Author Topic: Metis of Maine?  (Read 18346 times)

Offline frankie

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Metis of Maine?
« on: September 05, 2005, 05:56:35 pm »
Metis of Maine - another group that has a lot of area people wondering.  This is their website:

Bob "Silver Eagle" Brawn and his wife, "Little Dove" started this group with a few followers who ask no questions.  He is more or less a self-appointed Chief who made sure he would be elected.  They have held 2 pow wows in Maine - I am attaching photos and a small area newpaper article.

He claims to be a Sweat Lodge Keeper, Pipe Carrier and of course, Chief.  They hold fasts on their land and troll for people to join their "tribe" who are followers who ask no questions, or people who are desperate to connect with someone "native".

They have registered as a non-profit status and I can provide that documentation if necessary - with the intent of securing some funding from the government, since they have hired a Grant Writer.

Brawn performs numerous ceremonies - weddings, pipe ceremonies, Sweat Lodge, etc.  He has taken it upon himself to educate the public in the local area, with most of the information not being accurate.  He claims to be a descendant of Chief Wiano of the Wampanoag.

At that last pow wow they permitted a non-native man to sit on a drum (Red Willow) out of New Hampshire that is known alcoholic.  When asked why they permitted him to do so, the response was that he has been sober for several months and the drum keeper stated he checks his breath on a regular basis.  They performed one renewal marriage ceremony where they advertised it for their pow wow as "an event" and did not even inform the people they were doing it for they had put that in the newspaper.  

This guy is all ego.  It's all about money as they have made a lot of money trading at local pow wows for years.  They do make very good crafts, and are talented in that area, but they have made a lot of money over the years.  The income derived has to be from native events, since she does not work and he works for himself, but it's under the table I believe.  He builds houses on the side - but doing that isn't enough to build a new home, rental property, buy a huge new motorhome, new vehicles etc.  

He claims that his organization of this group was sanctioned by Elders in Canada.  He claims to have earned the right as to perform Pipe Ceremonies and Sweat Lodge Ceremonies and that his teacher is a French man named Big Heart but known better as Foote-Foote. They also claim that to be a Metis one can be a mixture of any nation.  It was my belief or I was told that the recognized Metis are French and Cree and that they have also taken in the Inuit.  

Here is a photo of the "Chief" and his wife:  Since I cannot insert thir photo or the newspaper clipping, I will be more than happy to send it to anyone who may be interested in viewing it.

Thank you.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Metis of Maine?
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2005, 08:25:10 pm »
This isn't the first time Metis of Maine have complaints about them. Seems the Wabanaki Confederacy list them as exploiters, along with a number of other would be Metis groups. (Most of the groups listed are run by John Williams AKA "Grey Wolf" or part of the would be Metis Nation groups in the US.)

For photos, we're not set up to post those. Post it at photobucket and then post the link at the thread "Posting photos?"

Offline frankie

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Re: Metis of Maine?
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2005, 04:50:38 pm »
My apologies to all for starting a new forum on this same subject.  

Thank you all for the information and I will get in touch with the AIM person you have suggested.

I do appreciate your help and assistance.