Author Topic: Fake Pipe Carriers  (Read 39166 times)

Offline voiceOfReason

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Re: Fake Pipe Carriers
« Reply #15 on: March 22, 2008, 04:06:33 pm »
This attempt to hijack a thread in Frauds was moved. Kindly have the manners not to do that again, Voice.

Voice/Contrary, you certainly are being disrespectful. You are presuming to lecture a Lakota about Lakota traditions. And you are smearing people as racist when they dedicate themselves to fighting the racism inherent in white Nuagers asserting White Privilege, that they somehow "have a right" to take over, misuse, misrepresent, etc, Native traditions.

I didn't attempt to "hijack" anything.  I merely asked a simple question:  How can you tell whether a pipe carrier is "fake" or not.  I got answers based on Lakota tradition.  But I merely stated that Lakota is not the only indigenous peoples on our continent.  There are many teachings.  To believe that only one is the true and right way is exclusionary and arrogant, and [Condescension].

 Nor did I ever say anything about nuagers.  

The responses I am getting to my post which put words in my mouth only serve to illustrate [Personal insults removed].

I assumed that this site is in place to try to protect all *First Nations* spiritual practice.

This is especially ironic since you use the English spelling for "colour" leading me to believe you are likely a European. So all that you say is very condescending.

If you are in the U.S.A., this means that yours is the only English speaking country that spells color in this way.  [Personal insult removed].  The tribes that I speak of should give you a clue, and maybe give you clues as to where my teachings come from.

Educatedindian, you can speak of these imaginary boundaries as if they are real and make any sort of difference in the world.  They are nothing but human constructs to allow one group of people say, "you are different than I".  When the true meaning of "all my relations", shows that this is not so.  It is an illusion.  We are all brothers and sisters. Two leggeds. All human.  COLOUR or tribe means nothing in the eyes of the great spirit.

Do you all presume to know better than our creator?

If you don't know that virtually EVERY Native tradition I'm aware of says one must be a part of that people to be a teacher or medicine person, then you don't know much.

Every Native tradition that *you* are aware of.  [Personal insult] [Personal insult] [Personal insult]

Yaqui? Mazatec? Cree? Tlingit? Blackfoot? Many elders give teachings to those that are not a part of that people because they see that these divisions are simply illusions.  They remember the true meaning of "we are related".

Even some of the most celebrated Lakota elders have seen the bigger picture and given their teachings to those outside of their own people.

You also are making an ignorant claim that all tribal peoples practice pipe traditions, even including Africans. So tell me, why don't Apaches have pipe keepers? (Pipe carrier is the Nuage term, and hundreds of THEM imagine themselves to be "pipe carriers".)

I never made any such claim.  I never once said "ALL tribal people practice pipe traditions."  I said, "Medicine men from all cultures traditionally used pipes in their ceremony"  Specifically making reference to the fact that there are indigenous traditions from all races that utilize a pipe of some form or another.

The term "pipe carrier" was used in the original thread by, I am assuming, a Native non-nuager.

Navajos? Cherokees? Six Nations? Mayans? Etc, etc. In fact none of the tribes outside of the Plains have keepers of a sacred pipe in anything even close to what the Lakota do. Pipes are used in ceremony sometimes, but not nearly in the same way. Like many Nuagers, you are homogenizing all Native traditions, imagining them to be nearly identical.

Again, putting words in my mouth. I never specifically mentioned the Lakota at all.  In many ceremonies that I have attended, Lakota, Cree, Tlingit, Blackfoot, The pipe is used in the same way.

I am not homogenizing all Native traditions, only speaking from my experience.  However, like many Christians, bible thumpers and [Personal attacks] [Personal insults]

You claim you know these things based on "learning and experience" and yet you also make the very prideful boasting claim of being a contrary. This can't help but give us the impression that you have yourself been taken in people falsely claiming to be medicine people, and that you want to believe somehow they are not wrong. I hope I'm wrong about that (since I don't like to see anyone harmed or lied to) but it does seem like that is what's driving these bizarre and insulting attempts to lecture Native people about Native traditions.

I did not choose the name I was given, nor did I choose the path that comes along with it.  For me, this does not give me pride, nor is it something that I boast about.  Personally, I grappled with this for years and did not want it.

I stated that this is who I am to give you an idea of why I am here and why I speak the way I do.  In the end, I care about you and love you all because you are all my relations, no matter what colour or tribe you are from.  I wouldn't be here if I didn't.  But after reading a number of posts, it's apparent and obvious to me that [Personal insult], and this [Personal insult] which will always keep you from experiencing your true nature.

Quite frankly, the [Personal insult] is astounding.  The fact that you presume to know whether someone's teachers are "falsely claiming to be medicine people" and that they are "wrong" based on a few minor interactions on the Internet [Personal insult] and is [Personal insult] to your own spirit and ways.

I hope you stay and learn, and that one of the first things you learn is something most Natives have been taught by elders and family, to listen more than speak, or you will never learn anything.

Oh yes, I agree.   [Personal insults].

This is for all of you participating in this thread:

Simply because I have beliefs and teachings that run contrary to some of yours does not make me a nuager, nor does it define the colour of my skin.

If even for a second any of you made these assumptions, then it is probably in your best interests to truly examine the motivations for your actions on this site, and examine what it is that drives your passion to protect these ways.

All my relations

[Al's note: Numerous personal insults removed. And they will continue to be. Learn basic manners and quit being the Voice of Condescension.]
« Last Edit: March 22, 2008, 11:36:55 pm by educatedindian »

Offline voiceOfReason

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Re: Fake Pipe Carriers
« Reply #16 on: March 22, 2008, 04:21:14 pm »

You claim you are not using Lakota ways and yet you bring up White Buffalo Calf Woman who is only a part of Lakota/Dakota/Nakota ways. And also the much misused phrase you use of "All My Relations" is another thing from that culture. And from a late Lakota friend, I know how skewed nuagers have made this phrase. You nuagers seem to think it means something entirely different then what it truly means. But I will leave that for Lakota People to explain that.

I bring up White Buffalo Calf Woman because I am apparently speaking to a Lakota.

And given the true meaning of the phrase, "All my relations", there is no such thing as misuse.  If more people understood *AND BELIEVED* the true meaning of those words, the world would not be in the state it is today.  In fact, if all of you truly believed this, this site probably would not exist.

The meaning behind these words is found in many different languages and stated in many different ways in many different cultures.  The spiritual understanding that we are all related is not a thing that is unique to the Lakota.

If "all my relations" excludes anything at all for you... or means to you that, "I am related only to those who agree with me and are the same tribe and/or colour and/or follow my ways and/or practice their spirituality in a specific way", then you are lost to the true meaning of the words themselves.

When you say, "All my relations" in your ceremony or in your home, are you not including all things of this world?  Your own people, of course.. The Eagle, yes?  The bear? The wolf? What of the Condor?  What of the Elephant in Africa?  What of the grass? The trees?  The rocks?  The mountains?  The child in Afghanistan?  The rest of the universe?  Are they not all your relations?

All my relations

Offline voiceOfReason

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Re: Fake Pipe Carriers
« Reply #17 on: March 22, 2008, 04:33:20 pm »
When the protocols were given the words "All My Relations" meant for all our Relations including every creation.....there was no knowledge of the White Race, Black Race or Yellow Races....

I deeply respect your teachings on the red stones.  So to this I will not comment, as this is your way and your teachings.  I have seen pipes of many shapes, colours and sizes. Made of many different materials.  They are all sacred to the bearer.

Your words above, are true and good.  "All My Relations" meant for all our relations *including every creation*.

Every creation.


Even at that time, this included all peoples and all races.  All things in the known and unknown universe.

Every Creation.

yet they want to disregard the protocols to have it and try to use the meaning of All My Relations to include themselves into it.......They try to make the words into a racist meaning.....there is the mistake of it......

As I said in another post.  If, to you, "All My Relations" excludes any of the great spirit's creations, then you seriously need to re-evaluate what these ways mean to you and why you are here, on this site.

If any people include themselves in this and believe that everything is "their relation", this is not "racist". This is good!  And there is no mistake in that.

All my relations

Offline Freija

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Re: Fake Pipe Carriers
« Reply #18 on: March 22, 2008, 04:59:16 pm »
I agree with you that we are all related - I am related to the nature and to all other people, not by blood but in a spiritual sense.

THEREFORE I have an obligation to show other people r-e-s-p-e-c-t, to listen to their wisdom, to have faith in them knowing how to take care of their part of Mother Earth and letting them do that without interferense. Seeing them as my "relatives" means NOT to take their things, abuse their sacred ways, but to help them to protect what is closest to their hearts.

Isn´t that the way you treat your relations?

Offline voiceOfReason

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Re: Fake Pipe Carriers
« Reply #19 on: March 22, 2008, 05:24:07 pm »
I guess I will put in my 2 cents worth here....

Excellent!  The more, the merrier!

First of all I am having difficulty with your user name, as you sound more like the voice of arrogance than the voice of reason.

Oh, I don't know.  Maybe [Personal insult], you may go back and re-read some of the posts in this thread, and you may see the truth of it.  If you find me arrogant, well, that is ok with me.  At least I have gotten you to participate, and maybe think about your reasons for being here.

Yes many indigenous Nations used pipes and several have a long relationship with the Sacred Pipe. As far as I know, all the First Nations that had a relationship with the Sacred Pipe have had very strict protocols around how the Sacred Pipe is treated, and when, where, and by whom it may be used.

Yes. On this we agree.

However, perhaps the difference here is that my teachings did not specify tribe or colour in relation to these, only *character*.

My personal belief is that any teaching designed to exclude a person based on any reason, (I.e.: a person's colour), and which causes division can only be rooted the historical past between the races, which means it is rooted in anger and hate.

As Chaska stated, "there was no knowledge of the White Race, Black Race or Yellow Races...."  If this is the case, then why would there be teachings related to colour?  If there was no knowledge of other races when the original teachings were given, then where do you think these "new" teachings came from?

You parrot off "All my relations" but you reduce the Sacred Pipe to nothing more than an object, when you remove it from all it's relationships with The People, and the culture.

Reading back through the thread, I think [Personal insult] that the pipe is a living, breathing thing that deserves respect.  My teachings are that the pipe chooses it's bearer, for whatever reasons it has. It is not for us to question this.

In fact, it knows, better than we do that all is related as this is it's teaching. Rock, Tree, Fire, Air, Male, Female, North, South, East, West, Mother Earth, The Great Spirit, all the two leggeds, the four leggeds, the winged ones, the finned ones... they are all there.

Maybe a properly cared for Sacred Pipe can sometimes help individual non native people, though I am not sure about that. A lot of the power of traditional things like the Pipe seems to be in the connection they provide indigenous people to their own ancient history . So I am not sure how well these things can work outside of this context. They may work OK occasionally, but i am very sure that if traditions are removed from the context in which they have a long history, they loose much of their power to lift people into something much greater than themselves, and the healing this provides. I also believe Prayers performed with sincerity anywhere by anyone, have the power to heal and are a help to the world. Probably this is especially true when these Prayers have the added support and context provided by ones own ancient traditions, but when the outer trappings of other peoples traditions are adopted, it really seems to miss the point of both Prayer and the purpose of traditions in supporting Prayer. 

By removing the Sacred Pipe from the culture, the protocols, the rules of how these things are done, you remove the Pipe from all it's relations, and it is being treated like a non living object. 

Aaahh... Now [Condescension]  I completely understand and agree with what you say here, and this is good.  Context is everything.

So ask yourself, when the first pipe was given to the people, there was no history.  No tradition established.  No connection to the past of the people.  What made this pipe sacred?  What gave this pipe it's life?  What gave it it's ability to heal and bring the people together?

My belief is that this pipe has power because of the *intention* and respect in the hearts of the people who use it.  Which is still true for that pipe today, and is true for all sacred pipes.

Which goes back to my first post.  It is really all about intention and respect.

I have seen sacred pipes help individual non-native people.  Not all are blind to the traditions and the teachings.  Not all are disrespectful of these ways. To paint large swaths of people with the label of "black" or "white" or paint all people of a specific race or tribe with the same wide brush is no better than them painting Indigenous people with the brush of "alcoholics, bums and derelicts".

I wonder what would become of the Buddhist religion if all the teachings were reduced to possessing a little stone statue of the Buddha.

It's interesting you bring up buddhism, as this is a spiritual system in which the adherents believe that there are no boundaries to who can practice.  It doesn't matter if you are Tibetan or Indian, white, black or purple.  They truly live the oneness concept to the core.

The little stone buddhist statues are simply personifications and reminders of the teachings of a simple man, Siddhartha Gautama.

One can follow these ways if they so desire, and there are traditions that go with it, as well.  But these traditions are not exclusionary in any way, shape or form.  A white man or a First Nations person could enter a monastery and begin teachings tomorrow.  In fact, Tibetan monks seek bodhisattva's in all continents in people of all colours.  To them, the incarnation and sacredness of these beings and energies is not dependent on a person's colour, status or upbringing.

Your belief system sounds materialistic and object oriented, with some magical thinking mixed in there that conviniently relieves you from any responsibility for the relationships your own behavior has the power to build or destroy. You might want to consider what you actually mean when you say "All my relations".

I suggest you re-read my posts in this thread.

It's only non native culture that assumes the world revolves around individual people and what they personally possess.     

Tsk tsk... [Condescension and personal insults]

All my relations

[Again learn basic manners. We don't reward overgrown children posing as spirchul.]
« Last Edit: March 22, 2008, 11:40:51 pm by educatedindian »

Offline voiceOfReason

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Re: Fake Pipe Carriers
« Reply #20 on: March 22, 2008, 05:43:10 pm »
I agree with you that we are all related - I am related to the nature and to all other people, not by blood but in a spiritual sense.

THEREFORE I have an obligation to show other people [Condescension and personal insults], to listen to their wisdom, to have faith in them knowing how to take care of their part of Mother Earth and letting them do that without interferense. Seeing them as my "relatives" means NOT to take their things, abuse their sacred ways, but to help them to protect what is closest to their hearts.

Isn´t that the way you treat your relations?

Yes!  What you say is good and true.

And if you believe that this applies to *all people*, then you are truly in the heart of it.

"I have an obligation to show other people r-e-s-p-e-c-t, to listen to their wisdom, to have faith in them knowing how to take care of their part of Mother Earth and letting them do that without interferense."

Yes! Yes! and yes!!  This includes white, black, yellow, red.  This includes ALL things.  Rocks, trees, water, earth, four leggeds, wingeds... six leggeds!!  They are all *people* who deserve your respect.  Have faith in them taking care of their part of Mother Earth, no matter what way they choose to do it, and let them do it without interference.

If *any* of these people choose to walk the red road in a good way, then that gives me joy!  These ways are good, and the more people there are who walk them, the brighter our future is.  Any teachings that run contrary to this only serve to create more division and fool people into believing that we are not related.

I believe that this is what the Elders mean when they say that we all used to speak the same language.  The trees... The rocks... the Earth... The Birds... All people of this world, and even Mother Earth herself.

[Long condescending passage removed]

All my relations
« Last Edit: March 22, 2008, 11:42:42 pm by educatedindian »

Offline NanticokePiney

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Re: Fake Pipe Carriers
« Reply #21 on: March 22, 2008, 10:52:25 pm »

Even some of the most celebrated Lakota elders have seen the bigger picture and given their teachings to those outside of their own people.

All my relations

 And their followers have wreaked havoc, butchered and twisted Lakota spirituality.

 "All My Relations" I hate that phrase and never will use it. It is the cry of the "Wannabe Tribe" and a sickening excuse to use and abuse another's culture.

 Rich Joseph  "Piney"

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Fake Pipe Carriers
« Reply #22 on: March 22, 2008, 10:55:48 pm »
I have seen sacred pipes help individual non-native people.  Not all are blind to the traditions and the teachings.  Not all are disrespectful of these ways.
Perhaps it is true that not all non native people are as disrespectful as you are , but from what I have seen ,over time , it takes a knowledgeable community with deep roots to keep these ways in balance. I have no idea how anyone could look at all the abuse reported in these pages and still insist that individual rights to "have" is more important than the collective long term health of these traditions. But of course that attitude is typical of non native culture which puts short term individual privilidge ahead of the long term health of the whole.

It seems to me it is the arrogant and disrespectful attitudes like yours that made it necessary to draw a line somewhere pass that protection order.

Gotta go... Hope you will consider what is being said here and that you will gain some understanding ..... You would think Respect for Native traditions would include Respect for the Native people who have a deep and time tested understanding of what is necessary to maintain these traditions for future generations . Respect is a behavior, not just some fancy words justifying your sense of entitlement .

Offline voiceOfReason

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Re: Fake Pipe Carriers
« Reply #23 on: March 22, 2008, 11:09:10 pm »

Even some of the most celebrated Lakota elders have seen the bigger picture and given their teachings to those outside of their own people.

All my relations

 And their followers have wreaked havoc, butchered and twisted Lakota spirituality.

 "All My Relations" I hate that phrase and never will use it. It is the cry of the "Wannabe Tribe" and a sickening excuse to use and abuse another's culture.

 Rich Joseph  "Piney"

You may judge your Elder's actions harshly if that is your desire.  This does not change the fact that spirit spoke to them, and they listened.  They did not question and they did not judge.  They did not live their lives out of anger, as you choose to do.  Their hearts were pure and good, and as a result, their actions were as well.

[Long condescending and insulting passage removed]

I love the phrase.  And when I say it, you are included as well.

All my relations

[For the final time, learn basic manners.]
« Last Edit: March 22, 2008, 11:44:10 pm by educatedindian »

Offline voiceOfReason

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Re: Fake Pipe Carriers
« Reply #24 on: March 22, 2008, 11:27:58 pm »
Perhaps it is true that not all non native people are as disrespectful as you are ,

[Personal insult}

[Racist remarks]
But of course that attitude is typical of non native culture which puts short term individual privilidge ahead of the long term health of the whole.

[Personal insult]

[Personal insult]

I see abuse on these pages, yes.  [Personal insult]

There are good people of all races.  In many posts I see that this site is simply a way for many [Personal insult].  And like a virus, it grows and infects.

It seems to me it is the arrogant and disrespectful attitudes like yours that made it necessary to draw a line somewhere pass that protection order.

[Personal insult]. You have absolutely NO idea who I am, but this does not matter to you [Personal insult].  Please feel free to continue to assume that all who hold differing opinions from you must either be a) Non-Native or b) nuagers.  But please don't believe that by doing so that you are helping anyone in any good way.

Respect is a behavior, not just some fancy words justifying your sense of entitlement .

Yes, I completely agree.  Too bad [Personal insult]

All my relations

[And you're out of here. You've been warned half a dozen times, and you continue to be insulting. If you ever grow up, let us know.]
« Last Edit: March 22, 2008, 11:47:47 pm by educatedindian »

Offline earthw7

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Re: Fake Pipe Carriers
« Reply #25 on: March 22, 2008, 11:56:37 pm »
what tribal nation are you enrolled in?
If you re from the Plains which reservation do you live on?
If it is another nation who made you a pipe carrier which one?
What Native family supposes you?
Are you Hunka?
Since this pipe is not related to the White Buffalo Calf woman
which stories gives it light?

We know the surrounding plains tribes and work with them.

If you are related to a Tribal nation give us your family name
I can trace them and talk with them about you.
In Spirit

Offline Kevin

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Re: Fake Pipe Carriers
« Reply #26 on: March 23, 2008, 02:09:40 am »
Anyone can pray the way they want  in private but when someone takes something from another culture as a means of prayer and goes Public with it, then it is no longer prayer but becomes something vain or political or economic in its intent. It gets perverted into an attempted means of holding power over other people. The arrogance of some of the people exposed here is truly amazing, and insidious - they seem to have a colonial, consuming mentality and quickly become evil people.

Offline NanticokePiney

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Re: Fake Pipe Carriers
« Reply #27 on: March 23, 2008, 04:06:32 am »

You may judge your Elder's actions harshly if that is your desire.

 I am Nanticoke and 6 Nations Delaware. My spirituality is Quaker. They are not my elders, nor is their spirituality my culture.
 You are attacking with personal insults. I guess you are not as intellectual as you try to appear. Shallow, very shallow, and unspiritual I might add.

  Rich Joseph "Cuwewii" (Piney)   

Offline Chaska

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Re: Fake Pipe Carriers
« Reply #28 on: March 23, 2008, 12:53:32 pm »
These Colors that some are trying to include into this, HOW the Lakota/Dakota/Nakota have these colors, comes from the Helpers of Creator, comparable to Angels, but have NDN names.  These Helpers communicate to the Lakota/Dakota/Nakota spiritual peoples in ceremonies, and when we request their aid, they come to help us.  These Helpers also instruct us about colors in certain ways, these Helpers never have said that these colors Black, white or Yellow stands for other races.....never.....These colors they have instructed to us may represent the direction represent the Dark Clouds and the Thunder, whence rain comes to purify the land, the air and ourselves....Therefore, those that try to insinuate that these Colors represents Races, then that is their made interpretation......The Lakota/Dakota/Nakota have always helped other races, other tribes even the Animal Nations, but it is these others in the other races who try to mimic the spiritual persons of Lakota/Dakota/Nakota.  The other tribes all have spiritual persons who knows this, because the spiritual person hear the Land, the Mother Earth.


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Re: Fake Pipe Carriers
« Reply #29 on: March 23, 2008, 02:33:33 pm »
All nations have different colors, none of which I know of pertain to race. This idea has come up in the last 10+ years, maybe more. It is like the use of the phrase "We are all related", which is a misquote and has been used in the corrupted state to meet people's needs.  My opinion is that it just enforces their idea of "sharing and entitlement", and sell warm, fuzzy T-shirts with these sayings at PowWows. It's just another corruption used to misinform the general public and justify individual needs. The bottom line is that it has nothing to do with nothing pertaining to the Nations.