Author Topic: Ronald Coleman AKA Nomad Winterhawk  (Read 57626 times)

Offline Carsten

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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #15 on: April 04, 2013, 03:44:37 pm » is the person indeed. 

nothing I ever experienced with him told me he should be anything but a writer ,  history geek if you like so it does seem odd to me , with the things presented here.

I am not sure what to think of it to be honest ,. 

typical Danish new age people will look like this
she is shaman healer and lots of things.  cost a lot too.  and have a practice and makes money on it.

some have a Native American drum and even clothes to match.   its not traditional  but looks very "Indian"  .

they will also make sure to tell you about this as the very first thing they do.,   

Nomad does neither of these things but is very interested in discussing history ,  and as such I would not label him a fraud as the first thing. 

however if its true and its the same person around the world doing ceremonies and stuff then I would be more interested in finding out a little more about the person before making up my mind about this . 

to me he never claimed to be Native American shaman ,   however he does say that he is a African Native American  relative .  not full blood or anything.  he does not say he is a healer or medicine person either.   

but interesting to find this information.

I hate to say this but what is looking very Indian mean?

it was a ironic statement.   but there are few people here who post a picture on their website with clothing more or less homemade that  has beads and looks stereotype Native American as you will see in wild west movies.

off course  they can never be taken seriously at all but for some reason they will still pose with the homemade outfit claiming to be a native american shaman and take money for it.

there are also whites that  does not claim to be anything but just sell  sauna and with a Native American theme (sweatlodge) or finnish steam bath as a  novelty  for people who are bored or whatever.

there has been sweatlodge offerings ,  even courses in how to conduct these made by white people.  but its not so often seen around here , even though the interest is there for sure in the native americans. 

we have one legit Native American I know of here.   Hakita Najin Jordan.  he is lakota spokes person here in Denmark .  and here there used to live a  mixed blood canadian native indian but apart from that I know no legit native americans .

Offline Carsten

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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #16 on: April 04, 2013, 03:55:43 pm »
Carsten, let me add to what others have said, he is purely and obviously a fraud. What may confuse you is the fact that he is Black. There are Nuage frauds in the US who target Blacks. There are Blacks in the US who have family stories of Native ancestry and there are also some Blacks who want to deny Black ancestry because of shame or to avoid anti Black racism.

NW claims to be "Black Apache." There is no such thing. Apaches were nowhere near the southeast US, where the Black population was. Any mixing was pretty recent, and there is no Black Apache community as he falsely claims.

He falsely claims Tuumontcokovi means "Black Apache." It does not. It's another name for the Chemehuevi tribe, an entirely different people and culture unrelated to Apaches. While I'm far from being a fluent Apache speaker, none of the words he claims are Apache seem to be.

it does add to the confusion that he is black.   I  was under the impression that he said he was part African and part native american ,   but what confuses me is that  from what I Know about him also known him for a year  he does not conduct ceremonies.   he has nothing to do with germany or any deer tribe.   he lives as a author  and claims only to be part blood african and part blood native american.

if its the same the posters from other cities are him too then its a sort of double life he leads or had a darker past or just not talk about these things in his hometown.  not sure. 

it just comes as a surprise to read all of this to be honest.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #17 on: April 04, 2013, 04:52:50 pm »
That is what frauds do
In Spirit

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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #18 on: April 04, 2013, 05:33:26 pm »

While Winterhawk did not look all that impressing in his fraudulent activities a few years ago, this is quite different meanwhile. His own website does not sell any ceremonies or courses, but there is much evidence of his selling lectures, courses and "Private Consultations" in Denmark, Italy, and Great Britain.

Although he does not make personal appearances in Germany, he has had students from Germany and also from Denmark, to whom he taught an alleged healing method he calls „Flowering Tree“. There are quite a few sites mentioning a respective training with Winterhawk, so e.g.:

One employee by the name of Britta Stein claims „mental and meditative techniques for healing (flowering tree according to Nomad Winterhawk)“. On her own website (where her name is „Britta Möbius“), she repeats this claim.

This is a lecture by Roswitha Kramm-Riewendt, alternative practician, on the Flowering Tree method, in which she mentions NM's alleged tribal affiliation, and his plastic credentials:

Medicine man Nomad Winterhawk broughtbrought the knowledge about this therapy to Europe, since he saw the necessity to pass on this knowledge.

Winterhawk is a medicine man of the Na'ichista Clan, a people to whom the white man, besides other clans and tribes, gave the name „Apache“ - an ancient Spanish word for „enemy“ - and who traditionally live in a region we today call Northeastern Arizona and Northwestern New Mexico.
Winterhawk is an „E’chaskaehy“ („One who knows“), and he got his knowledge from his grandfather Falling Tree. His knowledge has an oral tradition which is carried from grandfather to grandson and which is based on ancient wisdoms and insights. These are included in stories, wisdoms of his people, songs, and legends. He uses the principles of the Medicine Wheel to pass the ancient knowledge of his people to us. He is a co-founder of „Metis Deer Tribe Medicine Society“ [sic!] and he is a „Road Chief“ of the „Native American Church“.

The legend of the Flowering Tree can be re-read in the book „Seven Arrows“ by Hyemeyohsts Storm.

In 1990, Nomad Winterhawk did a lecture on Flowering Tree in the small Danish village of Alken in the vicinity of Skanderborg. Peter Raasch was one of the audience; he is my brother who migrated to Denmark in 1967.

So NM is a co-founder of the Deer Tribe? Does Harley Regan know?  ;D

RKR also cooperates with her brother, Peter Raasch, who maintains his own website:
Here are some of Raasch's price tags:
The First Seminar from March 7-13: DK 8,000 (~$ 1.376)
Second Seminar (FT method in practice): DK 10,000 (~$ 1.720)
Third Seminar (Final Seminar and Exam): DK 10,000

Raasch also works as a counselor in Berlin:

Some more persons advertising this therapy:

Gabriele Flowers:

Excerpt from her biography:
... Since 2004: Organisation and realisation of Indian Camps and events
… Since 1999 Assistance of various shamans from Canada, USA, and Europe
2008: Training as a Counselor [sic] with Manitonquat, Elder of Assonet Wampanoag Nation, USA
2003-2004: Training in Healing the Inner Child „Flowering Tree“ according to the teachings of Nomad Winterhawk, USA

Sigrid Davies:

Liselotte Kring:

Gissele Nielsen:

Randi Even:
Even claims to have been taught by various frauds, among them Nomad Winterhawk and Deer Tribe.

Offline Carsten

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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #19 on: April 04, 2013, 06:05:51 pm » is the person indeed. 

nothing I ever experienced with him told me he should be anything but a writer ,  history geek if you like so it does seem odd to me , with the things presented here.

I am not sure what to think of it to be honest ,. 

typical Danish new age people will look like this
she is shaman healer and lots of things.  cost a lot too.  and have a practice and makes money on it.

some have a Native American drum and even clothes to match.   its not traditional  but looks very "Indian"  .

they will also make sure to tell you about this as the very first thing they do.,   

Nomad does neither of these things but is very interested in discussing history ,  and as such I would not label him a fraud as the first thing. 

however if its true and its the same person around the world doing ceremonies and stuff then I would be more interested in finding out a little more about the person before making up my mind about this . 

to me he never claimed to be Native American shaman ,   however he does say that he is a African Native American  relative .  not full blood or anything.  he does not say he is a healer or medicine person either.   

but interesting to find this information.

I hate to say this but what is looking very Indian mean?

it was a ironic statement.  often you see them dress in typical wild west movie outfits.   beads and stuff so they look like the indians in the movies. 

off course homemade and not genuine and if then its something they found in a tourist shop. 

off course its not to be taken serious but maybe it does fool a few people or maybe they just think its fun and pay for the entertainment of the sessions.

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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #20 on: April 04, 2013, 06:18:00 pm »
Anyone who hasn't should also see the exchanges in Carsten's intro thread. Everything is not what he tried to make it seem in his posts here.

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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #21 on: April 04, 2013, 06:21:22 pm »
we have one legit Native American I know of here.  Hakita Najin Jordan.  he is lakota spokes person here in Denmark . and here there used to live a  mixed blood canadian native indian but apart from that I know no legit native americans .

Who is  Hakita Najin Jordan and who said he was a spokesman for the Lakota?

Is it this person, Melvin Custer Jordan?

The obituary makes these claims, but there is no credit given on the obituary and they are rarely fact-checked. Anyone from Rosebud know about this?  If he was teaching sweat to Euros do we need a thread on him despite the fact he's crossed?
« Last Edit: April 04, 2013, 06:27:15 pm by Kathryn »

Offline Carsten

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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #22 on: April 04, 2013, 07:11:40 pm »
we have one legit Native American I know of here.  Hakita Najin Jordan.  he is lakota spokes person here in Denmark . and here there used to live a  mixed blood canadian native indian but apart from that I know no legit native americans .

Who is  Hakita Najin Jordan and who said he was a spokesman for the Lakota?

Is it this person, Melvin Custer Jordan?

The obituary makes these claims, but there is no credit given on the obituary and they are rarely fact-checked. Anyone from Rosebud know about this?  If he was teaching sweat to Euros do we need a thread on him despite the fact he's crossed?

it does seem to be him  based on the few facts I can verify.

the place he lives is correct.   the woman is living where it claims.   the birthname I do not know .  I need to see a picture to verify that.

he is from rosebud and fought the vietnam war.   then at some time been on a instituon as a kid he ran away from and  he also does sundance  every fourth  year in rosebud.

his wife and him founded the site here .   which is a meeting point for all interested in native americans and its a friendship community.

he knows a albert whitehat.   

not much more I can remember other than he adopted a pair of danes I used to know pretty good but not as personal friends .,

I would be very surprised if  he was not legit.   its after all  whole community he should have fooled for many years including a couple I Know personally that was adopted by him. 

but please do investigate him all you can.   I would honestly like to know what you do find out. 

Offline Carsten

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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #23 on: April 04, 2013, 07:50:43 pm »
That is what frauds do
that is off course pretty correct.   to be honest I had doubts about him for several reasons , however since we never discussed spirituality neither  much about native americans , that any history book would be able to confirm since it is what he likes to talk about I never worried much about it.

have to understand I know him and see him as a writer.   nothing more. 

that does not mean he is not with a past  as a fraud or doing something in other countries as a fraud but I Never considered him as anything but a black  person writing about  history.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #24 on: April 04, 2013, 08:52:38 pm »
I want to say i am sorry for being so upfront with you
but after i seen all the post about you I see you as the fraud
who is defending two frauds.
In Spirit

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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #25 on: April 04, 2013, 09:25:36 pm »
With all the info presented here about Winterhawk selling seminars and lectures, teaches a dubious healing method since at least 1990 - and according to some claims since 1975 - in Europe with various former students of his having set up practice as healers in Germany and Denmark themselves --- I suggest to move this thread to the Fraud section.

Second part of my research on Winterhawk's activities in Europe:

NW is also doing seminars and lectures in various European countries and has been doing this for years.

One focus of his activities is Italy where he seems to be going annually, as I found ads for lectures and courses in various years and towns.

He uses the same legend as to his ethnic affiliation here, with some more details:

Appartengo al gruppo che chiamiamo Nuwuwu o Nuwu (nero Apache). Il mio Clan è Na’chista, The GREAT BUTTERFLY CLAN DREAMERS. Il mio nome di nascita cerimoniale è Nod ah’sti, il che significa Winterhawk (Falco d’Inverno).

So the Black Apache here get called Nuwuwu or Nuwu, and Winterhawk's 'ceremonial birth name' is "Nod ah'sti"...
The ad was set up by the Italian organisers who do not give any price-tags. The event took place from June 1-3, 2012 in Tuscany.
However, the same event advertised at another platform does give prices:

„Costs of the seminar:
Euro 300 including food and accom – Euro 250 for persons booking prior to May 4.“

Another event on May 16, 2012 on his book Circular Thought.

Martedì 13 Settembre, sarà presente Nomad Winterhawk, uomo di medicina nativo americano africano, capo cerimoniere e ambasciatore di benevolenza, per una conferenza gratuita, alle ore 18.30.

Venderdì 16 - Domenica 18 Settembre
Sweat Lodge Ceremony
3 intensi giorni insieme per costruire insieme la “capanna sudatoria” e condividere uno dei rituali di purificazione più antichi che si conoscano, condotto da Nomad Winterhawke, capo cerimoniale.
* l'evento non si terrà presso il nostro centro, bensì presso il centro vividea di Lanuvio.

This announces a conference free of charge on Sept 13, 2011, and a sweatlodge ceremony taking place from Fri, Sept 16 to Sun Sept 18, 2011. Apparently constructing the lodge is part of the three-day schedule.

This 2008 ad is interesting because of the 'ceremony' announced:

In a seminar taking place from Oct 10 – Oct 12, 2008, Winterhawk will speak on „la danza dello scialle nero“, i.e. the dance of the black shawl.

Winterhawk also participated in a shame-on congress in 2003 called „Summer of Love“:

NW was announced for July 5-6. The text claims he was „riconosciuto“ in America and Europe. It further mentions Winterhawk was part of the „ancient tradition of the Tuumontcokovi“ which is the name the Chemehuevi call themselves.
Apart from this, the text is rife with buzzwords like „madre terra“ and „padre cielo“, „ancestral energies“ etc.

Winterhawk has been touring Great Britain at least once in 2011:

Circular Thought
[Sunday,30 Jan 2011]

Circular Thought
Nomad Winterhawk, North American Indian will teach Circular Thinking from his Native Tradition.

Black Native Americans
[Tuesday,18 Jan 2011]

Black Native Americans
Nomad Winterhawk Medicine Man, Pipe Carrier, Echasha-ehy, One Who Knows, will be giving a talk .

Also Conducting two Workshops while he is in the UK, at the Bonnington Centre Vauxhall, and also available for Private Consultations.

So apart from the lectures, doing seminars and particularly „private consultations“ provided further income.

Winterhawk also does lectures in Denmark – a few examples:

First a lectures in the town of Randers on Sept 28, 2010

Tirsdag den 28. september 2010, 13:30
RANDERS: Mandag 4. oktober er der mulighed for at opleve en ægte medicin-mand, når Nomad Winterhawk holder foredrag på Underværket i Randers.
Og hvem er så denne medicinmand?
Nomad er en afrikansk/indfødt amerikaner eller Tuumontcokovi Na?chista. Det sidste betyder Sort Apache eller De Sortskæggede Indianere fra Arizona, af Sommerfugle Klanen. Nomads mor var halvt singaleser fra Vestafrika og halvt Cheyenne - indianer. Han er opvokset i Arizona og har stået i lære som Medicinmand hos sin bedstefar Falling Tree, hvor han lærte om de gamle traditioner og ceremonier.
I dag anerkendes Nomad som Road Chief eller Medicinmand af The Native American Church, en ære, som efter sigende kun er ganske få forundt.I 1975 introducerede Nomad Winterhawk Flowering Tree Metoden (Healing af Det Sårede indre Barn) i Danmark.
Foredraget begynder klokken 19, og for de 100 kr.

There are a few more biographical details here, so I'll translate:
Nomad is an African/native American or Tuumontcokovi Na'ichista. The last term means Black Apache or the Black-skinned Indians from Arizona, of the Butterfly Clan. Nomads mother was half Senegalese from West Africa and half Cheyenne-Indian. He grew up in Arizona and stayed and learned to be a medicine man from his grandfather Falling Tree who also taught him the ancient traditions and ceremonies.
Today, Nomad is a recognized Road Chief or Medicine man of the Native American Church […]. In 1975, Nomad Winterhawk introduced his Flowering Tree method (healing of the inner child) in Danmark.
The lecture will start at 7 p.m. and [will cost] 100 kr [~$ 17,21]

Another in the town of Arhus with an entrance fee of 125 kr:

In the town of Viborg:

02-07-2010 kl.19:30 – 22:00

"Tyran seminar med Medicinmand Nomad Winterhawk "

This one is interesting because Winterhawk meanwhile got promoted and is a professor:

Winterhawk er en afrikansk amerikansk indfødt Tuumontcoko, som på dansk betyder Sort Apache. Som Medicinmand, historieprofessor, Ceremoniel høvding og lære af den Cirkulære Tankegang og Medicinhjulets veje, udbreder og underviser han i indianernes historie, kultur og livsfilosofi. Som en overbringer af den mundtlige traditions filosofi fortæller Nomad sine historier som et middel til personlig selvudvikling og har i tidens løb opmuntret mange til at genopdage deres slægtsskab med naturen. Spørgsmål som hvordan individer kan relatere til naturen, dem selv og hinanden er en yderst udfordrende undervisningsform, som sætter krav til den enkle om at samle mod og styrke til at leve deres liv fuldt ud. Nomad er lære i mytologi og drømme, der udtrykker sig på tværs af kulturelle barrierer. Hans mytologi består i kærligheden til Moder Liv, vores planet og hans arbejde fremmer selvansvarlighed, for at udvikle den absolutte selvrespekt. The Native American Church har anerkendt Nomad som Road Chief, Medicinmand. En ære som kun få får tilkendt. Han varetager forskellige spirituelle ceremonier og fungere som Warrior – Healer. Han har introduceret Flowering Tree Metoden (Heling af Det Sårede Indre Barn) på conferencer og seminar. Desuden har han deltaget i projekter som Rites of Passage Programs, som er overgangs ritualer - en personlig livstransition. [...] I 2005 efter en præsentation af sin bog "Circular Thought" for The Association for the Study of Classical African Civilization ved Rutgers University i New Jersey, fik Nomad tilkendt sin professor titel. Prisen for dette weekend seminar er 2500,- kr.

Winterhawk is an African-American native Tuumontcoko which in Danish means Black Apache. As a medicine man, professor of history, and ceremonial chief he will teach Circular Thinking and the ways of the medicine hut, he will explain and teach in Indian history, culture [sic] and life philosophy. […] Nomad teaches mythology and dreams which express across cultural barriers. […] The Native American Church has recognized Nomad as a Road Chief, Medicine Man. […] An honour which is only rarely bestowed. He introduced the Flowering Tree method (Healing the Wounded Inner Child) in conferences and seminars. He further participated in projects on rites of passage programmes […] In 2005, after a presentation of his book „Circular Thought“ for the Association for the Study of Classical African Civilization at Rutgers University in New Jersey, Nomad received his title of a professor. The price of this weekend seminar is 2500 kr.

Oh, all one has to do is present one's fiction book to earn a professor? And even from Rutger's! My book will be on its way tomorrow, can someone please fix a date for a representation for me at Rutger's!
In Europe, the path to such titles happens to be somewhat more demanding – and we also know the same is true for the USA. So, Mr Winterhawk, pull another one – this one's got bells on it.


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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #26 on: April 04, 2013, 11:37:45 pm »
2012 post on a military history forum, this thread on Greatest Native American (Red Indian) Generals:

George, I have been interested in the old west since I read "Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee" by Dee Brown in the 70`s ( a christmas present from my father).

My interest was revived in 2000 as I learned a friend of my wife called Nomad Winterhawk, an Apache/Cheyene anthropologist from New Mexico. He taught us a lot about the Medecine Wheel and the Sun Dance, and of course the kids loved his goodnight stories of "Jumping Mouse", "Coyote", "Talking Stone". He also taught them how to make a "Dream Catcher" so that they didn´t have nightmares and how to paint a cheyene shield.

As a farewell present, he gave me the book "Seven Arrows" by Hyemeyohsts Storm. Wonderful !
Info on Storm:

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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #27 on: April 05, 2013, 06:41:32 pm »
With all the info presented here about Winterhawk selling seminars and lectures, teaches a dubious healing method since at least 1990 - and according to some claims since 1975 - in Europe with various former students of his having set up practice as healers in Germany and Denmark themselves --- I suggest to move this thread to the Fraud section....

 In 2005, after a presentation of his book „Circular Thought“ for the Association for the Study of Classical African Civilization at Rutgers University in New Jersey, Nomad received his title of a professor. The price of this weekend seminar is 2500 kr.

Oh, all one has to do is present one's fiction book to earn a professor? And even from Rutger's! My book will be on its way tomorrow, can someone please fix a date for a representation for me at Rutger's!
In Europe, the path to such titles happens to be somewhat more demanding – and we also know the same is true for the USA. So, Mr Winterhawk, pull another one – this one's got bells on it.

Rutgers doesnt seem to have an Assn for the Study of Classical African Civilization. It does have a Center for African Studies.
It'd be pretty unusual to get a full professorship without at least a decade as an assistant or associate professor first, usually closer to two decades.

One thing I haven't found yet is NW's real name. He sure wasn't born named that. No Native would choose such a stereotypical name as Nomad. I did see some links mentioning a former residence in Dallas and family in California, but no names.

Moving to Frauds, there's obviously quite a bit of moneymaking off false history and ceremony selling going on.

Carsten, haven't you wondered why a supposed Native/African medicine man would be peddling ceremony in Europe, so far away from his supposed people? It's one of the few places most people would not challenge him on his lies.


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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #28 on: April 05, 2013, 07:11:38 pm »
Working on finding out Winterhawk's real name too, so far no luck.

Sometimes an author's true name can be found out through the name authority file system or other related library cataloging, a librarian friend checked for me, no luck there either.



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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #29 on: April 05, 2013, 07:59:13 pm »
Association for the Study of Classical African Civilization

Rutgers list of Honorary Degree Recipients  No Winterhawk listed even for honorary.