Author Topic: Dawn Engle > Executive Director > PeaceJam Foundation  (Read 25167 times)

Offline Walks

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Dawn Engle > Executive Director > PeaceJam Foundation
« on: June 19, 2010, 11:52:22 pm »

> New 2012 Revelations with Rigoberta Menchú Tum and Revered Mayan Spiritual Elders
> Join PeaceJam for a powerful day of blessing and initiation from leading Indigenous Mayan Spiritual Elders and Nobel Peace Prize Winner Rigoberta Menchú Tum.
> This truly unique and powerful event will explore the true meaning of 2012 from the Mayan perspective. We've seen Hollywood's skewed interpretation, now hear the true meaning and new revelations about the 2012 prophecy from the Mayan leaders themselves.
> Participants will have the opportunity to learn how to be a "Light Bearer" in these trying times of incredible transition as well as the opportunity to attend workshops led by Mayan Spiritual Teachers from Guatemala.
> This event is open to all ages and will take place from 8:30am-4:30pm on July 8, 2010 at Naropa University's Nalanda Campus (6287 Arapahoe Ave) in Boulder. General Admission is $195/person and VIP Sponsorship Opportunities, which include a private group audience, a special blessing, and VIP seating for the entire event, are $495/person. All proceeds benefit the PeaceJam Foundation.
> Click here to view event details and to register on our website!
> Or call us at 303-455-2099 to ORDER YOUR TICKETS TODAY!
> Menchú Tum was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1992 in recognition of her work for the rights of the Mayan people in Guatemala and indigenous people around the world. She is the youngest woman and the only Native American individual to ever win the prize and will be sharing new information and unique insight into the true Mayan prophecy about the year 2012.
> We look forward to seeing you at this once-in-a-long- calendar event!
> Warmest Regards,
> Dawn Engle
> Executive Director
> PeaceJam Foundation
> PeaceJam Foundation • 11200 Ralston Rd • Arvada, CO 80004 • Phone: (303) 455-2099

Offline Walks

  • Posts: 28
Re: Dawn Engle > Executive Director > PeaceJam Foundation
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2010, 02:13:02 am »
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Rigoberta Menchú

Nobel Peace Prize winner
Born    9 January 1959 (1959-01-09) (age 51)
Laj Chimel, Quiché, Guatemala

Rigoberta Menchú Tum (born 9 January 1959, Laj Chimel, El Quiché, Guatemala) is an indigenous Guatemalan, of the K'iche' Maya ethnic group. Menchú has dedicated her life to publicizing the plight of Guatemala's indigenous peoples during and after the Guatemalan Civil War (1960–1996), and to promoting indigenous rights in the country. She is the recipient of the 1992 Nobel Peace Prize and Prince of Asturias Award in 1998. She is the subject of the testimonial biography I, Rigoberta Menchú (1983) and the author of the autobiographical work, Crossing Borders. Later, American anthropologist David Stoll visited Guatemala and uncovered evidence that some of the claims in Menchú's Nobel Prize-winning autobiography were false.

Menchú is a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador. She has also become a figure in indigenous political parties, running for President of Guatemala in 2007.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Dawn Engle > Executive Director > PeaceJam Foundation
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2010, 01:43:02 pm »
I don't think she really belongs here. Engle is a political activist. I guess the wording of that announcement sounds kind of Nuagey. To me it sounds like Mayan leaders are hoping to use the interest in 2012 to urge people to transform the world. Certainly Menchu is no Nuager. She's actually a Catholic with some Marxist beliefs I think.

The way the announcement reads can make it sound like one is paying for a blessing, but you'd really be paying for meeting a Nobel Prize winner. I blame Naropa for the wording. Naropa has worked with exploiters, and I'd be happier if the event was held elsewhere.

Peacejam actually got a Nobel Prize nomination themselves.

Re: Dawn Engle > Executive Director > PeaceJam Foundation
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2010, 02:52:20 pm »
i have no idea how this event is any different than the others i've seen posted here regarding some spiritual leaders teaching about the 2012.. also, that's a big chunk of money.. 300 above the general admission to receive that "special blessing".. 

i'm curious how or what or why this is any different, i don't see anyone saying about the other events, that the announcement reads like this or that.. but it really isn't.. instead, i've seen that if the announcement for event reads like it, then, Al, you and others here critique the announcement. why should this be any different?

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Offline bls926

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Re: Dawn Engle > Executive Director > PeaceJam Foundation
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2010, 09:08:57 pm »
i have no idea how this event is any different than the others i've seen posted here regarding some spiritual leaders teaching about the 2012.. also, that's a big chunk of money.. 300 above the general admission to receive that "special blessing"..  

i'm curious how or what or why this is any different, i don't see anyone saying about the other events, that the announcement reads like this or that.. but it really isn't.. instead, i've seen that if the announcement for event reads like it, then, Al, you and others here critique the announcement. why should this be any different?

I agree with critter. We take the notice, flyer, e-mail, advertisement about the event at face-value; we don't try to second guess what the organizer's intentions were when he wrote it. How can we "blame Naropa for the wording"?

Also, I've seen any association with Naropa used to discredit people before. With Peacejam, it's just unfortunate that they decided to hold the event at Naropa? Poor judgement?

« Last Edit: June 20, 2010, 09:24:48 pm by bls926 »

Offline Yiwah

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Re: Dawn Engle > Executive Director > PeaceJam Foundation
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2010, 01:04:03 am »
The wording is so strange.  Rigoberta Menchu has flat out refused either in interviews or in her books to discuss traditions or ceremonies of her people.  I find it beyond belief that she would participate in something where those traditions or ceremonies were exploited in this way.  I'm hoping the way that it's being packaged is the problem, rather than the event itself.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Dawn Engle > Executive Director > PeaceJam Foundation
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2010, 01:40:20 pm »
How can we "blame Naropa for the wording"?

Also, I've seen any association with Naropa used to discredit people before. With Peacejam, it's just unfortunate that they decided to hold the event at Naropa? Poor judgement?

Naropa being fraud central makes it perfectly legit to suspect their involvement likely makes them the ones to blame. Neither Menchu nor Engle and Peacejam have any history of anything like this. Just the opposite.

In fact I have a hard time thinking of anything good Naropa has ever done. Seems their carelessness and lack of ethics extends to things other than hosting exploiters. Embezzlement, sloppy accounting Buddhist leaders abusing their own followers

Re: Dawn Engle > Executive Director > PeaceJam Foundation
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2010, 02:51:23 pm »
Ok, so what I'm gathering is that the people involved/mentioned in the OP ( peacejam, Engle & Menchu ) are people who are known to some members here and are trusted. 

So, the "leading Indigenous Mayan Spiritual Elders"  whoever they are.. I guess they don't have names.. are OK too, and learning to be a lightbearer from this event is legit as well as some newly revealed 2012 prophecy is also legit.

It's getting harder and harder to tell the fakes from the real ones..  but I believe I have read this scenario on this board before as well.. where someone is saying it's not the participants fault what the host and advertiser does.
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Yiwah

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Re: Dawn Engle > Executive Director > PeaceJam Foundation
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2010, 05:28:12 pm »
Ok, so what I'm gathering is that the people involved/mentioned in the OP ( peacejam, Engle & Menchu ) are people who are known to some members here and are trusted. 

So, the "leading Indigenous Mayan Spiritual Elders"  whoever they are.. I guess they don't have names.. are OK too, and learning to be a lightbearer from this event is legit as well as some newly revealed 2012 prophecy is also legit.

It's getting harder and harder to tell the fakes from the real ones..  but I believe I have read this scenario on this board before as well.. where someone is saying it's not the participants fault what the host and advertiser does.

Your second paragraph doesn't necessary follow from the first.  Those particular things seem fairly un-legit. 

I'd like to know where the money is actually going, as well.

Offline bls926

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Re: Dawn Engle > Executive Director > PeaceJam Foundation
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2010, 07:03:21 pm »
I think what critter meant was that no one seems too concerned about this event, because Dawn Engle and Rigoberta Menchu Tum are legit. In fact, Al's comment, "I don't think she really belongs here. Engle is a political activist.", would lead us to believe there's no problem with what they're doing. The only possible problem might be their association with Naropa. Even that could work to their advantage, since we can excuse the wording in their announcement, blaming it on Naropa. I don't agree with that. Engle, as the Director of PeaceJam, should have final say on any advertising.

Legitimate people sometimes work with frauds and exploiters. Sometimes they remain true to their beliefs. Sometimes they are swayed, their beliefs and values change; they can no longer be seen as legit. I'm not saying that's what has happened here, but it is a possibility. Something that bears watching.

We all know that spiritual is not the only kind of exploitation. If someone is using their status to change public opinion, to gain a political advantage, that's exploitation. If someone is using their status to separate people from their money, that's economic exploitation. If someone is using their status to become intimate with someone, that's sexual exploitation. I think we need to be concerned with all types.

Engle may be a political activist; PeaceJam may have honorable goals; Menchu may have won a Nobel Peace Prize . . . As Al pointed out, Naropa is "fraud central". Why are they working together?

Offline Rattlebone

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Re: Dawn Engle > Executive Director > PeaceJam Foundation
« Reply #11 on: June 21, 2010, 07:30:37 pm »

 If the issue here is that Naropa is fraud central, then this might not be a topic that necessarily need to be under "research needed," because it needs to be "researched" per say, but it might need to remain here in order to get the word out on the matter so people will boycott it.

True, sometimes good people end up working with bad ones, and that can often be because they don't know any better.

So if the only real issue here is the dealings with Naropa, that whatever can be done to make people not attend this event, or even what can be done to get the good people to break ties with Naropa should be something looked at as well.

Now if an organization other then Naropa was doing this event, found not be having any dealings with exploitation etc, then I would say the money really can't be an issue. Speakers, organizations etc, even if good native ones can't operate on love and good thoughts alone. True $300 is very very steep, but that does not necessarily mean what is going on is bad, other then the fact that in this case it is Naropa.

So maybe the thing here really to do, is get the word out that in this event, Naropa is somebody they should not be working with?????

Offline Yiwah

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Re: Dawn Engle > Executive Director > PeaceJam Foundation
« Reply #12 on: June 21, 2010, 11:52:11 pm »
That's how I'm seeing it.  This isn't a 'fraud' necessarily, in the sense that it's to the bone bullshit.  However, it IS disturbing and it bears keeping an eye on. 

Offline bls926

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Re: Dawn Engle > Executive Director > PeaceJam Foundation
« Reply #13 on: June 22, 2010, 01:25:17 am »
Just because PeaceJam, Engle, and Menchu are legit, have all done good things in the past, doesn't excuse what's going on now. It doesn't excuse their laying down with frauds and exploiters. It's not just because this event is being sponsored by Naropa, taking place at their facility. This is more than legitimate people working with frauds and exploiters. As critter pointed out, they (PeaceJam, Engle, Menchu) are selling ceremony. For an extra $300 you can meet the Mayan Spiritual Elders and receive a "special blessing". I understand charging admission for this event, $195; but then they add that for $495 you receive VIP tickets, an audience with the Spiritual Elders, and a blessing. Yep, that's selling ceremony. Workshops where you'll learn to be a "Light Bearer". That smacks of new age rhetoric.

Re: Dawn Engle > Executive Director > PeaceJam Foundation
« Reply #14 on: June 22, 2010, 01:58:34 am »
I'm wondering if P, E and M are there for unrelated topics? Could be this Naropa is setting up an event, but P, E, and M may be one step removed, as I'm sure they have 'people' who contract for them.. but, since they are going to be there Naropa is drawing in with their names. It would be interesting to see what they think, if they are with this or if their names are being exploited without them really knowing it.

@bls.. thank you.

@Yiwah.. i was trying to point out the gap between the two.. one being considered legit people, but being listed on a type of program that would otherwise have the board raising red flags ..  and you're right.. it doesn't follow.. it doesn't make sense they are involved with people learning to be 'light bearers'..
« Last Edit: June 22, 2010, 02:25:44 am by critter »
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet