General > Research Needed
James Heidbrink AKA Owl Goingback
TAAF have done his genealogy and find no evidence of ancestry. Claimed Cherokee and Choctaw, selling his horror novels as based on his alleged heritage. Also lectures on said heritage.
"Owl Goingback", whose real name is James Russell Heidbrink, falsely claims to be HALF Choctaw and Cherokee. That's a mighty high blood quantum these days and a very bold claim. He changed his name legally (to appear Indian, it would seem). He stole the very prestigious Cherokee name "Goingback" in the process.
We have been trying to reach James to ask him what he is basing this claim upon, exactly, because we have done his genealogy, and we can find ZERO evidence that there is ANY American Indian ancestry in his family. Anywhere.
We have evidence that James is aware of this and has chosen to avoid us rather than have a conversation about this and either prove us wrong or acknowledge the truth, apologize, and go forward as an ally rather than a pretendian fraud.
Our invitation to make this right remains.
We will be posting his genealogy here, hard evidence, for all to see....
Paternal great grandfather John Herman Heidbrink, father of Raymond Leslie Heidbrink, husband of Ida Ann Goodall
1880 census lists parents and siblings
Race W
Herman was the 1st GENERATION born in the U.S parents from Germany.
Paternal great grandfather John Herman Heidbrink father of Raymond Leslie Heidbrink, husband of Ida Ann Goodall
1910 census lists him with his wife, children and step children
Race W
Herman waste 1st GENERATION born in the U.S parents from Germany.
Paternal great grandfather John Herman Heidbrink, father of Raymond Leslie Heidbrink, husband of Ida Ann Goodall
Death certificate Race W
Lists wife and parents
Herman was the 1st GENERATION born in the U.S parents from Germany.
Paternal 2nd great grandfather Garrett Henry Heidbrink BORN IN GERMANY father of John Herman Heidbrink, husband of Louisa Klocke ALSO BORN IN GERMANY
1850 census lists him with parents.
Paternal 2nd great grandfather Garrett Henry Heidbrink BORN IN GERMANY father of John Herman Heidbrink husband of Louisa Klocke
Marriage record.
Paternal great grandmother Ida Ann Goodall 1st GENERATION born in the U.S on her father's side, father was from ENGLAND, wife of John Herman Heidbrink, mother of Raymond Leslie Heidbrink
1880 census lists her parents and siblings
Race W
Paternal great grandmother Ida Ann Goodall 1st GENERATION born in the U.S on her father's side father was from ENGLAND
Wife of John Herman Heidbrink, mother of Raymond Leslie Heidbrink
1910 census lists husband and children and children from previous marriage.
2nd great grandfather Godfrey Goodall born in ENGLAND father of Ida Ann Goodall husband of Mary Francis Cox
1910 census
Race W
Maternal grandfather James Obia Hahn father of Allene Francis Hahn husband of Vivian Penly
Marriage record
MATERNAL grandfather James Obia Hahn father of Allene Francis Hahn, husband of Vivian Penly
MATERNAL 2nd great grandmother Mary Elizabeth Gamblin wife of Israel Lafayette Hahn mother of James Robert Hahn
1910 census
Race W
2nd great grandfather Godfrey Goodall born in ENGLAND, father of Ida Ann Goodall husband of Mary Francis Cox
1880 census lists him with wife, their children and his wife's children from a previous marriage
Race W
2nd great grandmother Mary Francis Cox, mother of Ida Ann Goodall wife of Godfrey Goodall
Death record
Lists husband and her parents
Race W
MATERNAL great grandmother Ellen Ella Duncan wife of James Robert Hahn mother of James Obia Hahn
1900 census lists with her parents and siblings
Race W
MATERNAL 2nd great grandmother Mary Elizabeth Gamblin wife of Israel Lafayette Hahn mother of James Robert Hahn
Marriage record
MATERNAL great grandmother Ellen Ella Duncan wife of James Robert Hahn mother of James Obia Hahn
1910 census lists her parents and siblings
Race W
MATERNAL great grandmother Ellen Ella Duncan wife of James Robert Hahn mother of James Obia Hahn
Marriage record
MATERNAL 3rd great grandmother Mary Polly Reagan mother of Israel Lafayette Hahn wife of Joseph Neal Hahn
1850 census
Race W
MATERNAL 2nd great grandmother Mary Elizabeth Gamblin wife of Israel Lafayette Hahn mother of James Robert Hahn
1870 census lists her parents and siblings
Race W
MATERNAL great grandfather James Robert Hahn father of James Obia Hahn husband of Ellen Ella Duncan
Marriage record
Paternal great grandmother Ida Ann Goodall 1st GENERATION born in the U.S on her father's side her father was from ENGLAND
Wife of John Herman Heidbrink mother of Raymond Leslie Heidbrink
Marriage record lists her with her 1st husband's surname marrying John Herman Heidbrink.
MATERNAL 3rd great grandmother Mary Polly Reagan mother of Israel Lafayette Hahn wife of Joseph Neal Hahn
Marriage record
MATERNAL 3rd great grandmother Mary Polly Reagan mother of Israel Lafayette Hahn wife of Joseph Neal Hahn
1860 census
Race W
Paternal grandmother Emma Wilhemine Grace Koelin 1st GENERATION born in the U.S parents from Germany mother of Carl Melvin Heidbrink wife of Raymond Leslie Heidbrink
Social security application lists her parents and where they were born.
Paternal 2nd great grandfather Garrett Henry Heidbrink BORN IN GERMANY father of John Herman Heidbrink, husband of Louisa Klocke ALSO BORN IN GERMANY
1870 census with his wife and children.
MATERNAL grandfather James Obia Hahn father of Allene Francis Hahn
1910 census lists him with his parents and siblings
Race W
Paternal grandfather Raymond Leslie Heidbrink father of Carl Melvin Heidbrink husband of Emma Wilhemine Grace Koelin
Death certificate Race W
Lists wife and parents
Father Carl Melvin Heidbrink
Wife Allene Francis "Fran" Hahn, father of James R. Heidbrink aka "Owl"
1940 census w/siblings and parents Race W
2nd great grandmother Mary Francis Cox, mother of Ida Ann Goodall wife of Godfrey Goodall
1880 census with husband and children
Race W
Paternal grandmother Emma Wilhemine Grace Koelin 1st GENERATION born in the U.S parents from GERMANY
mother of Carl Melvin Heidbrink wife of Raymond Leslie Heidbrink
1900 census lists her with parents and siblings
MATERNAL great grandfather James Robert Hahn father of James Obia Hahn husband of Ellen Ella Duncan
WWII draft card lists son
MATERNAL 2nd great grandfather Isreal Lafayette Hahn father of James Robert Hahn husband of Mary Elizabeth Gamblin
Death record Lists wife and son
Paternal grandmother Emma Wilhemine Grace Koelin 1st GENERATION born in the U.S parents from GERMANY
mother of Carl Melvin Heidbrink wife of Raymond Leslie Heidbrink
1930 census lists her and husband and children
Race W
MATERNAL great grandfather James Robert Hahn father of James Obia Hahn husband of Ellen Ella Duncan
1910 census
Race W
MATERNAL 3rd great grandfather Joseph Neal Hahn 1st GENERATION born in the U.S parents from GERMANY father of Israel Lafayette Hahn husband of Mary Polly Reagan
Genealogical index
Lists wife and child
Paternal 2nd great grandfather Garrett Henry Heidbrink BORN IN GERMANY
Social security application lists wife and son John Herman Heidbrink
MATERNAL 2nd great grandfather Isreal Lafayette Hahn father of James Robert Hahn husband of Mary Elizabeth Gamblin
1850 census lists parents and siblings
Race W
MATERNAL 3rd great grandfather Joseph Neal Hahn 1st GENERATION born in the U.S parents from GERMANY father of Israel Lafayette Hahn husband of Mary Polly Reagan
Baptismal record
2nd great grandfather Godfrey Goodall born in ENGLAND father of Ida Ann Goodall husband of Mary Francis Cox
Death record lists his parents, his place of birth and their place of birth child and spouse
Race W
MATERNAL great grandfather James Robert Hahn father of James Obia Hahn husband of Ellen Ella Duncan
Death certificate lists his parents and current spouse 2nd wife
Race W
Paternal grandfather Raymond Leslie Heidbrink father of Carl Melvin Heidbrink, wife Emma Wilhemine Grace Koelin
1930 census with wife and children Race W
Mother Allene Francis "Fran" Hahn mother of James R. Heidbrink aka "Owl" Obituary lists father
3rd great grandfather Joseph Neal Hahn 1st GENERATION born in the U.S parents from GERMANY father of Israel Lafayette Hahn husband of Mary Polly Reagan listed with wife and children
1850 census Race W
Paternal grandfather Raymond Leslie Heidbrink, father of Carl Melvin Heidbrink, wife Emma Wilhemine Grace Koelin
1900 census lists parents and siblings Race W
Father Carl Melvin Heidbrink husband of Alle Francis "Fran" Hahn Father of James R. Heidbrink aka "Owl"
Obituary lists children and parents Race W
Mother Allene Francis "Fran" Hahn mother of James R. Heidbrink aka "Owl"
1940 census lists her with parents and siblings
Race W
Father Carl Melvin Heidbrink husband of Allene Francis "Fran" Hahn father of James R. Heidbrink aka "Owl"
1950 census w/ his parents and siblings Race W
--- Quote from: educatedindian on April 25, 2023, 11:29:18 pm ---TAAF have done his genealogy and find no evidence of ancestry. Claimed Cherokee and Choctaw, selling his horror novels as based on his alleged heritage. Also lectures on said heritage.
--- End quote ---
In addition to the Facebook page quoted, there is now an investigation page:
[Proof that "Owl Goingback" is not Cherokee, a TAAF page]
[James R. "Owl Goingback" Heidbrink — PRESS RELEASE: 6-15-23]
--- Quote from: Sparks on July 10, 2023, 12:34:08 am ---
--- Quote from: educatedindian on April 25, 2023, 11:29:18 pm ---TAAF have done his genealogy and find no evidence of ancestry. Claimed Cherokee and Choctaw, selling his horror novels as based on his alleged heritage. Also lectures on said heritage.
--- End quote ---
In addition to the Facebook page quoted, there is now an investigation page:
[Proof that "Owl Goingback" is not Cherokee, a TAAF page]
[James R. "Owl Goingback" Heidbrink — PRESS RELEASE: 6-15-23]
--- End quote ---
Worth quoting from.
CASE: James Russell Heidbrink aka “Owl Goingback”
Sovereign Nations / identity falsely claimed: Cherokee/Choctaw
Determination: FRAUD
James Russell Heidbrink, aka “Owl Goingback”, is a horror fiction author who claims to be “half Cherokee and half Choctaw”, which would make him a full-blooded American Indian. That is a very bold and obvious lie. He is an ethnic fraud because James Russell Heidbrink is a man of European ancestry who possesses zero American Indian ancestry from any tribe whatsoever, including Cherokee or Choctaw.
He claims his mother, “Quiet Starr”, whose actual name was Allene Francis Hahn, was Cherokee and Choctaw. She was not. And we have letters on public display from all of the federally recognized Cherokee and Choctaw tribal enrollment offices that clearly say he is neither, nor was his mother, nor was his ancestor, David Earnest Penly, nor anyone else in his family.
On his father’s side, only 3 generations back, his family are immigrants from Germany and England.
He is the recipient of many awards recognizing him as a “Native American” author writing about “Native American” themes. This is also literary fraud because Mr. Heidbrink will never possess a Native American” perspective on anything. What he knows about Native American people he attained by reading about us and being a tourist amongst us.
Yet he “travels throughout the United States lecturing about the customs and folklore of the American Indians”. In doing so, he usurps the voices of actual American Indian people who could be authentically speaking on lived American Indian experiences and culture. He is taking up space that could be occupied by legitimately American Indian people. He is one Pretendian fraud among many who are collectively erasing us by replacing us. And now he’s being honored at StokerCon 2023, the American Horror Writer’s annual convention in Pennsylvania. They are being informed regarding Mr. Heidbrink’s fraud.
His Wikipedia entry admits that “Owl Goingback” is his pen name, but we have screenshots of Mr. Heidbrink implying that it is his birth name, by showing his ID on Facebook, having legally changed his name to “Owl Goingback”, a prestigious Cherokee family name which he has stolen to further his profitable fraud. We believe he did this to make himself appear to be Cherokee, which is a classic pretendian tactic.
Mr. Heidbrink owes the public and the Cherokee and Choctaw people an apology. He should legally change his name back to the name his non-American Indian parents gave him, and cease and desist with his Red Face cosplay. To his readers: Please let Mr. Heidbrink know you do not support this type of harmful fraud. To his publishers and supporters: Please do not harbor and enable pretendians like Mr. Heidbrink. Pretendian fraud is the last nail in the coffin of our genocide.
The rest of the press release is the genealogy already shown.
What I bolded is the only inaccurate part. There are no sci fi or horror awards for Natives. He won general awards open to any horror writer.
He could have just done like Tony Hillerman, won awards for writing fiction about another culture. Instead he went the Wolf Storm path, pretending to speak as an insider.
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