Author Topic: adhd gene study  (Read 5515 times)

adhd gene study
« on: November 17, 2010, 07:10:26 pm »
was just going to send a PM to Winston, but thought someone else may be interested in this.

"The study, done in Britain, analyzed gene maps of more than 1,400 children, 366 with ADHD, and found that 14% of those with the disorder had deleted or duplicated DNA segments, compared to 7% of those without the disorder." -

"The first direct evidence of a genetic link to attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder has been found, a study says."

"The findings of a new genome study show ADHD is genetic and not caused by diet, laziness, or bad parenting, and points to medications as viable treatment."
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Re: adhd gene study
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2010, 07:12:17 pm »
Also, I don't think ADHD has anything to do with if someone finds something interesting or boring. I've never heard of anyone with ADHD having no issues with it when studying a topic of interest, but that it didn't matter what the subject was.
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Re: adhd gene study
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2010, 07:15:01 pm »
As for psychiatry, people can debunk it all they want, it is still a valid practice. Winston, you seem to me to be intelligent enough to realize that some people do have mental illness. 

press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Superdog

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Re: adhd gene study
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2010, 07:32:28 pm »
There's a lot more to the whole argument than that.  What's evident is there is a lot that needs to be learned about the labels ADD and ADHD.

My own personal observations of family members, friends and acquaintances is that it's something that is diagnosed too readily without any real study.  ADD and ADHD do exist, but not completely as we perceive it.  Brain mapping is a newer technology that is taking big leaps to pursue that lack of knowledge.  One of the early findings with this technology proves the perception I have...that it's diagnosed wrongly much of the time.  The bad part about that is the treatments for ADD/ADHD can be detrimental to a person who has a different condition.  From what they've found recently there are four different conditions that are often diagnosed as ADD/ADHD.  One of those conditions is made much much worse by the current medications offered for this diagnosis.  The behavior of children diagnosed with these conditions runs all over the place from total lack of attention for a certain time span or complete hyperattention and a lack of ability to transition from one thing to another.

The problem I've often seen is doctors too readily will prescribe and addict a child to very dangerous pharmaceuticals that in some cases increase the depression associated with the diagnosis and lead to worse problems...drug addiction, crime..etc etc.  I find fault in doctors who would not consider the extreme effects of medications that affect your brain chemistry and too often hand them out like candy...not just for children, but antidepressants for adults and some pain meds fall under that description.  

Don't get me wrong...there are clear cases where these meds can and do help, but those successes often involve therapies that address behavior and inevitably wish to teach a method of dealing with these conditions without medication.  I happen to believe that a majority of the time that amount of work seems too daunting and the pills are an easy fix.  I've known people who've gone to credible doctors in their field with the intent of being put on an antidepressant and after a 10 minute interview with this credible doctor....get what they want.  Yet the problems that arise from their condition haven't some cases they are worse.

As for Winston's perception...I have the same belief.  The self-diagnosis of being and "indigo child" as an explanation for behaviors often associated with ADD/ADHD happens far too often and usually without a complete objective study of it.  But for some people it does work and in a therapeutic sense...I wouldn't deny someone that perception if it allows them lasting happiness.  I would compare it to the theory of "intelligent design" which tries to fill in the holes of history and science with creationism from the Christian bible.  In other words...when something comes up that can't be explained by science or religion...intelligent design theorists will fill that whole somehow with the Bible and disregard all matter what new knowledge is gained.  However, people strong in their faith tend to live longer and happier lives...who am I to force them away from that.

The truth is yet to be found, but it is definitely between the two extremes.

« Last Edit: November 17, 2010, 07:35:12 pm by Superdog »

Re: adhd gene study
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2010, 07:46:36 pm »
I agree doctors diagnose too fast and just lump any child's attention problems into ADD or ADHD.  I have known some who have simply cut out all caffine and caffine type foods from the childs diet, or have altered other diet items and have seen a good result. But for those who ARE truly in this category they are finding genetic links and that really can't be discounted.

Not sure you mean you agree with Winston in existence of Indigo Children?

My issue with the label is that throughout time there have always been people who beat to a different drum.. and I
just believe people should be happy with their own idiosyncrasies, without having to make up something to feel special about it.

Would you deny someone the perception that they are a reincarnated ndn if it allows them lasting happiness? Or, the perception
that they are shamans?  To me, it is the same. Reaching to something more fantastical in lieu of base reality. The same for intelligent design from the Bible. It is OK to have holes and live with mystery.  It is OK to not feel belonging and be just who you are, and it is also OK to be a completely boring person of the most banal livelihood.

Psychiatry and psychology, the study of the mind and personality, may be useful to people who need to conjure something up
in order to have lasting happiness.

press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Superdog

  • Posts: 440
Re: adhd gene study
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2010, 10:19:05 pm »
Sorry...that was bad wording on my part...there was a couple of those in the last post.

I meant the advent of self-diagnosis as an "indigo child" as a parallel to doctors diagnosing ADD/ADHD for any and every behavioral problem children have.

But I wasn't very clear....I was actually disagreeing with Winston and agreeing with  I'll try and proofread myself a little in the future.

« Last Edit: November 17, 2010, 10:20:44 pm by Superdog »

Offline Superdog

  • Posts: 440
Re: adhd gene study
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2010, 10:28:46 pm »

Would you deny someone the perception that they are a reincarnated ndn if it allows them lasting happiness? Or, the perception
that they are shamans?  To me, it is the same. Reaching to something more fantastical in lieu of base reality. The same for intelligent design from the Bible. It is OK to have holes and live with mystery.  It is OK to not feel belonging and be just who you are, and it is also OK to be a completely boring person of the most banal livelihood.

Psychiatry and psychology, the study of the mind and personality, may be useful to people who need to conjure something up
in order to have lasting happiness.

I agree with you mostly.  Except for the question of denying someone the perception of being a reincarnated ndn or a perception that they are a shaman.  I would engage in the debate, but I simply don't have the power to change a person's self-identity.  I can't really deny them those perceptions, that's a personal choice and I would simply remind people of the consequences if asked.  I only get involved, through this board, when it involves behavior detrimental to others who simply do not know better (i.e. representing me, when they don't have the right to, using my community or others like it as a selling point for engaging in negative behavior or consequences) and my aim is engage people to simply look for the truth.  I know I stray from that line from time to time and on this board I've gotten into calling people out needlessly, but I try and examine it and do better in the future.


Re: adhd gene study
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2010, 02:03:57 am »
Well, I can agree with what you are saying. If it is harmless in every way, then there really isn't any reason for anyone to care how another derives their happiness. I'm just used to these people's perceptions of their self also being harmful in some way to others as well as their self.

There is also the point of view that although it all seems chaotic and crazy, the many people making false claims and the many who follow them, are still living whatever is meant for them to live for whatever reasons that we can never know.  And that all the harm to those they are exploiting is still for some reason we can never know.. so it becomes not something I can really "judge", but more of what side of this chaos I choose to stand on.
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet