SIYO everyone. My name is Raven Crow and yes this is my birth name. I am federally recognized. I am a no BS kinda gal. I am a person who will find the truth and expose what I find after careful researching. When I get my radar up I will single that person out and search high and low and I will call all over the World to get my information.
Now there is this person here and also in my site who is from the Native American Unity. Now I do not know where this Matty person fits in but Tsisqua seems to be very questionable right now. She is a strong supporter of a Beaderman who we had been banned from our site for his shady tactics and creating drama and for accepting fake NDN Cards illegally obtained. They also did not turn these cards into the proper authorities who can actually end this problem legally. They also tried to get others involved in this. They knowingly and willingly accepted fraudulant property. This she supports. This is supporting frauds and fakes the very thing we all seem to want to end.
Now I have done an IP check on NAU and her and it goes to Dubblin Ireland. Then in her various profiles she is in different area's with different ages. It is very much like Beaderman was. He showed up in our old site and at first was a Vietnam Vet in his fifties and then a gun smith at the age of 33. I see this Tsisqua also changes age and also uses 33 and on our site the profile with the NAU is also 33. 33 seems to be a magical number. Now if she really cares about freeing all of the internet of twinkies, fakes, and frauds, why is they never told us the names of the various fraud profiles? It is our site and they came in claiming to help us and they did nothing but create drama and beaderman was able to get fake NDN cards.
I also have saved all my yahoo messages from beaderman stating in his name that he did this. We also have e-mails from our old site where he says a lot of lies and leads us to believe one thing while he is doing another. I say to you all, watch out for them and just because they hit the passionate buttons some of us REAL INDIANS have does not mean they are really out for our interests. All they and Beaderman gave us was drama.
Now what I do not know is how Matty fits into all of this because that person is over on our RNS and has a profile. This Matty acts all concerned about Beaderman and told me I could talk to this Tsisqua and she is nice to only have her attack me here because I mentioned Beaderman. Here is the link and she appears to have tried to make it look like she did not mean to sound mean. I think her first response was true to her form.
I am not some child here and I have been Indian my entire life and raised as so. I have dealt with all kinds but the internet is good and bad. We can reach out to a wider audience but at the same time we cannot 100% prove who someone claims to be.
I am very concerned about this person misleading people here and else where. Anyone who supports obtaining and keeping fake NDN Cards leaves a bad taste in my mouth and no trust for anyone who could do this and support this.
Now I think this is a nice intro to myself. Wado for your time and reading my post.