Author Topic: Eve Lung aka Eve Gray Wolf aka Eve Grey Wolf - UK Ceremony Seller / Exploiter  (Read 33727 times)

Offline crazyeagle

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This one kind of sticks in my throat...maybe it is the wording..Canadian way of doing things..



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Re: Eve Grey Wolf?...does anyone know anything about this person
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2007, 02:26:43 pm »
Seneca Wolf Clan, isn't that what all of Tylah Nitsch's follower's claim?

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Eve Grey Wolf?...does anyone know anything about this person
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2007, 04:07:30 pm »
A pretty strange link on that site.

Another link has a picture of EGW.

Click picture board, and you'll see them building that "sweatlodge." I sure wouldn't trust something that poorly built.

EGW is in the bottom picture on the right, holding a ridiculous looking shield with a Franklin Mint picture on it, woves, eagles, and crystals.

Check out these other "ceremonies" for sale.

"Drumming Workshop
A Shamanic Drumming workshop in the traditional Canadian way. Throughout the day you will hear and learn native songs and have an opportunity to join in with the singing and drumming using drums made in a traditional fashion.
Weather permitting a ceremony will be held around a ceremonial fire and you will get in touch with your own rhythm, the rhythm of your heart and the rhythm of the earth and as a result start to learn of your own personal power. A Drumming circle can create a lot of energy which can be used by the people present as well as some being given away to the earth. The whole day is very much based on our connection with the earth and increasing our understanding and awareness of this connection to both the male and female energies within the earth.

Dates: TBA
Time: 11.00am - 4.30pm
Price £30

Fire Ceremony

The Fire Ceremony is a traditional Canadian way of giving thanks to the fire and giving away our negativity to the fire so that it can be transformed. In learning about the nature and spirit of fire we can learn about ourselves."

Offline guest456

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Re: Eve Grey Wolf?...does anyone know anything about this person
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2015, 02:19:42 pm »
Yes I know about Eve.. she is Seneca Wolf Clan - born Canada served her apprenterhip with her "sister" Jamie Sams with Grandmother Twyla. I have attended many of her workshops - sweat lodges. and meetings. She is well versed in Canadian politics of the Native Clans. Anyone around the West Midlands will have seen or heard of her.
The sweatlodge mentioned in a previous post -IS substantial and built with the correct intentions as laid down by native teachings. The only problem they had was finding a virgin to place the first cut into the ground for the stone pit.
I suggest anyone who considers Eve to be a fraud - contact her and find out for yourself! ::)
Also the drum was hand painted and has a brilliant sound  - I suggest that anyone who can find fault in anothers  art work should lookinwards to  what they perceive "their" world looks like to others!! ...
Eve is like many women / warriors complex and interesting and very knowledgeable
As the saying goes when the student is ready the teacher willcome...suggest anyone who want the truth about the Native Peoples of many lands contact Eve

Offline earthw7

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Re: Eve Grey Wolf?...does anyone know anything about this person
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2015, 02:41:32 pm »
I would ask are you Native guest 456? I find that people who come to defend frauds are usually white women who know nothing about our culture and don't see what they are doing is wrong, what does the art on a drum have to do with the right to have a drum? Why is these women running a sweat lodge and who gave them the right OH RIGHT Grandmother Twyla who is fraud  :o
In Spirit

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Eve Grey Wolf?...does anyone know anything about this person
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2015, 05:05:04 pm »
Sorry guest 456, but you need to read up about Twyla and Jamie Sams. They each have their own threads on this forum:


Because this woman, Eve, is a member of the Seneca Wolf Clan does not mean she is Native. It only means she bought (figuratively and literally) into a known frauds teaching. If she is indeed Seneca, which I doubt, who are her people? Is she enrolled? Do the Senecas recognize her? Personally, I think she is probably a white woman perpetrating a fraud.


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Re: Eve Grey Wolf?...does anyone know anything about this person
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2015, 08:44:50 pm »
Her actual name is Eve Lung.

Some gleanings from archived sites:

Eve Gray Wolf runs traditional Canadian sweat Lodges in the traditional way of her own people the Huron.

With a long experience of the sweat lodge ceremony Eve Gray Wolf gives you the opportunity to experience this ancient native practice for yourself.

Eve Gray Wolf was brought up in the tradition of the Huron and is also a qualified Seneca Wolf Clan teacher.

Native Canadian Sweat Lodges
Starts 11.00am - 4.00pm
Traditional Canadian Sweat Lodges with Eve Gray Wolf.
Not to be Missed! £40

Seneca Wolf Clan Teachings
This an introduction to a course of workshops with Eve Gray Wolf. This will be a popular event so book now!
Not to be Missed! £10

Tarot Readings
Most Saturdays Native Canadian Readings with Eve Gray Wolf.
Also available Native American card readings by Nigel, ring to book.

Part of a 1999 article:

Gray Wolf's wisdom of the tribe

Birmingham Evening Mail (England)

November 23, 1999 | Copyright

You've seen them in the movies and they're shrouded by mystery - but now they're here in Birmingham. Mail Women's Editor DIANE PARKES meets Eve Gray Wolf, a real-life shaman.

SHAMAN: Half-Huron Indian Eve Lung is also known as Gray Wolf.


EVE Lung must have made quite an impression on her neighbours in Moseley. She's a middle-aged woman, carefully made-up and very correct in her bearing. She's also dressed as an American Indian.

She carefully dons her animal skins and feathers before she talks about being one with the earth and finding your inner self. That's because Eve is a modern-day Native American shaman.

Half Huron Indian, and known as Eve Gray Wolf, she uses the knowledge of her forebears in an attempt to help people on their road to self-development and a happier, healthier life. …


There are workshops from ... Eve Gray Wolf, a Native American Huron Indian who specialises in her own people’s spirituality and the Faery realms
« Last Edit: March 03, 2015, 08:57:10 pm by Piff »


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Re: Eve Grey Wolf?...does anyone know anything about this person
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2015, 08:56:40 pm »
Eve Lung does have a Facebook page. She says she is from Upper Canada Village, Ontario and is now in Moseley, Birmingham, U.K. She says she is a "spiritual teacher", speaks English and Canadian French, attended a Roman Catholic girl's school in U.K.


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Re: Eve Grey Wolf?...does anyone know anything about this person
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2015, 09:00:23 pm »
Just batty about Dracula.

Birmingham Evening Mail (England)

May 27, 2000 | Copyright

A BIRMINGHAM woman was among scholars, artists and fans from around the globe who gathered in Romania for the Second World Dracula Congress.

Eve Lung, from Moseley, is one of hundreds of people attending four days of lectures and debate on the blood-sucking legend.

Eve, who is a modern-day Native American shaman, has run workshops for people of all ages, does psychic readings and takes part in complementary health fairs across the Midlands. …

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Eve Lung aka Eve Grey Wolf - UK Ceremony Seller / Exploiter
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2015, 11:07:41 pm »
So, she says she's Huron, but pratices pretendian ways and is a ceremony seller. Kinda think that if she is Huron, it's distant, or she was raised away from her culture. Either way, she's a fraud.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Eve Lung aka Eve Grey Wolf - UK Ceremony Seller / Exploiter
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2015, 01:43:57 pm »
wow another fraud
In Spirit

Offline Superdog

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Re: Eve Grey Wolf?...does anyone know anything about this person
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2015, 11:16:52 pm »
Yes I know about Eve.. she is Seneca Wolf Clan - born Canada served her apprenterhip with her "sister" Jamie Sams with Grandmother Twyla. I have attended many of her workshops - sweat lodges. and meetings. She is well versed in Canadian politics of the Native Clans. Anyone around the West Midlands will have seen or heard of her.

Jamie Sams and Twyla Nitsch?  Not exactly helping her out.  But, thanks for clearing that up for us. Seneca Wolf Clan membership costs $$$ and doesn't make you Seneca.  Try again.

I see a lot of advertisements in Midland for Eve Gray Wolf (with an "a") also selling services as a psychic and clairvoyant.  Same person?



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Re: Eve Grey Wolf?...does anyone know anything about this person
« Reply #12 on: March 07, 2015, 08:09:16 pm »

I see a lot of advertisements in Midland for Eve Gray Wolf (with an "a") also selling services as a psychic and clairvoyant.  Same person?


Same person. I've only found her listed as Eve Gray Wolf, don't see her named Eve Grey Wolf except for here in title.

Eve is lead vocals in a "pagan power music" band called Soul Takers UK Don't know how active the band is now. Their related Facebook and Twitter pages are not active.

Another photo of her, this time in Dracula mode

Offline AnnOracle60

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Re: Eve Lung aka Eve Gray Wolf aka Eve Grey Wolf - UK Ceremony Seller / Exploiter
« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2019, 02:28:09 am »
If you've not walked in their shoes, if you've not talked to them personally, if you've not atteneded a workshop / or class, if you've not visited their home, if you've not recieved a birthday gift from them, if you've not had a reading from them, if you've not broken bread with them, if you've not received a hug from then, - you cannot comment.
And now you can let Eve rest in peace - for she now knows more than we do. RIP EVE LUNG  194?-2019 REST IN PEACE and may this posting topic cease.

Offline AnnOracle60

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Re: Eve Lung aka Eve Gray Wolf aka Eve Grey Wolf - UK Ceremony Seller / Exploiter
« Reply #14 on: September 26, 2019, 02:47:59 am »

This one kind of sticks in my throat...maybe it is the wording..Canadian way of doing things..

see my reply 13