General > Member Introductions

Robin the Druid, from Glastonbury, UK


Hi everyone, just to introduce myself. Since I was 12 I've been fascinated by ancient British history and mythology, and so in 1990 adopted a Celtic pagan spiritual tradition.

However, I've also been very interested in Native American culture, alongside the Celtic. Before and following Dr Al's talk in Glastonbury a few weeks ago, I was very aware of all the 'cultural theft' that is going on, and it DOES annoy me.

My intention on joining this site is to learn more about Native American culture BUT WITHOUT WISHING TO STEAL IT, and also try and assist in the process of protecting the culture from New Agers and plastic shamans, partially by explaining the need for people to follow their own indigenous cultures and traditions rather than stealing others.

Any assistance anyone can give me in this would be great.

Looking forward to talking with you.



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