Author Topic: William Bungard AKA Ricci Bungard AKA William Little Soldier  (Read 61304 times)

Offline Kevin

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Re: Little Soldier
« Reply #60 on: April 01, 2008, 02:03:52 pm »
geez! I was really wanting to believe in the guy and hoping he could somehow be persuaded to take care of a crack house down the street from me. I guess a peron should reach an age of no longer believing in fairy tales.

Offline chiefytiger

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Re: Little Soldier
« Reply #61 on: August 06, 2008, 11:46:11 am »
Hmmm Im late in seeing all the posts ,but as for Little Soldier,I'm just amazied at how all these nuage ppls can just make up some lie's and do ceremonies , Im not much with whats going on in the South,cos my concern lies in the frauds ,mostly in the Dakota's and wyoming all the way to colorado and Montana ,and western parts of turtle Island .
Time I get educated on whats going on with the southern parts of Turtle Island ...
Chiefy Tiger So anyone who has any up-dates on this little Soldier ,plz let me know

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Little Soldier
« Reply #62 on: August 06, 2013, 12:24:37 am »
I know this is an old thread, but this link has a pic of the guy. And the person who sent it knew him years ago. Said he was always talking about crazy stuff.

Oh, he wasn't a
Chiefr" then, either.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2013, 06:36:43 pm by debbieredbear »


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Re: Little Soldier
« Reply #63 on: August 06, 2013, 01:48:14 am »
This 1982 research on Bungard is a good read, all his claims are soundly disproved. The researchers even lay out how Bungard "worked to perfect his Indian story". Details also given on his "brushes with the law".

Offline educatedindian

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Re: William Bungard AKA Little Soldier
« Reply #64 on: February 18, 2015, 05:02:15 pm »
Bungard sent several emails, including the not very credible threat to sue we get so often. Below is the exchange between the two of us, first him, then me, then him again, then me.

As you can see, his claims directly contradict everything the BIA Recognition document states. He claims he never even applied. They rejected him, stated he had between 6 and 20 followers, no evidence of ancestry for any of them, that some of the names he submitted were fictitious, and that the group no longer exists. Bungard claims descent based on a single alleged Delaware back in the 1860s, Elahtut. Elahtut's descendants state his claim is false. His parents' birth records in Ohio show them both as white.

He claims his Ohio "tribe" is still around and they've reelected him every year for over 40 years and gotten numerous recognitions. Actually they got a thank you for historical society events. The "tribe's" website shows no council and no indication of how many members they claim. Their site does post a warning that one must attend events or get kicked off the rolls, so most don't seem to take it very seriously.

Dated Wed, Jan 14, 2015

soon you will see who the frauds were in the 1970's, Nora and the BIA
you ARE a hate group. You DO steal copywrited materials and you dont stay current on events that REALLY make a difference. WE dont issue empty lawsuit threats. We have won 122 out of 124 cases. YOU are being named in one being filed next week.

What you're rambling about is extremely unclear.
Nora? Explain. Though many share the low opinion of the BIA.

We have , when we have nothing else to do or somebody tells us, read what people say about us or me. MOST of the negative comments  that you receive come from people who are of the lowest principles. Example:[defamatory comments about two people deleted]

Third, what I did in the 70's was LEGAL. Tribe rebuilding. (Ref: Self Determination Act of 1934). Fourth my name was NEVER Clyde Richard Bungard.( I always had TWO names) C. RICCI Bungard AND William L. Little Soldier. . The name on my SS had ALWAYS been Little Soldier since i was 16. In high school 50 years ago, they knew me by both or a combination of BOTH. Some STILL call me Ricci Little Soldier or Billy Bungard. This has never been a secret to anyone. It's even on the tribe's webssite.

The so called BIA denial of recognition is a FALSELY published document. We NEVER applied as we were ALREADY recognized by treaties BEFORE the BIA. At the time we were said to applied, the BIA were not even taking apps. We DID ask them about a grant for a project we were doing in Colorado. In 2013, BOTH  Ohio US Senators and the US  House of Representatives and the governor celebrated the 200th anniversary of our treaty. Why would they do this if the tribe DIDN"T exist? They wouldn't. Also in 2004, the descendants of the Corp of Discovery, Lewis and Clark Expedition ; honored us and myself for assistance the tribe gave them in the early 1800's..

Next, I was never SELF appointed. I was appointed. from recommendations from what was left of our council in 1970 and a few of our Canadian brothers. I accepted on August 23, 1970. Even though It is NOT required, I always ASK on elections (every even year at fall council) if they want to reaffirm me as their leader. They have UNAIMOUSLY done this for 23 times, nearly 46 years. I will cover additional material in another letter to follow as I am quite busy. You see, unlike most of your sources, I can actually PROVE what I say. Also we NEVER "sold" applications". Our applications are very through. Did some falsify their apps? Yes. If was easier then it is today. Do they have to take an oath to abide by the tribe's laws. YES. Do they pay taxes, yes. What they pay in taxes is 100% deductible on their US taxes. The taxes run part of the tribes office materials, cover tribe vehicles, legal filings, the tribe's park, communications, etc. I and others donate as most are not required to pay because their incomes are too low. I do not receive nor have I ever received a dime or ask for one. More to follow, Little Soldier

Mr. Bungard,
That's a bit clearer.

We always welcome more information that can clear these matters up. I will repost your emails to give your side of this. You are also welcome to join and post to give your side yourself, though since the thread is seven years old the others may not be active anymore.

Could you give your account of the eagle permit dispute and the statement that you forged a signature?

Could you also give your account of how you were received by the established Delaware and Munsee people?