Author Topic: Re: Shuar shaman in Sweden  (Read 37177 times)

Offline vikinglady

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Re: Shuar shaman in Sweden
« on: September 20, 2005, 06:15:16 pm »
They have a disclaimer on their website about the "shaman" who went to prison for molesting women and children, saying that Native ceremonies do NOT include sex!  I guess the reputation of that guy might ruin things for the r-e-a-l shamans!

This woman´s name rings a bell soooo much, but damn if I can remember from when and why.

Barnaby, did she have some connections with "our friend" Galina Lindqvist? They both come from academia...


Offline piya

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Re: Shuar shaman in Sweden
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2005, 06:56:36 pm »
Without doubt a Fraud, just by her defensive actions, they all follow the same kind of trait:

Extremely hostile ( Obvious giveaway )

Secret Shamans....impossible if no one in the community knew ( how would they learn)

The harm the gossip will do.............yeh, the community will be up in arms about their disrespect, and likely denounce them.

Spread the word far and wide about them.


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Offline educatedindian

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Re: Shuar shaman in Sweden
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2005, 07:20:57 pm »
I'll write to the contacts I made at Swedish universities and see what can be done.

I also found a site that reviews her book. Writing a review that points out her lies is a good way to warn people. You could just cut and paste your post.

Offline vikinglady

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Re: Shuar shaman in Sweden
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2005, 08:45:30 pm »
Aaaah, my brain is working again!

THIS is where I saw her name:

Check half way down where it says "Al på Europaturné" (Al on a European tour).  Scroll further down and it says "Trumresa med Marie och Mingo" (Drumjourney).

Al´s lectuer got cancelled, the organiser wasn´t very organised.....

More from that website:

"During the course we visit the Under world and learn how to communicate with spirits and totemanimals. (40 USD )." "Before and after the drumjourney it´s possible to get energyhealing in the traditional Native American way. " (30 USD)

Offline AndreasWinsnes

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Re: Shuar shaman in Sweden
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2006, 12:18:52 pm »
Where is the first posts in this thread? I would like to know more about Marie Perruchon and her "secret shamanism", so please post any info you got.

Offline Freija

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Re: Shuar shaman in Sweden
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2006, 03:03:12 pm »
Yes, where did Kantuta´s post go?

I talked to her quite a lot on private emails about this issue and some other guys here in Sweden helped out writing protestletters to the university. Kantuta herself has gone back to South America.

She told me she had been down to the village in S. America where Marie Perruchon´s husband ( boyfriend? ) comes from and the elders in that village had been deeply disturbed and saddened about the way he misbehaved himself as he was certainly no shaman.

I don´t have much more info apart from that Kantuta said that Marie Perruchon had done whatever she could to critizise and threaten her.


Offline educatedindian

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Re: Shuar shaman in Sweden
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2006, 05:03:45 pm »
Not sure what happened with the first post, but I'm reposting it as part of the letter I sent to people in Sweden.

>From: al carroll
>Subject: Phony Indian "Shaman" at University of Gavle
>Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 13:17:04 -0700 (PDT)
>Hi everyone,
>We have a member of NAFPS now who is a Quechua/Aymara woman living in
>Norway. She has some distrubing information, that Marie Perruchon, a
>professor at Uppsala University, is a spiritual exploiter of the type I
>spoke about on my tour.
>I'd like to write to Karl Johan Gurt, but he gave me his phone number and
>not his email. If any of you have it, please forward it to me.
>Also if you have any contacts at Uppsala University or University of Gavle,
>please forward them. I only hope that it's because of ignorance of what she
>is doing that they would still allow her to teach at a university.
>Below is the post about Perruchon.
>"Marie Perruchon is a swedish woman, PhD in Cultural Anthropology at the
>University of Uppsala, who has lived for two years with the Shuar in the
>Ecuadorian Amazon. She has been married to a Shuar man, and they are now
>living in Sweden where she teaches about Shamanism and New Age at the
>University of Gävle. She and her husband, Domingo Jempekat, claim to be
>initiated shamans, and together they give courses and do
>healing.( On their website says that Domingo has also
>been tought "Inkahealing" by "Inka shamans" (There are no Inkas, the Inka
>empire existed 500 years ago and concisted of different tribes, no one
>calls them selves "Inka shaman" today.)
>I spent two months in the Amazon and talked to the people from Domingo
>Jempekats village and they where all surprised to hear that Domingo and
>Marie claimed to be shamans, as Domingo had never been interested in his
>culture, he did not speak the Shuar-language and nobody in his family knew
>about any traditional healing. They where also angry that Marie claimed
>having been initiated, as this is a process that takes more that two years
>(the lenght of time she spent there) and no foreigner had ever been
>Marie Perruchon has written a book about Shuar shamanism; "I am Tsunki",
>and most of the book is based on what she has been told by Domingo
>Jempekats familymembers about shamanism/traditional healing. Or so she
>says. According to the people in the Shuar communities, this is a family
>with no knowledge about traditional healing, and since her husband claims
>to be a shaman, although he has absolutely no status as a shaman in his own
>community, it seems to me that neither the book nor her sources can be
>When returning from Ecuador, I wrote a letter to Marie, telling her about
>what the people in her husbands community felt about what they (Marie and
>her husband) did and what they claimed to be, and the response I got was
>extremly hostile. She wrote that she and Domingo indeed where shamans, but
>they did not want anyone in their communty to know about their status. They
>where "chamanes escondidos", spanish for "hidden-" or "secret shamans". She
>wrote that my gossip had done a terrible harm and that I shouldn't think
>that I understand anything after having spent only two months with the
>Shuar. She had lived with them for two years, and she is PhD, so she should
>know, she wrote.
>For those of you who understand Swedish, please take a look at her website
>and read what it says, it's all absolute crap and fraud.
>And the worst thing, is that this woman has a doctoral degree at Uppsala
>Universitet, the university with the best reputation in Sweden.
>Now, what to do?"

Offline AndreasWinsnes

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Re: Shuar shaman in Sweden
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2006, 01:51:26 am »
I have just sent an e-mail to Marie asking for a comment on the accusation of her being a fraud. It will be interesting to hear her answer.

Offline kanushi

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Frauds accusing "frauds"
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2006, 07:58:01 pm »
How is it possible that  an "educatedindian" receives a message from a supposed indian who accuses a scholar for being a fraud, and instantly forwards this disinformation to others, without checking out if that person is a fraud or not. The person,
[edit]the name will be restored if you can prove we've been taken in[/edit] isn't an indian, and hasn't been among the shuar indians two months. She stayed two weeks in a city in the Ecuadorian Amazon and hasn't read a single book about the shuar or spoken to people there. What she claims to be and know about the Shuar is fraud.

Please, Al Carroll, read the publications of your supposed enemies before deciding that they are enemies. You doesn't seem educated enouth to be able to hold an objective standard.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by Barnaby_McEwan »
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Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Shuar shaman in Sweden
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2006, 07:25:03 am »
I guess you got so worked up about Al supposedly not looking for evidence that you forgot to provide any to back up your own assertions. Provide some, quickly.

Later: kanushi's IP address is one of a block of broadband addresses serving Uppsala, Sweden. Marie Perruchon uses a University of Uppsala email address. Who'd have thought it?
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by Barnaby_McEwan »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Shuar shaman in Sweden
« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2006, 04:26:33 pm »
"Kanushi's" attempts to smear Kantuta don't change one simple fact: The evidence we have against Perruchon is largely her own website. Perruchon is still clearly a fraud and exploiter selling highly dubious ceremonies and claims about "Inkas" and Shuar. Kantuta when she was here showed herself to be pretty knowledgeable and concerned.

It does seem like either Perruchon herself, or a follower of hers, is going after critics. We still don't know why the original post disappeared, but I'd hate to think it was due to pressure or intimidation. We also have some pretty bizarre behavior from "Kanushi". Her profile lists as a slogan "Spirituality and Death!" with an icon of Boba Fett. I found two meanings for Kanushi, a Hindu baby name and "caretake" in Japanese. If Kanushi is Perruchon or one of her followers, that doesn't say too much for their stability.

Perruchon's "scholarship" seems nonexistent, mostly just making up claims about the Shuar to sell ceremonies. In the US, most anthropologists would want nothing to do with her. Annika, do you know how I could get in touch with Swedish anthropology organizations?

Offline kanushi

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Re: Shuar shaman in Sweden
« Reply #11 on: May 19, 2006, 05:57:06 pm »
Unfortunately I'm not Marie Perruchon or a "follower" of her, just a student. I have had her as a teacher in anthropology courses and read her doctoral thesis, which is an excellent one. I didn't know she had a home page, but now I checked it out and what is said there is that:

1/ She and her partner give lectures in traditional shamanism and neoshamanism.

2/ They give courses in neoshamanism.

3/ They both have their background in Amazonian (shuar) shamanism.

4/ Her husband give energy healing, which he learned from an Andean ("inka") shaman.

5/ They have a non-profit association and give 80% of the surplus they yield to single Shuar mothers.

They doesn't sound as frauds to me. At the contrary, they seem unusually serious.
May the force be with you

Offline AndreasWinsnes

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Re: Shuar shaman in Sweden
« Reply #12 on: May 19, 2006, 06:18:12 pm »
How can one be serious when authentic shamans in Evenkia and Buryatia are strongly opposed to persons who use the title "shaman" outside of Tengerism? Perruchon don't give lectures in traditional shamanism, because you have to be a Tengerist to teach the healing arts of the shamans. Tengerists say that talk of shamanism is just as stupid as to talk about priestism and cardinalism. Traditional shamanism has never existed, so how can anyone be "Neo-"?
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by AndreasWinsnes »

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Shuar shaman in Sweden
« Reply #13 on: May 19, 2006, 07:19:39 pm »
I didn't know she had a home page, but now I checked it out and what is said there is that:

Newage shamans often say that kind of thing: they are often shown to be fantasists. If we'd wanted a detailed translation of her website, we'd have asked our Swedish friend Annika. I'm asking you for the last time to provide evidence which backs up what you've said about Kantuta. Do not post anything else until you've done that.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by Barnaby_McEwan »

Offline snorks

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Re: Shuar shaman in Sweden
« Reply #14 on: May 20, 2006, 06:13:23 pm »
The clue about whether they were frauds or at least taken in by one: energy healing.  That is a New Age tenent and practice.