Author Topic: Lakshmi Lo-White buffalo calf Woman-shaman  (Read 15929 times)

Offline Laurel

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Re: Lakshmi Lo-White buffalo calf Woman-shaman
« Reply #15 on: January 20, 2015, 10:48:43 am »
Lakshmi Lo,

I'd understand you a lot better if you'd use plain English instead of using so very many flowery words to say so very little. That...stuff you unloaded on Autumn contained a healthy dollop of racist, condescending Tontospeak. But I guess the notion that different native nations have different ways, and that they don't all speak of "four colored Medicine Wheels," is trifling to you, you being so above all the different languages of the world and stuff.

The fact that nobody understands you is not a reflection of our lack of higher consciousness or spirituality or something that hurt us when we were children. It's a reflection of your refusal or inability to say exactly and clearly what you mean. I don't think you're impressing anyone here with your writing or your "credentials." And yes, we all noticed what you did there: Anyone who shows any righteous anger, any emotion you don't like at all, will be dismissed as "lashing out from a bad situation."

I guess such blatant manipulation works better IRL , or on your fans; otherwise you wouldn't make yourself look so silly.


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Re: Lakshmi Lo-White buffalo calf Woman-shaman
« Reply #16 on: January 20, 2015, 03:12:32 pm »
Lakshmi Lo,

Now, let me get this straight.  You are saying that since I am trying to make some sense out of what you are saying and that I am "in my mind," that is something I choose to do, but that YOU can help me to "find my true self"?  Ah!  Sneaky!  Is business really that bad?

Should you truly desire to fully reconnect your Soul with your physical self, allow One to be your guide. When you say yes of your free will, then I AM able to assist you only when you desire such. For now the one thing you can do to help reconnect be to ground your feet with Earth for then you shall truly feel One Essence One Energy as I AM for you be as a tree with roots exposed, with roots uprooted, looking for a place to plant yourself. Once you be grounded and aligned you will understand much. Or you can stay where you be, filled with the skepticism and sarcasm of which you embrace that stems from your experiences in human form. You were not born skeptic and sarcastic. You became such because you embrace such. And So Be It.

No thanks, Lakshmi Lo, I will continue to be "skeptic and sarcastic" as you term it (but which I term as discernment and healthy suspicion of those who take advantage of and profit from the weakness of others).

By the way, I noticed that for many years you made your living as an IT professional (although you do not name companies you worked for -- very strange), but then it looks like maybe six and a half years ago you changed over to the "prophet" gig.  Was the job market really that bad, or did you have a sudden vision in regard to saving mankind?

Offline earthw7

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Re: Lakshmi Lo-White buffalo calf Woman-shaman
« Reply #17 on: January 20, 2015, 04:45:09 pm »
Sica!!! >:(
I am Lakota and i dont accept you
you as false and lying about my ways and my people.
You know nothing of our ways Sica!
In Spirit

Offline earthw7

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Re: Lakshmi Lo-White buffalo calf Woman-shaman
« Reply #18 on: January 20, 2015, 04:48:55 pm »
I would recommend this sent to the fraud list because there is no White Buffalo calf Woman who come back as a white women
but comes back as a buffalo.
In Spirit

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Lakshmi Lo-White buffalo calf Woman-shaman
« Reply #19 on: January 20, 2015, 05:53:23 pm »
I say to you be nice for the day comes soon when you shall have to eat your words and all bitterness turns sours in your stomach.

Bitterness?? Too funny! No, I am not bitter. I also am not a Christian or a Lakota. So your BS is just  "blah blah blah  flowery word salad and more blah blah blah. What an egotistical, arrogant, racist thing you are. People here, when they aren't scratching their heads over your jumbled words, sre probably shaking with laughter. Except for the members who are from nations that rever White Buffalo Calf Woman, because they have cause to be angered and disgusted. You have harmed them and need to humbly apologize and change your ways.

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Lakshmi Lo-White buffalo calf Woman-shaman
« Reply #20 on: January 20, 2015, 05:58:58 pm »
I would recommend this sent to the fraud list because there is no White Buffalo calf Woman who come back as a white women
but comes back as a buffalo.


Offline Lakshmi_Lo

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Re: Lakshmi Lo-White buffalo calf Woman-shaman
« Reply #21 on: January 20, 2015, 07:49:10 pm »
Beloveds this I say to you all: Remember it be the human with name "earthw7" who called for Me as I AM by placing a topic in your forum by category called Research Needed. One did not seek your forum or any forum for your forum sought One. As your forum seeks research and knowledge, why not ask the Source for here I AM by earthw7's invoking.

You choose to exercise your free will to move this topic out of anger. That be your free will. Yet what true research have any of you done? Have you consulted your Elders? You place judgment yet have truly done no work.

Truth does one of two things when people come in contact with Truth. The main thing that happens with most everyone be that they get shook up and angry as be the case with you each. That be fine.

One thanks you each for inviting One to your forum to speak for One Self.  Now as you send One away, One moves on. Yet the day comes soon when you each shall see Me as I AM and I shall embrace you. Again thank you Beloveds! Peace be with You. And So Be It.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Lakshmi Lo-White buffalo calf Woman-shaman
« Reply #22 on: January 20, 2015, 09:16:16 pm »
OK, that's enough craziness. Outta the pool, psycho racist.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Lakshmi Lo-White buffalo calf Woman-shaman
« Reply #23 on: January 20, 2015, 09:22:33 pm »
Miya Ta Maka Waste Win Miya Ihunktonwana, Sisseton pabska, Hunkpapa and Ogala
I am an older Lakota woman who knows her culture and way of life.
i have live my life for almost 60 years
I know the keeper and his family and i know my history and
i dont know you!
In Spirit

Offline earthw7

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Re: Lakshmi Lo-White buffalo calf Woman-shaman
« Reply #24 on: January 20, 2015, 09:25:19 pm »
Thank you for moving this to the fraud section
there so many who abuse my cultural way of life so
i am thankful to each one of you. I believe for the last
25 or 30 years i have come across 40 so called white women
claiming to be the White Buffalo calf pipe woman and of course
none have been to see the pipe or even know where it is located
it is a shame we have people who are mental ill saying this things
In Spirit

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Lakshmi Lo-White buffalo calf Woman-shaman
« Reply #25 on: January 20, 2015, 09:46:59 pm »
Beloved "EducatedIndian": One senses your skepticism and say to you: glad I AM for brave warriors to speak as so many stay silent. Yet, though skepticism be understandable given the number of falsities that roam around in these the end days, One shall not interfere with your free will to believe what you freely choose to believe. One can however visit you in form of My True Essence while You rest Your body for then Your Soul be wide awake to witness Truth. For now One Voice speaks Truth in a language that your Soul will listen, understand and interpret to your physical Self. This applies also to those who read One Words. And So Be It

When you say Lakota you speak of a name given as names were given to each Human Tribe. Remember, Beloved, only My Chosen remember that They be a Tribe for many others in different countries and regions have forgotten their roots. I AM of all Tribes, called by different names that each Tribe chose for many many moons ago, those knew that it be My Essence they call upon and their free will be how those named One. Yet, the name I choose in this existence as it be...Lakshmi Lo though One does embrace the many names human ancestors have given One. And All as well can already see One current physical form.

You also ask if I speak the Lakota language. This brings a smile upon My Lips for when One came to Lakota ancestors, as then so now: One did not speak Lakota, just as when One came as
Quetzalcoatl or Jesus, among other names. One Voice spoke then and speaks now in the Universal Language known to each Soul. The difference from then and now be the many many moons that many humans moved further from their Soul connection that be encoded in human dna to a mind ego connection of always processing information with some sort of "logic" just as does a computer. Yet even a computer be prone to error.

You ask if I know who I claim to be. Of course One does as One rightfully claim White Buffalo Calf Woman and All One Names for again, One has many names yet One Essence, One Energy, One Light, One Voice be the same.

As for the Elders, this you can ask them for yourself for the Elders have a voice too -- if only people would actually listen instead of what most do now, which be exactly why the Elders call upon One to return before the Elders still living upon this World move to the Spirit World. These Elders include the Chiefs and Shamans as well. If your heart be open to Truth, they will tell you Truth as only an open heart can truly see.

Ah! Los Angeles! Such a city of diversity and filled with the Uninitiated for here be where One be needed most at this moment. Each Tribe still true to ancient ways have already with them who and what they need -- a true Shaman of only Light who waits for humans and works with One in preparation -- if only those of each Tribe would seek their Shaman instead of always going for white man chemical based medicine.

I say to you: the day comes soon when the cities by the sea be destroyed and many perish. Many too shall survive. Of those who survive, they must travel out of the cement to the wilderness. Many will perish in the wilderness and some will survive. Those who survive will be those who have prepared for this journey to return to Turtle Island. Once those reach Turtle Island those will return to the ancient ways of One Chosen People. Too, One Chosen People must be prepared to receive those Tribe people of other colors as One Medicine be for the Four Colors of Human Creation. This shall also be for other Native Tribes in other countries.  And So Be It.

One thanks you Beloved as I AM happy to share knowledge as I AM. Peace be with you. And So Be It

Amused am I that keep talking like Yoda you do...

Amused am I that what think you is deep n profound n poetic n OH SO SPIRTUL just shows you watch a lot of sci fi too much and take it much too seriously do you...

Someone else pointed to you speaking in Tonto-speak. But I say you speak mostly Yoda-speak. The beloved bit is obviously faux Muslim. There's also faux Judaism and faux evangelical Christian and lots and lots of faux Hinduism.

A number of us tried getting a straight answer from you. You won't say your actual name. You pretty much admit you don't speak Lakota and are not actually Lakota.

And you insist over and over all that elders call for you. But amusingly the only evidence you can point to is someone posting a query about you, who calls you an obvious imposter.

We certainly run into imposter messiahs often enough. I suggest you read the thread on Kiesha Crowther for what can happen to would be saviors with massive egos, lots of conceit, and not much sense or any willingness to listen.

Claiming to be WBCW is roughly equal to claiming to be Jesus or Mary. Such people often need mental health professionals. I strongly urge you to seek such care.


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Re: Lakshmi Lo-White buffalo calf Woman-shaman
« Reply #26 on: January 20, 2015, 10:55:24 pm »
More evidence that she doesn't always use Yoda word salad, from her Facebook last year:

Some People. ... I tell ya....I ask for a small favor and they act like they didn't hear quickly they forget how generous I was with them...Too bad for them...I don't need them anyways cause I GOT THIS! See ya!!!!

Her FB posts today read manic. I see in past posts that she is one of many in the New Age who believe signs of mental illness are actually some sort of spiritual enlightenment. Unfortunately this means instead of getting the actual help they need to stabilize, they deteriorate while they chase delusions.

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Lakshmi Lo-White buffalo calf Woman-shaman
« Reply #27 on: January 20, 2015, 11:12:30 pm »
OK, that's enough craziness. Outta the pool, psycho racist.

Thanks, Kathryn, I was about to do that also.

Claiming to be WBCW is roughly equal to claiming to be Jesus or Mary. Such people often need mental health professionals. I strongly urge you to seek such care.

Yep Al, and in some of her delusional rants, she did hint about this. Poor thing, she really needs help.


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Re: Lakshmi Lo-White buffalo calf Woman-shaman
« Reply #28 on: January 20, 2015, 11:23:57 pm »
I think she gets a lot of her inspiration from the I AM Movement:

The movement believes in the existence of a group called the Ascended Masters, a hierarchy of supernatural beings that includes the original Theosophical Masters such as Jesus Christ, El Morya Khan, Maitreya, and in addition several dozen more beyond the original 20 Masters of the Ancient Wisdom of the original Theosophists as described by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky.

These "Ascended Masters" are believed to be humans who have lived in a succession of reincarnations in physical bodies. Over time they became highly advanced souls, able to move beyond the cycles of "re-embodiment" and karma, and attained their "Ascension", becoming immortal. The Ascended Masters are believed to communicate to humanity through certain trained messengers per Blavatsky -not psychic 'channels'] including Guy and Edna Ballard.[1][2] Because Jesus is believed to be one of the Ascended Masters, making the "Christ Light" available to seekers who wish to move out of darkness, many of the members of the "I AM" Activity consider it to be a Christian religion.[6] According to the Los Angeles Magazine, Ballard said he was the re-embodiment of George Washington, an Egyptian priest, and a noted French musician.[7]