General > Frauds

William Two Feather AKA William Schober

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Defend the Sacred:

--- Quote from: MatoSiWin on September 03, 2008, 03:03:26 pm ---And really, WTF is up with those initials???

--- End quote ---

*snerk* Glad to see I'm not the only one laughing at that. And really, those pictures... WTF?

- on top of all that, he is not even a decent flute player - he is choppy and can't prolong tones

Youtube vid on William Rainwater Barnes (aka William Two Feathers, Billy Two Feathers)

That's a different WTF. They're running out of names!

I just watched the WTF You Tube and I  hcnestly say that ,what medcine man would do such a thing. Talk about medcines as what WTF is doing. From what i know its always been kept from ppls ,so that they dont disturb the plants and take it for money. I feel that many of our medcine men an women only give it to ppl who seek help and dont take it for profit or commercilize it in anyways ....


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