Author Topic: Barbara Korte / Iris Barkhuysen - Opening the City of Light  (Read 5631 times)


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This causes me concern, since it it so similar to what Little Grandmother is doing with her "Crystal Ceremonies" throughout the world:

I was also concerned when I read that Bennie LeBeau was an inspiration for Barbara Korte:

I can't find anything about Iris, other than she wrote a book:

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Barbara Korte / Iris Barkhuysen - Opening the City of Light
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2012, 08:57:37 pm »
What a beautiful location. Too bad it's being overrun by desperate newagers with more money than sense.

Even if we believed their activities were legitimate (I don't), who in their right mind thinks you find appropriate people to trust with ceremony based on advertising on a website and asking thousands of dollars to participate? Strangers with money show up and people pretend it's a community. It's really sad.

Offline Pono Aloha

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Re: Barbara Korte / Iris Barkhuysen - Opening the City of Light
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2012, 05:46:43 am »
They imply that what they are doing is authentic Hawaiian with language like this:

The Ancients created many sacred sites around the island and to this day they still uphold the ancient wisdom and teachings that have been their inheritance for thousands of years. You can still hear their original language being spoken and their ancient song and dance are shared with those that are ready and open to it. A quiet movement is rising there.... A knowing that it is time for this ancient land of Lemuria to add it's codes and knowledge to the New Earth Rising... and it is adding her heart to humanity's move

They also promise meetings with unnamed kahunas ("shamans") who undoubtedly will not be Native Hawaiian.

We have a word for this -- hewa! Wrong!