Author Topic: Adayara Rivera aka Adayara BudAea - Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order  (Read 6034 times)

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Came across this guy as some mental health practitioners with an alarming interest in newage woo seem to be fans of his.

From his website: (emphasis mine)

I AM Adayara

Adayara Rivera is an inspirational speaker and author of "Awaken the Kryst Within". After 20 years of drug and sex addiction, he experienced a "near-death experience" in 2000 A.D. as a result of a drug overdose. Since that powerful "walk-in, walk-out" experience, Adayara has studied and experienced many spiritual systems of knowledge and energetic healing modalities.

From 2001 to 2005, Adayara explored the gnostic esoteric teachings at the Gnostic Center in Los Angeles, CA. There he studied and experienced: Samatha Vipassana Meditation, Astral Travel, Kabbalah, Soul Retrieval, Sexual Alchemy and Tibetan Rights of Rejuvenation.

Adayara went on to study and train with Alberto Villoldo, PhD and The Four Winds Society specializing in soul retrieval and light body healing.

He journeyed to southern India to The Oneness University where he experienced the the energy blessing known as the Oneness deeksha.

Adayara has trained with Tom Kenyon in the powerful energetic modality of sound healing and the Tibetan lineage of Siddhis Meditation Practice.

In 2006, Adayara found The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ and has dedicated this incarnation to assisting people to remember who they are, where they come from, what their true purpose is and to know where they are going once they leave their physical bodies.

Adayara now travel the planet sharing my life journey and experiences to ALL who care enough to self-heal, self-empower and self-awaken.  


also see

The Adayara Protocol is a paradigm-shifting, self-transformational wellness experience that assists you in self-healing, self-empowerment, and self-awakening.  

From my life experience and perspective, the KEY to reversing the biological-aging process lies in one's ability to achieve BALANCE between the seen (3-dimensional) and unseen (multi-dimensional) aspects of SELF-HEALING.  
The KEY to our self-healing depends upon our capability to restore what is called our "Original Divine Self" through our ability to reconnect with and integrate specific, organic, eternal-life frequencies (energies) achieved through specific MCEO Freedom Teachings™ energy techniques.

This unique life-enhancing protocol is based upon my personal self-healing process and can assist you in attaining SELF-EMPOWERMENT, SELF-HEALING, and SELF-AWAKENING. Reversing the biological-aging process, feeling and looking much younger than your actual age will be the amazing by-product!  

Remember, your inner terrain is reflected in your outer being.




also see (emphasis mine)

Organic Sound Healing utilizes "Krystic" frequencies (energies) that organically connect you to First Creation Process and God-Source. By connecting with the first creation frequencies, one begins the self-healing process through reprogramming your Original Divine Blueprint. Your Original Divine Blueprint is who you were meant to be.  

Experience the most powerful healing sound tones on planet; ANUHAZI, the original first spoken and written language in our 15-dimensional Time Matrix. It is also the original language of ancient ancestors, the Elohei-Elohim races, and the basis of ALL spoken language on Earth today. The Anuhazi language is made up of tones and sounds that carry the frequency of God-Source creation. It contains the frequency of the Original Divine Intent and is thus a form of Conscious Living Light and Sound. Every sound and tone within the language resonates with the energy template underlying all manifest forms when in their Original Divine form. Anuhazi is the spoken language of our DNA Template! It is the true LANGUAGE of CREATION where the name (or sound) of anything in manifestation corresponds directly to its tonal energy signature.

Performed by Adayara BudAea Rivera, Organic Sound Specialist, who plays specific 99.9% quartz toning bowls to assist you to anchor and RE-integrate these beautiful, healing frequencies. This pre-ancient type of energy work was used in ancient civilizations (Lemuria and Atlantis) and was then lost for thousands of years, only now to resurface. By connecting to one's D-12 Avatar identity, one is able to properly, with highest intent, direct the immensity of this energy for the healing, re-balancing, manifesting and materializing a new probability here on Earth.


He's going to be in London soon.

Adayara Live in London, U.K. - December, 10 & 11, 2011

The Henry VIII Hotel
23 Leinster Gardens,
London, U.K.
Saturday & Sunday, 2pm-5pm

Come join Adayara Rivera (author and inspirational speaker of “Awaken the Kryst Within”) for a 2-day experience of his unique self-transformational, wellness protocol, as he shares what he considers the key aspects to reversing the biological aging process.

“ I am proof that it is absolutely possible to reversing the biological aging process.”
– Adayara Rivera

"The Adayara Protocol" is a unique integration of:

Energy strengthening, clearing and self-healing MCEO Freedom Teachings™ techniques,
Natural detoxifying, immune-enhancing products,
Contaminant free drinking water - free from chemicals, bacteria and radiation.
The Transformation Diet
Exceptional anti-aging facial treatment using cutting-edge collagen to help prevent and repair aging, sun damage, discolorations, and acne scarring.

Outline schedule:
December 10, Saturday:

Attendees will experience The Adayara Protocol in three phases:

2pm - Experience deepest levels of pure sound therapy with a unique sound healing meditation.

3pm - Adayara shares his 5 keys to self-transformational rejuvenation.

4pm - Experience the cutting-edge Purigenex collagen face mask to help prevent and repair aging. Normally available only to doctors, Medspas, Dayspas, and licensed Skin Care Professionals. Now available through The Adayara Protocol!

December 11, Sunday:

Attendees will experience The Remembering Process:

2pm - The Secret of the Sea: Reverse Biological Aging w/ Essential Marine Plasma Water

3pm - Experience a powerful MCEO Freedom Teachings™ energetic water re-coding technique.

4pm - Q & A Session with Adayara

£120 for the 2 days, plus whatever the special water and face masks cost - a bargain (well maybe)

FB page here

workshop in the US here

He's on blogtalkradio doing a show on Sacred Sexuality & The Art of Relationships

The  theory behind his various "therapies" is the ridiculously named "Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order" which is linked to Keylontic Morphogenetic Science™

this is another one of his websites

which says
Reclaim Your Bio-Spiritual Evolution   
Keylontic Science is the Sacred Teachings of The Law of One, being returned to the Angelic/Human Race at this most important time in the evolution of the Race and Planet. The principles of Keylontic Science are Ascension Teachings, the Mechanics of Creation and the dynamics of Merkabas.

It looks so insane that I suspect that its main fans / consumers are extremely vulnerable or mentally ill.  

Is it me or do these sites have a whiff of "Drunvalo" about them?

It all seems batshit crazy to me, but I would welcome other opinions.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2011, 03:46:57 pm by nemesis »