Author Topic: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"  (Read 1828503 times)

Offline secondsight

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1080 on: August 04, 2011, 04:25:23 pm »

Noticed the Topanga Film Festival Elders Board thing-ie was cancelled on LG's world wide celebrity travel schedule.

Second Sight

Offline piya

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1081 on: August 13, 2011, 12:58:32 am »
She is so weak, when she was at Glastonbury, UK, I went to confront her. She was huddled past me by her friends. She is being controlled. as we thought.
To Old To Die Young

Offline Freija

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1082 on: August 15, 2011, 07:24:31 am »
She is so weak, when she was at Glastonbury, UK, I went to confront her. She was huddled past me by her friends. She is being controlled. as we thought.

Thanks for letting us know, Piya. I wondered how you got on.
I guess this doesn´t come as a surprise for us. It´s sad, somehow....maybe she would have been inclined to listen to Natives if she hadn´t been stopped from doing so.

It has gone very quiet, hasn´t it? Was looking for photos or videos from Australia and UK, but haven´t found any.

Offline MsWilma

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1083 on: August 15, 2011, 10:05:56 pm »
Hi from Australia. Very little advertising came my way here in Melbourne. Then again, I'm in a semi country town with toddlers, so I'm not exactly in the thick of it.  :) At the same time, i didnt hear anything about her from the usual alternative groups,; not even the people who first sent me her videos.
There was one Australian forum that was active around the time of Crowther's visit- think it was the Federation of Light. Had a lot of chatter about looking forward to her visit, etc. I noticed that someone had posted the info from here about Crowther appropriating an aboriginal artist's work on that forum, but I dont think the post stayed up...

Offline secondsight

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1084 on: September 12, 2011, 04:08:27 pm »

Check out LG's latest video on her site. Sept 2011 Message (of Hope).. She makes an apology to Native Americans and offers a portion of money from her book to Native American teachers.

Still has the title Wisdom Keeper and Shaman on website,etc.

Here is the link:

Second Sight

Offline secondsight

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1085 on: September 12, 2011, 04:15:45 pm »

She has 2 commentaries on  her book from 2 Native Americans ( according to their names and tribes).

Look for Advance Praise on this site:

Is that her own publishing company? Never heard of it.

Second Sight

Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1086 on: September 13, 2011, 12:07:26 am »
i'm still not able to watch her for long.. too sickening.. however, i skipped through it and basically
think she is only doing that to try and get "trouble" off her back so she can get more members who
will support her life style. basically, an apology with an agenda and as far as i see, it's still the same
old b.s. and she is no one's grandmother.
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Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1087 on: September 13, 2011, 01:06:58 am »
At 11:35 she says she will continue to teach indigenous ways.  She will donate funds to people willing to teach indigenous ways, not indigenous people who are, say, freezing to death because they can't afford propane.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1088 on: September 13, 2011, 01:10:41 am »
Maybe she'll send the freezing elders a crystal.

Offline secondsight

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1089 on: September 13, 2011, 01:29:01 am »
She still blames the so called Indian (who mysteriously passed away) for telling her she was called to be Shaman to not one- but two tribes.

"He had no right to put that title on me." Yet she accepted it.

And then uses the 'evangelist excuse': Trust the message because it is true. I am a flawed being, but the message is true.

Send propane, as you have said, and do it without fanfare. A real teacher does the right thing when others are not watching.

But then how would she sell those deeply informative books? Wonder what her income is by now...

Second Sight

Offline Superdog

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1090 on: September 13, 2011, 03:01:48 am »
She still blames the so called Indian (who mysteriously passed away) for telling her she was called to be Shaman to not one- but two tribes.

"He had no right to put that title on me." Yet she accepted it.

And then uses the 'evangelist excuse': Trust the message because it is true. I am a flawed being, but the message is true.

Send propane, as you have said, and do it without fanfare. A real teacher does the right thing when others are not watching.

But then how would she sell those deeply informative books? Wonder what her income is by now...

Second Sight

She also lies and says that once she found out she immediately apologized and stopped saying she represented two different tribes...still claiming she was initiated as a shaman (this is from the same person she just told everyone didn't have the right to pass things on to her).  No mention of the false claim she made regarding Don Alejandro (Wandering Wolf) and his endorsement (which his people now refute as never happening and no affiliation with Crowther whatsoever).  She says she's only donating money to people who "teach" Native ways....not Natives. 

She's still lying, the apology really isn't one as she first blames her critics (Natives) for criticisizing her and how much time it took away from her "work", then offers that lame backhanded apology, followed by the lie that she tried to make amends immediately.  It's all documented on the thread as people copied the text from her website written in her own words which refute that claim (the ever changing "Statement from Kiesha regarding Native Issues") and it's easy to see that much time went fact all the way up to this point in time (it's been a few years now) before she even acknowledged that the stuff she said wasn't true....even though we've been telling her all along that we already knew that.

Just another marketing ploy....once again, playing a victim.  Same old story. 


Offline Freija

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1091 on: September 13, 2011, 09:23:40 am »
Well, she said she will donate to those Indigenous peoples who are willing to teach.... so at least she doesn´t talk about donating to non-Natives teaching Native ways. BUT considering how little she seems to know about Native cultures, she might just end up donating to some European selling sweats and pretending to be Lakota.... :-[  Hope she looks in to it thoroughly IF she does, indeed, donate.

Love that she admitted that what she did in Sweden was wrong  ;)

I will give her credit for giving a public apology, but it´s wayyyyy too late! She looks very tired and I think right now she is just saving what can be saved. An apology with an agenda to save a crumbling "kingdom" does not feel very sincere. (And on her FB-site, people tell her: "NO need for you to apologize, Keisha!" Just saying....)

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1092 on: September 13, 2011, 12:53:55 pm »
I had a similiar reaction. The apology is brief and buried within a long statement asking people to pity her and depicting herself as the real victim here of so much supposed "hate."

That claim she will give "some" of her profits from the book to "Natives who teach" is also questionable. Obviously she wants to give it to Natives who teach things she agrees with. It wouldn't surprise me at all if she gives it to frauds like DeArmon, or the supposed Apache woman who seems like an eccentric grandma. It's my guess those are the two 'Indians" she claims endorse her book. I didn't see which video was their endorsement.

It's potentially a start, since she does kind of sort of admit wrongdoing and talks about making reparations. If she were truly sincere I'd tell her, give HALF of ALL money she has made to the Salish. Not "Natives who teach" things she likes, but charities that help people. Helping an elder through a cold winter is more important than spreading your message, silly woman.

Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1093 on: September 13, 2011, 06:00:37 pm »
Well, my thought is that purposely, online, for millions to see saying you're going to
"give money" if you teach NA ways.. um.. that's like throwing meat out for the dogs.
They'll all come a running.. like Jervis and those types.. then she can pick who she wants
to work for her so she doesn't have to do so much but sit back and enjoy the funds..
and make a video now and then..
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1094 on: September 13, 2011, 07:12:51 pm »
If she were truly sincere I'd tell her, give HALF of ALL money she has made to the Salish. Not "Natives who teach" things she likes, but charities that help people. Helping an elder through a cold winter is more important than spreading your message, silly woman.

Since her original claim was that she was "the shaman of the Sioux-Salish"[sic] I think she should give the other half to one of the L/D/N nations. Maybe some of the people raising funds for propane and housing on Pine Ridge, Rosebud and Cheyenne River would accept her money. As long as she didn't expect to be welcomed by them or included in any ceremonies.

Then she could go live in a FEMA trailer and try to figure out how to make enough money to get through the winter. Maybe they'll let her park a van in the parking lot of a store on Pine Ridge, and the snow will pile up around her.... She could learn a lot that way.