Author Topic: Active Culture Family  (Read 5765 times)

Offline cerridwen

  • Posts: 9
Active Culture Family
« on: June 13, 2015, 08:24:41 pm »
Hi All,

I came across this group called 'Active Culture Family' - they seem to be a bunch of individuals who have come together to share and teach aspects of different cultures. But it feels kind of icky to me with regards to whether they are appropriating.

I keep coming across people like this...and most of the time it seems to be creative/artsy people who are open to different cultures and beliefs, which is great, BUT they also then have a habit of taking and using other peoples culture in their own work.

Anyways here is their website:

Erin seems to be the founder of the site. She calls herself a 'priestess'


Offline educatedindian

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Re: Active Culture Family
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2015, 01:03:53 pm »
They do some ceremony selling, Nuage imitations of Native traditions bastardized for profit, and host obvious exploiters. Jane Thomas might deserve her own thread.

Join us for a very special 3 hour healing intensive where experienced shamanic bodyworker Shelley Rike of Heartbeat Groove Alchemy will employ her powerful animal totem essences, movement, and energy work to guide you on a journey of releasing all that stands in the way of you living your truth....

Amy Woodruff, director of the Spirit Weavers Gathering, will be joining us in our San Diego temple space to lead an afternoon of sharing...Each participant will create their own individual and unique medicine bag...
Amy has studied beading with various Native American teachers and learned to tan her own hides through Primitive Skills Gatherings.....

Animal Totem Reading- 1 HR $111.00
About The Reading:
An Animal Totem Reading is a personal ceremony in which you are invited to drop into a receptive state before being expertly guided into direct communication with your own soul. 3 Animal Wisdom cards will be used to stimulate a dialogue where channelled messages can come through as necessary to illuminate the deeper meaning of each animal’s presence in your life.  Once acknowledged, we are better equipped to work with instead of against our own energy for ease of navigation through the joys and challenges of life. Channelled messages may take the form of personal visual symbols that can be worked with in meditation, revealing their importance slowly over time.

Animal Totem Reading- 3 HR $325.00
About The Reading:
Offered as a private ceremony, this reading identifies & honors each of the 9 animal totem allies who walk with you in this lifetime.  As we drop in together, we establish a clear & potent alignment with the messages of each totem as well as the specific gifts, challenges & tools they carry according to their placement on your shield. This intensive reading is a ceremonial gateway to a new dialogue with the medicine you carry from the natural world. A photograph of your shield & a plant medicine bundle are made from your reading for you to keep.

About Jane Anne:
Jane Anne Thomas is a Los Angeles based Artist, Seer, and Kundalini Yoga teacher engaging a blended path of Celtic, Native American, & Yogic traditions with a deep connection to plant and animal medicine.
A shamanic apprentice of the Dineh Beauty Way Path, Jane Anne has been holding Ceremonial Animal Totem Readings for clients from Brazil to Hawaii since 2007. In 2014 she founded House of the Standing Moon, a collective dedicated to bridging the Beauty and Wisdom of the Natural world with the awakening human world. She regularly offers traveling Totem Tours and immersive healing collaborations under the banner Creature Being.