Author Topic: Rain Queen Mother, Herbal Wellbeing Sanctuary, High Hawk Mtn Feather Kontomble  (Read 95992 times)


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Re: Shaman Queen Healer / Rain / High Hawk Mountain Feather Kontomble
« Reply #45 on: August 19, 2014, 04:57:11 pm »
Thanks, Ingeborg.

She also adds that Credo Mutwa threw the bones for her in 1998 and gave her the name 'Khanyisa' which means ‘bringer of light out of darkness to find peace’” and that in 2008 she was “also given the name Pema Lhamo, after spending time with healers and Lamas in Nepal

David Icke takes a lot of his inspiration from Credo Mutwa.

She sure has a lot of different aliases.  Wonder what she is trying to flee from (maybe herself?)

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Shaman Queen Healer / Rain / High Hawk Mountain Feather Kontomble
« Reply #46 on: August 19, 2014, 05:04:39 pm »

Found another one:

4. Drink Ayahuasca and detoxify: Sussex, England

A potent healing medicine, made from the Ayahuasca vine and the leaf of the Chacruna plant, and collected from the jungles of the Amazon, is at the centre of this retreat. It causes purging as a means of removing toxins.

Ayamama Rain Queen, a gifted shaman who orchestrates the safe, highly personalized, one-to-one healing retreats at the Wellbeing and Cermonial Sanctuary in England, believes Ayahuasca can enable anyone who drinks it to access higher levels of emotional intelligence and foster a deeper connection with nature.
Not for the faint-hearted, but mind-blowing and truly transformative.

Rates: A three-night retreat costs from US$890

Wellbeing and Ceremonial Sanctuary; +44 (0)75 8146 2905;

Emphasis mine

Offline James Marxe

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Re: Shaman Queen Healer / Rain / High Hawk Mountain Feather Kontomble
« Reply #47 on: August 19, 2014, 05:07:00 pm »
It's hilarious how everybody is so quick to attack Rain when again, (and again and again) they know absolutely nothing at all about her.

That is the nature of the internet. People living in a fantasy world where they think they know everything, but know absolutely nothing as they don't go out into the real world or reality to truly discover what is actually going on.
That might take money, time , energy and will. We can't have that now can we?
To back up claims people clamour to the nearest search engine and lift whatever nonsense they find posted by whomsoever with whatsoever an agenda.
Don't be so naive!
Go and discover for yourself. Not one of you has been to the Sanctuary or bothered to dig any deeper. There is more to the world than your little desks with your little laptops.
Multi dimensional reality - you should try it sometime.

This nemesis character is Toyin himself, the owner of that Ligali website.
He had a personal issue that goes back a few years and the details of it shall not be divulged in a place such as this. Nevertheless he embarked on a one man crusade to get his revenge, so to speak, and look at how out of hand matters are now just because of one silly mans vengeance. Going into reality and attempting to find a little more about this person will not lead to a happy place. He has had numerous problems in the past with the law and the nature of a person such as himself is to bring down or demean someone who is actually trying to do some genuine good in the world. We have all met or known people like this.

I am not going anywhere, don't worry.
I will argue absolutely anything you come back with as I am the only one present here who has the truth about what is really going on.
Ask me what you will. Whether you realise it or not, you are all benefiting from Rain Queen Mothers work. It is for all humanity. You will never understand that until you go and see for yourself.

Your laptops will get you nowhere so stop wasting your time.

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Shaman Queen Healer / Rain / High Hawk Mountain Feather Kontomble
« Reply #48 on: August 19, 2014, 05:18:53 pm »
It's hilarious how everybody is so quick to attack Rain when again, (and again and again) they know absolutely nothing at all about her.

So, everything that has been found on her is a fabrication?

That is the nature of the internet. People living in a fantasy world where they think they know everything, but know absolutely nothing as they don't go out into the real world or reality to truly discover what is actually going on.

You're rather assumptive.  I have no need to participate in her pay-to-pray endeavors.  Fantasy world?  Pot kettle my friend.

That might take money, time , energy and will. We can't have that now can we?

My money is better well spent else where, no need for my to purchase other peoples traditions.

To back up claims people clamour to the nearest search engine and lift whatever nonsense they find posted by whomsoever with whatsoever an agenda.
Don't be so naive!
Go and discover for yourself. Not one of you has been to the Sanctuary or bothered to dig any deeper. There is more to the world than your little desks with your little laptops.
Multi dimensional reality - you should try it sometime.

You are telling a community of indigenous peoples and their allies to appropriate...okay.... 
I am quite familiar with the world beyond my computer thank you very much.  I am very active in it.

This nemesis character is Toyin himself, the owner of that Ligali website.
He had a personal issue that goes back a few years and the details of it shall not be divulged in a place such as this. Nevertheless he embarked on a one man crusade to get his revenge, so to speak, and look at how out of hand matters are now just because of one silly mans vengeance. Going into reality and attempting to find a little more about this person will not lead to a happy place. He has had numerous problems in the past with the law and the nature of a person such as himself is to bring down or demean someone who is actually trying to do some genuine good in the world. We have all met or known people like this.

You're lacking in your research skills.  You're absolutely wrong.

I am not going anywhere, don't worry.

Oh yay  :o

I will argue absolutely anything you come back with as I am the only one present here who has the truth about what is really going on.
Ask me what you will.

Again, which Native American communities are in support of what she is doing.

Whether you realise it or not, you are all benefiting from Rain Queen Mothers work. It is for all humanity. You will never understand that until you go and see for yourself.

Your laptops will get you nowhere so stop wasting your time.

Again, I have no reason to participate in pay-to-pray.  To be telling the indigenous people here and the people here who are allies to participate in something that is not theirs, forsaking their own traditions is COLONIAL.


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Re: Shaman Queen Healer / Rain / High Hawk Mountain Feather Kontomble
« Reply #49 on: August 19, 2014, 05:22:55 pm »
Nothing soul soothing about such a depletion of savings. Just unplug your phone & switch off your TV for 24 hours and see the good it does your soul.

The above were words of wisdom from someone who had posted on the link Ingeborg posted.

James, we have copied things directly from her own site (whatever her name is), so quit with the laying of blame.

I am pretty sure you are incorrect about Nemesis.  She has not posted for several years, but this is her introduction in 2009:

I'm an English woman, blonde, pale skinned and I live in London UK

I just dropped in to say hello and to thank you for your important website.

I hate, and I mean I loathe, abusive cults and criminals who use new age quasi-mystical bulltish to manipulate, abuse and control vulnerable people.

I am not an authority on such groups but, as a result of obsessively stalking some of them over the www, I know a lot more than the average Joe on the street.

I originally trained as a therapist (psychoanalytic / psychodynamic) and have some experience of working with vulnerable adolescents who are the victims and survivors of multi-generational emotional trauma resulting from enslavement / oppression / racism / genocide.

Unfortunately it is exactly these people who some criminals are targeting and abusing. 

I admire what you are doing here.  It is really important on so many levels.

My main interest at the moment is the use of traditional plant ethnogens and religious ceremonies when used by criminal groups to control vulnerable people.  Unfortunately this happening on quite a large scale in Europe and is something that law enforcement agencies have yet to wake up to.

I have some sensitive information re this that I think was a little too delicate to post here, but I have send to one of the admin here for his perusal so he can decide what action, if any, to take.

I wish you all the best with your important work and send you all good wishes from across the pond.

Offline James Marxe

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Re: Shaman Queen Healer / Rain / High Hawk Mountain Feather Kontomble
« Reply #50 on: August 19, 2014, 05:29:17 pm »
Bring your elders before her and they will recognise who she is, don't you worry about that.

Do you personally know Toyin?

No need to get your money out my friend, stop making excuses.

Yes, all the negative material being posted about her is a giant fabrication. That's how far some people will go.

Seriously you guys are so naive!! Nemesis was Toyins DJ name. You don't think he could turn up online posing as a white woman?

This is all hot air and absolute nonsense.

Get into reality and stop slandering those you know nothing about.

It's cruel.

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Shaman Queen Healer / Rain / High Hawk Mountain Feather Kontomble
« Reply #51 on: August 19, 2014, 05:37:36 pm »
Bring your elders before her and they will recognise who she is, don't you worry about that.

You're either extremely ignorant or full of yourself to think that they would.

Do you personally know Toyin?

No idea who that is.

No need to get your money out my friend, stop making excuses.


Yes, all the negative material being posted about her is a giant fabrication. That's how far some people will go.

Some of the information is from her very own sites.

Seriously you guys are so naive!! Nemesis was Toyins DJ name. You don't think he could turn up online posing as a white woman?

Um no, you're wrong.  Some of our friends who live in England have met nemesis in person.  She is not a man nor is she or has she ever been a DJ.

This is all hot air and absolute nonsense.

Yes, you're right.  I do wish you would stop.  You are making yourself look foolish.

Get into reality and stop slandering those you know nothing about.

It's cruel.

She is taking advantage of people and ceremony.  She is simply being exposed.

Offline James Marxe

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Re: Shaman Queen Healer / Rain / High Hawk Mountain Feather Kontomble
« Reply #52 on: August 19, 2014, 05:44:54 pm »

Have any of you actually ever met Rain Queen Mother?

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Shaman Queen Healer / Rain / High Hawk Mountain Feather Kontomble
« Reply #53 on: August 19, 2014, 05:58:33 pm »
James contacted me perhaps a week ago, saying similar things in some ways, but writing very differently in others.

He insisted that the whole thread is slanderous and it be taken down, no explanation given. But when I asked for proof why, he gave me the same story about Nemesis. I urged him to come here and give evidence and information that she is not a fraud.

Instead, James, what you are doing is arguing for argument's sake. Worse, sometimes you are arrogantly presuming to lecture Native people about Native cultures. So far I've seen very little evidence.

So let's try again. The only thing useful that you've said so far is you are deeply involved in RQM's inner circle, one of her top people. That's one useful piece of information.

How about something else? Can you answer:
What evidence is there that she is who she claims she is? What African communities claim her?
Why is she involved with a number of pay to pray operators, such as those selling ayahuasca?
Why is she herself involved in pay to pray?

And as for the claims about Nemesis, I should point out two obvious things, one that's already been said. Most of the evidence vs RQM comes from her own website, not Nemesis.

Another member of RQM's circle contacted me many times years ago, when this thread was last active. She said she was a woman of African descent living in England. I'm sorry but I don't remember her name. She went to the trouble of tracking down my cell number. That in itself shows a bit of fanaticism, and many would call that an attempt at intimidation.

She called me repeatedly, never talking for less than an hour each time, saying the same points you have. And much like you have, she would harp on the same points and argue for argument's sake. The only reason I didn't hang up on her, much like we are trying to give you a chance to make your case, is:

We want to be sure about the information we post online.
And once in awhile, once we sort through the argumentativeness, both you and she did actually give some information.

So I hope you will set aside your combativeness. It does no one any good. Can you instead answer the questions above?

A final point: It does not matter if someone met RQM. Your crazy standard on that means no one could ever write about an abuser if they had not personally met them. It's nonsense, and close to spamming or trolling.

Offline RedRightHand

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Re: Shaman Queen Healer / Rain / High Hawk Mountain Feather Kontomble
« Reply #54 on: August 19, 2014, 05:59:44 pm »
Hey there, Mr. Colonial Man.

I get this feeling you're itching to plant the English flag and screech, "I claim this forum for the British Empire!!! God Save the Queen!!! Bow before me, savages!!!!"

Really, you could learn a bit of subtlety, and respect. You could read this forum before bellowing ignorance at us.

You seem to me to be a young, English musician who likes drugs and drug trips. You show no awareness of, or compassion for, the people of the cultures who are being decimated by crass consumers like yourself.  Continuing to steal, and playing Native, does not stop the English colonial mindset; it perpetuates it. Just in more "exotic" drag.

I guess you were looking for a new momma, and somehow a crazy woman who gives you drugs and lies to you seemed like a good choice. I suggest you look into that and stop insulting the good people here.


Offline RedRightHand

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Re: Shaman Queen Healer / Rain / High Hawk Mountain Feather Kontomble
« Reply #55 on: August 19, 2014, 06:10:42 pm »
P.S. James, Are you still paying her? Or are you now getting a cut of what she takes from the marks?

Offline James Marxe

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Re: Shaman Queen Healer / Rain / High Hawk Mountain Feather Kontomble
« Reply #56 on: August 19, 2014, 06:47:01 pm »
Ah finally somebody with some sense.

Hello Mr Carroll.

I sent you anther email just yesterday, maybe you haven't opened it yet.

As mentioned I would rather rectify this outside of the forum as I knew people would be behaving in this way. I am not being combative, just professional. I don't mean to sound condescending but it is the simple truth that nobody on here has any idea what Rain Queen Mother is really about, so they have no authority to speak on the matter.

There is nothing wrong with her websites, it is not my fault that some people may not understand or appreciate them. I refer to the negative posts by mostly nemesis, who is absolutely Toyin, the owner of Ligali. Anyone who does not know Toyin, has no idea what is going in here. He started all this.

Just to be clear, I am simply a friend of Rains. A friend helping out a friend. That is probably hard for some on here to understand.

Meeting her is extremely important if you wish to know more about her. The basis for all points made here is disinformation and propaganda. A technique used for centuries.

So are you purporting that the use of ayahuasca is not acceptable?

I will find out more with regards the evidence you have requested.


Offline James Marxe

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Re: Shaman Queen Healer / Rain / High Hawk Mountain Feather Kontomble
« Reply #57 on: August 19, 2014, 07:03:49 pm »
Also it would help a great deal if people were not to use such terms as:

Pay for pray
Inner circles
One of her top people
Shame on
Etc etc

If you all take a closer look at your own shortcomings instead of pointing the finger at others then you would get further in life.

All these terms are derogatory and unhelpful.
Rain does not have the facilities, time or mindset to run the kind of sham you are dreaming up.

« Last Edit: August 19, 2014, 09:47:02 pm by James Marxe »

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Shaman Queen Healer / Rain / High Hawk Mountain Feather Kontomble
« Reply #58 on: August 19, 2014, 07:18:45 pm »
Also it would help a great deal if people were not to use such terms as:

Pay for pray
Inner circles
One of her top people
Shame on
Etc etc

Please show us that these are not appropriate tags.

If you all take a closer look at your own shortcomings instead of pointing the finger at others then you would get further in life.

Were you ever taught manners?

All these terms are derogatory and unhelpful.
Rain does have the facilities, time or mindset to run the kind of sham you are dreaming up.

And what of your derogatory conduct here?  I'm glad you're at least willing to admit that she has the facilities, time and mindset to run a sham.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2014, 07:28:01 pm by sky »

Offline James Marxe

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Re: Shaman Queen Healer / Rain / High Hawk Mountain Feather Kontomble
« Reply #59 on: August 19, 2014, 07:24:47 pm »
Yes sorry I am very busy and do not really have the time to engage all of you in this fantasy world you are dreaming up in cyberspace, that's why I'm rushing and hence the typos.

I will deal with Mr Carroll directly and get this sorted out.

I appreciate your time but this is going nowhere.

Rain does not have the capability for any of this. With that in mind, your manners are appalling.

Good luck with that.