Author Topic: William Burchett AKA William Jervis AKA Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle  (Read 380283 times)

Offline Smart Mule

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A fan photo means nothing. We'll contact Jana Mashonee to corroborate your claims Jervis. Do you ever get tired of sock puppeting?

I would appreciate the names of those that can attest to you currently being at Standing Rock.

Offline wolfmartin

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Bear with me while I'm digging up the facts
here is a webpage with medicine turtle at the standing rock march with his wife
medicine turtle wife is setting right in the center of the native circle in this video
Native Americans Invade Washington, DC! We Investigate

[ETA Actually the video doesn't show Jervis at all.]

here a video of medicine turtle right on the front lines in Washington Dc
along with his brother and sister water protectors
this film was on nationwide tv
seems like pretty convincing evidence
that he deep in movement

[I like how he speaks in pidgin English. It's obvious he grew up speaking German.
And the photo captions actually say he was in Germany.]
« Last Edit: February 05, 2018, 07:42:52 pm by educatedindian »

Offline wolfmartin

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Navajo roy pete , Jana Mashonee Native American of Lumbee and Tuscarora  and medicine turtle Cherokee

Native American Friends Of Luxemburg, ASBL
nonprofit association website
this clearly shows Jana Mashonee working with medicine turtle in Luxembourg

[ETA No, it shows a fan photo from 10 years ago. No evidence of contributions or fund raising or public work together.]
« Last Edit: February 05, 2018, 07:44:56 pm by educatedindian »

Offline Smart Mule

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This was from last March. There were gobs of people there. I'm not sure what your point is. Showing up at a march doesn't mean anything. The fact that you can't name any individuals to vouch for you that were actually involved is what says the most. If you were actually directly involved, which camp were you in? Who were your neighbors? When did you arrive? When did you leave your campsite?

Offline wolfmartin

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here a photo of medicine turtle at standing rock

Offline Smart Mule

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Uh, so, you went to the casino. Who can vouch for you being there now? Which camp were you in? Who were your neighbors?

Offline Smart Mule

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You do realize that exploiting the #NoDAPL movement does the opposite of when your intention is right? It's pretty low down and kind of creepy.

Offline wolfmartin

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if you want to see the work that this man medicine turtle is doing for the Lakota people
you only need view this page

Offline wolfmartin

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medicine turtle on the pine ridge reservation

Offline wolfmartin

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HERE  video I have found when medicine turtle was working with Alfred Red Cloud

[ETA Actually Jervis is not in the video. He did post it, that's it.]
« Last Edit: February 05, 2018, 07:52:31 pm by educatedindian »

Offline Smart Mule

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Jervis, what you don't seem to understand is that no amount of photo ops and claims of humanitarian work change the fact that you abuse indigenous culture and there by indigenous peoples. You lie, appropriate and bastardize. Posting pictures and claims on your own personal websites really don't matter.

Offline Smart Mule

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Living among Native People in...Kentucky?

Just because someone adopts another person it does not give them free rein to the culture, nor does it make them a member of that community. It makes them a relative to one person or a family.

Offline educatedindian

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Spam posts removed. No more sockpuppets of his allowed. No more speaking in the third person about himself and impersonation of Natives. Burchett/Jervis must admit it any future posts that it is him. The IP for wolfmartin shows he's posting from Europe.

Jervis's newest email,, doesn't show up anywhere else online.

Offline RedRightHand

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here a photo of medicine turtle at standing rock

OK, this is actually hilarious. He's standing alone in the dark, on the road outside of Standing Rock.

During the worst of the exploitation of the #NoDAPL movement by opportunistic pretendians, they had to try to keep the colonial white people out of Oceti Sakowin - down the road, across the road... at points there were a handful of outlier "camps", made up of majority to 100% non-Natives, and several of which had nothing to do with protecting the water. They were full of hippie, nuage tourists, hoping to colonize ceremony and reinvent themselves as pretendians.

These colonizers would show up and pose by the river, or a mile marker, for photo ops. Then, if they couldn't find someone with pigment to sneak them into main camp, they'd just turn around and hop the next plane out of there. They never prayed with the People. They never went to a single Indigenous-led action. They were only there for their own self-aggrandizement. This is one of those shameful photos.

But this is even worse. At least those people were there in the daylight. This is Jervis sneaking in under cover of darkness, alone next to a sign on the outskirts. There is no indication what year these were taken in.

Given Jervis's chronic, constant lying, I'd assume these were not taken anywhere in the vicinity of any action or ceremony, or you could be sure we would see that. There were probably taken after camp was cleared. Looks like he just dropped in at the casino for a midnight drivethrough, not even stopping overnight, or he would have had daytime photos.

Add Jervis to the list of appalling white pretendians on social media who think posting a "stand with standing rock" meme, while exploiting Native culture, means they can now call themselves "Water Protectors." Just when you think he can't get any more offensive, any whiter, any more colonial, he does.

Offline debbieredbear

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Funny, we keep giving him rope and he keeps hanging himself. And it is always so obvious who he is.