfhawaii »

Offline ten-skey

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Re: Central Band of Cherokee
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2009, 02:15:43 pm »
The JEWISH / HEBREW / CHEROKEE Connection is a common one promoted by many groups based in missouri , ARKANSAS and parts of the south ( support IS given by Crosslin Smith - Redbird  SON , who in a 1980's Video tape STATES that the Cherokee ARE ISRAEL /Jews . MIDDLE TENN. HAS MANY "Black Dutch" ; "Black IRISH" pockets; EAST TENN. HAS MANY "MELUNGEON' pockets to date the state of Tenn has only acknowledge the Etowah Commumity ( google ) . Which does have legal indians ( per tenn.'s race / segregation laws- pre 1960's ) .

Offline wolfhawaii

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Re: Central Band of Cherokee
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2009, 03:42:41 pm »
Tenskey, you are incorrect; Crosslin Smith is not Redbird's son, and it was not he who made the documentary. In that documentary, the claim is not made that Cherokees are Jews. Try again. Better yet, introduce yourself, then try again.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Central Band of Cherokee
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2009, 04:01:43 pm »
If you go to their website and look at their supposed archaeological evidence, it doesn't add up to much. Elaborate claims about conspiracies to hide the truth, superificial similarities in inscriptions, and extremely unlikely claims like a supposed 700 foot high wall in Tennessee with ancient Hebrew writings.

Archaeologists would love for a claim like this to be true. Some make their careers on unlikely unsupported claims. That's part of what makes me think if any of this had even a slight bit of evidence, an archaeologist would've already taken the claim and made himself famous.

They also spend quite a bit of effort arguing against someone who claimed these are all Celtic artifacts, and the "chief" Joe Sitting Owl White also frequently refers to the "Iroquois tribe." Plus he goes on to claim the Creek and Seminole tribe were ancient Israelites too. Pretty ignorant. The Seminole didn't exist until the 18th century, made up of other tribes that had almost been exterrminated like the Yamassee, etc.

The site also posted a letter from a DNA analyst which actually doesn't prove a thing that White is claiming. The analyst admits he has little familiarity with Native DNA, but that based on what he knows, there's actually no evidence his group has Native ancestry. Instead he says they more like have DNA more commonly found in Europe and the Middle East. And that's it. Those words, "the Middle East," are the basis for his claim, "We've been proven to be Jewish." I'd say it's more likely they are European, neither NDN nor of Jewish descent.

They also have "ambassadors," one for Israel living in Copperas Cove Texas (near Austin) and another to the Navajo, living in Cuba New Mexico. Cuba NM is about 100 mi from the edge of the Navajo rez.

Their application form states they are an "organization based on Christ." You must be Christian and swear not to practice witchcraft, "wica", black magic, or voodoo. There doesn't seem to be any actual requirement for you to be Cherokee to be a member, or even NDN.

Their "chief" Joe White shows up as an endorser of a course in achieving success.

FINALLY: A step-by-step straightforward guide to get beyond the uncertainties of today and enjoy living...
"Here's How You Can Beat The Recession, Gain Control and Move To The Next Level."....

Product Review - Chief Joe Sitting Owl White"As we move through the seasons of our life many of us come to cross roads not knowing which one to take. Robin's book, How to Navigate Your Life, shows you how to traverse the obstacles standing in your way. Her practical guidance is the culmination of our ancestors' knowledge. Her teaching is presented in a fresh down to each easy to understand way. This book is for anyone who is searching for harmony and balance in their life."

Chief Joe Sitting Owl White
Central Bank of Cherokee


I couldn't find anything on his claims of running a bank. Maybe just a typo of band?

In this article, White claims they have 800 members.

He solicited for public funds for their museum.

Under Citizens Request Joe “Sitting Owl” White appealed to the Commission for funds in the amount of $75,000.00 for the Cherokee/David Crockett Museum located on the Public Square in the old First National Bank Building.

The Commission informed Mr. White that the Commission would have to meet to consider the budget and any changes that may need to be made to it.  They may consider his request after that time.


Only six years ago, they were called the Sugar Creek Band of Cherokee.

One poster at a Christian prophecy forum recalls White wrote a pamphlet claiming New York City is the whore of Babylon.

senteami3  May 17 2007, 08:39 PM
There was a pamphlet written by an Indian... from my HOMETOWN!!!
named "Joe Sitting OWL White", about Babylon, the Great Whore.

He said that New York was surrounded by 7 COUNTIES (I remember HUDSON, BERGEN); in a way, he said that since God had created the earth, he had formed the continents accordingly. The most obvious LAND
MARK was (bien-sur; natuerlich...) the Italian BOOT!!! On the map, you can see it, nudged right under Sicily, (which btw looks like a PYRAMID... with the AETNA volcano where the EYE ON THE PYRAMID WOULD STAND!); he added that if the boot continued the motion it had just started, it would "SHOOT" Sicily right onto Manhattan!!!

He traced two lines: one going from Jerusalem and going through the Pillars of Heracles (the Detroit of Gibraltar); he traced another line going from Babylon through the same Detroit of Gibraltar and saw that both lines were encompassing the territory forming the UNITED STATES!

This was weird...

He said that the dimensions of the state of New York were (in a bigger scale) the same as Babylon! They both look like a triangle, which is crossed by a river. (I guess it is Hudson River).

He says that if we draw a line around New York using the 7 border counties, we can see the face of a woman, mouth open, with the LaGuardia Airport somewhere in the mouth. The face, on the map, is facing east...

This was an interesting read... That's all I can remember


Seven years ago, White was part of the Southeastern Cherokee Confederacy and hosting the Atlantian Cherokee DNA Project. (You can't make this stuff up.)

DNA Project


    We are initiating a new DNA Research Project.  It is appropriately named,  The Atlantian Cherokee DNA Research Project,  Joe Sitting Owl White, Sugar Creek Band of the SeCCI, 393 Rabbit Trail Road, Leoma, TN 38468, 931 852 4353,

    This project includes only Cherokee ladies that have had their DNA tested for Native American DNA.  Negative results are more important than positive results, but we need as many as possible of both.

    Native American DNA Test can be obtained from , Bennett Greenspan, ask for The Sugar Creek Band DNA Test.  It is kind of expensive but absolutely necessary.  The test kit is easy to use, it includes swabs that are rubbed in the inside if the cheek, and easy to understand instructions.

    The ladies must have an unbroken line of females.  ie.  daughter, mother, grandmother, great grandmother, great great grandmother, etc, etc.

    It is most important to remember that a Negative test results does not mean that you are not Cherokee.  In fact it could prove that you are Cherokee.

    Please get the results to me ASAP.  Your DNA test results and genealogy will be destroyed at the end of the test.  We will have witnesses of the destruction.  They will be burned in the Council Fire, and Nancy Dances Alone Brown our Medicine Woman will offer tobacco, sage, and blessings.


Joe Sitting Owl White

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Central Band of Cherokee
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2009, 07:04:10 pm »
Atlantian Cherokee?  :o *laughs real hard* Wow. Makes me wish I was still doing a comic strip. That satirizes itself.   :D

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: Central Band of Cherokee
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2009, 12:12:50 am »
In regards to the link by Don Naconna.  It seems that who ever wrote that is taking a real Cherokee migration oral story and changing it to suite thier own agenda.  There is a story amongst some Oklahoma Cherokee of our ancestors leaving some distant place and crossing water before they eventually encountered the Iroquois people, which I won't go into detail about. 

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: Central Band of Cherokee
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2009, 02:24:17 am »
I thought this was very bizarre also.  There is a link you click on that says "Painting of Pocahontas" and the caption  says "Obviously a "Little Jewish Girl".

Offline Superdog

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Re: Central Band of Cherokee
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2009, 05:55:06 pm »
This group is yet another using their status as a religious non-profit to promote a fraudulent image.  They are a heritage group at best and they should be up front about that.

If you look on their application there is a note at the bottom of the front of it that starts "Note:  This Organization is based on Christianity...."

yet in their "About Us" section it states "The Central Band of Cherokee is a 501 (c) 4, nonprofit Educational Organization and exists for the sole purpose of of saving and protecting our Cherokee Heritage. "

You don't have to be Cherokee to apply....from what I can tell, you might not even have any Native heritage as one of the questions asks "Are you Native American??  What Tribe?"

Their DNA testing "proof" is really nothing of the sort as they seem to only be testing their members....and in fact they seem to be passing off the "Tullahoma Group" as possibly full blood as they only attribute DNA connections for Europe and the Middle East to their "known Cherokee" status...completely disregarding the fact that if any Cherokee blood exists in these individuals it's pretty watered down by now with several obvious non-Indian ancestries.

There's also several references to James Adair's book.....put forth as "Proof".

Their patch...designed and apparently owned by the Boy Scouts of America

Also noticed a recent lawsuit that keeps coming up when you google "Central Band of Cherokee".
Seems Joe "Sitting Owl" White (the "principal chief" and owner of the museum and website) is suing his own group over trademark and intellectual property.  It's dated from Sept. 29, 2009.

« Last Edit: October 28, 2009, 06:44:41 pm by Superdog »

Offline Superdog

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Re: Central Band of Cherokee
« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2009, 06:56:24 pm »
Here's a letter that is cosigned by many of the heritage groups in Tennessee attempting to gain recognition as actual tribes.  They want to be recognized as "Minorities" in order to take advantage of state government help and as Native to sell art as Indian made.

Based on their attempts to pull themselves off as an actual tribe I'd move Joe White's group (the Central Band of Cherokee, formerly the Sugar Creek Band of SECCI) to the frauds list.


Offline uktena

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Re: Central Band of Cherokee
« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2009, 08:48:23 pm »
Atlantian Cherokee?   *laughs real hard* Wow. Makes me wish I was still doing a comic strip. That satirizes itself.

You obviously haven't read Dhyani YooHoo's account of it:

"Tsalagi Elo--our...oral tradition, tells how the Principal People...originated in the star system known as the Pleiades...These star people came to Earth in Elohi Mona, five islands in the Atlantic Ocean, later known as Atlantis...Before the star people came...there was emotional nature, but not yet the mind...The star children, the Sacred Seven...were greeted by the Children of the Sun, already living upon the Earth, in the Americas...Thus the Sacred Seven intermarried with the Children of the Sun, the Earth people.  Their descendents in North America are the Tsalagi, Creek, Choctaw, Yuchi, and other Red Nations of the southeastern United States..."
     --Voices of Our Ancestors, pp 9-13

So these interplanetary travelers who were fully individuated minds, came to Earth from a star cluster 440 light years away, and settled in Atlantis, which was five Atlantic islands.  Going from a region full of hot blue stars to the cool blue Atlantic must have been a shock, but nevermind.  Later (apparently when the islands sank out from under them, but this is not mentioned), they decided that the land to the West looked nice.  It was already inhabited by natives, the Children of the Sun.  On their own, they didn't have a brain among the lot of them,  but knew a good thing when they saw it, so they embraced the travelers with open arms, apparently in more ways than one.  ;)  The result of this interplanetary bachelor party were the Southeastern tribes of Indians, including the Cherokees.  

I don't know about the other tribes, but the Southeastern ones have the Space Brothers to thank for the fact that they have a mind at all.  :o  I mean, if Dhyani YooHoo says it, who are we to argue with such an enlightened teacher?  ;D

I seem to remember another story about enlightened travelers coming West from lands beyond the Atlantic Ocean, who found natives in the Americas and intermarried with them.  Their descendents are now members of the Wannabe tribe, who insist on getting their piece of the action.

I don't exactly know what Ms. YooHoo means by "Children of the Sun", but a term like "Sun People" is one that some people like to use to describe anyone with dark skin, just as they use "Ice People" to describe us melanin-deficient types.  Any idea as to what color of skin the Atlanteans had?  ;D

Voices of Our Ancestors has a lot of comic strip material if you can wade through the verbiage and spiritual techobabble.

I don't know how much any of this has to do with authentic Cherokee traditions; who knows how much of Ms. YooHoo's statements have to do with authentic anything.  Somewhere on this board, a member posted an account of a Cherokee migration story that says they came from the West, not the East.  And James Mooney pointed out that it's odd that the Cherokees have stories about traveling east to the place where the Sun lives, but not once mentions the ocean, which they knew perfectly well was there.  This is doubly odd if their ancestors came from that direction originally.

Anyway, no matter who's telling you what in these modern mythologies, you can bet your teepee that somewhere, somehow, Atlantis is going to figure into it.

« Last Edit: October 29, 2009, 03:16:55 am by uktena »


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Re: Central Band of Cherokee
« Reply #12 on: November 04, 2009, 10:31:08 pm »
i myself have heard of the connection but ya gotta wonder who would really believe that it exists? it doesnt even make any sense!

sorry just wanted to put in my opinion.

Offline ten-skey

  • Posts: 31
Re: Central Band of Cherokee
« Reply #13 on: November 20, 2009, 03:26:38 pm »
THE Topic of Cherokee / Jewish links Will never go away for severial reasons :::: 1) such IS a major tennet of New Age / Wannabe lore / Jewish  ( ie Adam , Means Red man or a man showing color in the face ; bible lore ) .The Oklahoma Cherokee Have been Deeply involved in Lodge ( ie kinghts , etc) workings since the 1800's . 2) the efforts of the redhat Duke adherents / faction continues !! 3) the Documented statements of C. Smith !!!! 4) the L.D.S. groups Have " run " missions to the Cherokee since the 1840's . 5) lastly , as the U.S. has become less white And Blacks / Chicanos have pointed out white mis deeds ; Indianess has become the refuge of True Americanism / Patriots : What is More U.S. that the Redman!!!!!!!

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Central Band of Cherokee
« Reply #14 on: November 20, 2009, 06:46:06 pm »
The only connection I know of is that some frauds who claimed to be NDN turned out to be Jewish.

Also some garbled family histories where a darker, plains-dwelling side of the family was thought to be NDN, but later turned out to be assimilated Jews, scared to tell the German neighbors their true ethnicity.