This is the second posting of this statement from Mr. David Redwolf. Sent by Niiki at 10:27 PM on 3/2/09.
Nya:wen Sge:no;
Because of the most recent libellous and slanderous comments made on the wev in regard to my association with TBE and the Eric Indian Moundbuilders, TBE's unwillingness to work within the process of the Six Nation Confederacy, which has also caused a lack of trust among our Confederacy leaders, and due to most recent information that TBE has communicated to various Government Officials in Ontario, and including nuclear power plant officals such as:
1.) That the Six Nations have no land rights within the Haldimand Tract.
2.) That the Six Nations have no land base outside the Haldimand Tract because they received that in exchange for all of the land base including that of the 1701 Treaty Area.
3.) Not to listen to or include the Six Nations Confederacy because it would take until 2025 to resolve the issue with the Nuclear Power Plant site.
4.) That the Mississauga's had some sort of say over cultural sites not necessarily their own.
5.) That the Erie could allow their ancestors to be moved to another location such as the Mounds in Toronto.
6.) That the Six Nations already had a repatriation committee in place and we should involve them.
7.)That everyone in the area is supportive of the nuclear power project.
I, Rastia'ta'non:ha, David Redwolf, have to decline my support of Tecumseh Brown Eagle aka Abdul Abdulla Mohammed, James Oliver Johnson III and the Erie Indian Moundbuilders. It has also been brought to our attention that EIMTN itself is not and cannot become a federally recognized Indigenous nation in the U.S. where they reside and is also not qualified to receive cultural rights where they reside under the UN Indigenous Peoples' Resolution as a stipulation states that whould have had to been recognized before 1934 by the U.S. as an Indigenous Community, as they are not. Therefore TBE nor the EIMTN has any guarantueed cultural rights under the Indigenous Peoples Resolution here in Canada as well.
Although the Erie/Neutral people are the original caretakers of the land throughout the Niagara Peninsula including 300 miles from the west bank of the Genesee River to the Detriot River in Southern Ontario, the recognized communities that whom have cultural rights are people ancestrally connected to the Eric/Neutrals and are found within the Six Nations Confederacy communities , as well as within the Seneca-Cayuga of Oklahoma. These communities have been in place since fefore 1934 and are recognized by both the U.S. and Canadian governments.
My name shall no longer be associated with Tecumseh Brown Eagle aka Abdul Abdulla Mohammed, James Oliver Johnson III, and the Eric Indian Moundbuilders.
I will continue to work through our designated Six Nation Confederacy officals as I have before, which has remained unchanged throughout this time and moving forward into the future in regard to our sacred site protection and preservation.
This is official notification of my resignation of support of Tecumseh Brown Eagle aka Abdul Abdulla Mohammed, & James Oliver Johnson III and the Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation.
Niawen skenon! Oneh!
Rastia'ta'non:ha/David Redwolf
Director Taiaiako'n Historical Preservation Services