General > Frauds

NAFPS takes pride in being called "Enemy"

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IDK, an enemy of who? I live in a war zone, 3 decades now, trying to stay alive as a POW.
If natives don’t charge for metaphysical work, and don’t have websites or advertising of any kind clearly the work finds them in their own time.
Drawing back to whites co-opting symbolism and peddling it to other whites, so called on both fronts.
What and how does that hurt any traditional healer?
Maybe im a bit too pragmatic, it seems to me that letting the whites destroy themselves using “fake symbolism is a good thing?
Again, my perspective comes from a war zone in real life.
It’s like this website just creates animosity against natives in general.
Explain it to me like I’m five, I’m here for it.

If Official native tribes have sovereignty, they do. It would seem time would be better spent going after clear violations of that sovereignty by the mother state (State governments and the Fed)
Going after legal teams for incompetence in litigation and defense of same sovereignty.
Having the SCOTUS DECLARE that they don’t acknowledge Native Traditions as a religion just smacks of BIAS AND FRAUD.
I won’t list all my grievances today, but be sure they’re coming brick by brick.

Sandy S:
Mirror, have posted here as Atehequa in the past?


Yep, you're right. Sounds like Atehequq is off his meds again.

--- Quote from: Sandy S on February 08, 2025, 08:58:58 pm ---Mirror, have posted here as Atehequa in the past?

--- End quote ---

Awww, you make funny jokes.  ::)


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