Author Topic: Kerry Davis & African Americans Ain't African (was Is this another fraud group)  (Read 29111 times)

Offline Azteca

  • Posts: 11
Hi, I came across this group and was wondering if it would be included with the
rest phony organizations claiming to be Indigenous Americans?

Please take a look at this link and tell me what you guys think. Thanks.

Here is another of their webpages

Also it seems that this group has a radio show as well.

Anyway, thank you for allowing me to join this forum and hope to receive your responses
on what you think about this group legit or fraud too? I hope that no one else created a post
on this group already.
[Just changed title-Al]
« Last Edit: August 03, 2016, 12:44:52 pm by educatedindian »

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1413
It's all by and about one Kerry Davis of Moundville, Alabama, who created this group on 20 November 2013:


Somebody Told You a Story and You Believed It THEY LIED
This group brings to light that the people currently masquerading themselves as African Americans did not originate on a continent on the other side of the world.

Welcome New Members! This group is growing everyday. That means that the message and mission of this group is being shared. On behalf of Kerry Davis, the creator of African American's Ain't Africans, the other group Administrators and our members, WE are glad to have you join US in Our quest as WE journey to share Knowledge and Light to our People! #OneLoveAmeRicanFamily!

Members who block Group Administrators will be removed.

NOTE: This group is not a religious forum. We ask that members keep your faith-based belief systems personal and not engage in debates in that regard. Throughout the history of man, warring over religion has contributed to untold numbers of deaths. You are asked to be respectful of this request.

We have consistently stated that 'African Americans Ain't African' IS NOT a religious group nor one that promotes ANY ideological factions. This group promotes awareness of the Indigenous People of America aka Turtle Island and the Americas, the Ancestral Heritage and Cultures. This Group encourages research for those individuals seeking knowledge about their Indigenous American Ancestry, Heritage and Cultures, it also provides information that lend to assisting in that quest. We include current events and things that are happening that impact Our daily lives, sometimes a little humor to lighten the mood. With that said, We ask that you Please be respectful and mindful in acknowledging the purpose of 'African Americans Ain't African' the title of which should be somewhat indicative of the sentiments expressed. We do not want the Group feed bogged with religiosity or ideological bickering on subjects that are wedges for division that serve no purpose in here. This Group is an 'awareness movement.' This Group is not for everyone, should You conclude that, Please feel free to remove yourself or request assistance.
4-A Group Administrators

For more information visit us at:
Online Radio: African Americans Ain't Africans Radio Network
Monday-Friday on Blogtalk Radio Call In (657) 383-0630


His Facebook profile:

Offline Bears Ghost

  • Posts: 15
Well they certainly aren't indigenous to this continent.  All,yes all,black / African American citizens are descendants of indigenous African  people. Period. How could anyone with more than a sixth grade education possibly believe this nonsensical claptrap?

Offline White Horse

  • Posts: 118
He has a blog talk "radio" show which basically anyone with a computer and a few dollars can have a blog talk radio show.  Wannabes have been using blog talk for years to attempt to make them selves look legitimate to the people they are duping/followers. Blog talk does archive past shows so you can listen what this "man" is saying.   
Living that life, some consider a Myth!

Offline White Horse

  • Posts: 118
Also an interesting way to sell books.
Living that life, some consider a Myth!

Offline educatedindian

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His claim is that Anasazi were Africans. That would sure be a surprise to Hopi, who know them as Hisatsinom, People of LOng Ago, their ancestors.

He's a complete crackpot, a Black supremacist, a racist with deep hatred of NDNs, and a denier of the genocide against his own people that was the slave trade.

Since the American Indian chose to be the footstool of the coporate states, the corporate state would over the next 200 years change the identity of the Indigenous people to remove him with the pen instead of the sword. And finally renaming them Africans would make them believe that they came to America swimming in urine and feces, while eating in the same conditions.

This move was key in keeping Indigenous people in a childlike state, where they’re emotions rule and common sense and logic are rarely displayed.

The Ancestral name for the American Indian is Anasazi. The Anasazi were the people who inspired the Indigenous Americans to be better and greater than what they were. The Navaho call them Ancient foes, because of the wars they were having with them because of the invasion of the foreigners who were scorching the landscape.

As foreign Invaders began to pour into America, they bought things with them that were new to the Indigenous people. The main product was the gun. Many Indians thought it amazing that you can rid the world of a human life with one shot, the invaders told the males that he could have a gun if he bought them an Indigenous female, this is where pimping gets it’s start.

And so are his followers.

if your ass is a hebrew isrealite go your ass home to Israel and Palestine reclaim your land from that hook nosed white jew, if your ass is a moor go your ass home to Morocco Algeria Tunisia Spain or Europe and run them Mediterranean European Barbary slaves and Arabs up off your land if your ass is a rbg pan African nationalist nuwapian garveyite go your ass home to Africa Egypt Sudan Ethiopia west and central African and reclaim your shit in Africa if your a noi Muslim go your ass home to Saudi Arabia if your a Christian go your ass home back to europe- Tyron Leung

Offline educatedindian

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  • Posts: 4744
Davis works with and promotes NAAIP and "Hemoc Xelup." Nat'l Ass'n for Advancement of Indigenous People. Faux Mayan name for an old man with a Mohawk. Haven't found his actual name yet.
"Hemoc Xelup, citizen of the Nehantick-Nahaganset Nation, and head of the National Association for the Advancement of Indigenous People"

Pretty mangled claims and ideas.

Pretty much the Washitaw cult.
"Chakchiuma Sektchi Washitaw Tribal Trust files this Constructive and Public Notice of the creationand establishment of the
also known as NAAIP...."


There's dozens more scribd documents from them, mostly elaborate attempts to intimidate newspapers who criticized them, police they say harassed them, and land claims.
Another group called Xi Anu is claiming to be Moundbuilders. We have an extremely long thread on them. Thouht they'd broken up afer their failed attempt to start a casino with organized crime.

Offline Azteca

  • Posts: 11
Hi guys,
Thanks for your responses I figured this was another phony group but just had to make sure didn't want
to wrongfully single out anyone. Oh wow the responses given have shown that this organization is definitely
on the fraud alert too. Only a fool would think that black folks are the real Native Americans it makes no sense.
We are aware that some black folks do have NDN ancestry but for this guy and his followers to endorse this lie is
truly ridiculous. Do they even have any tribal documentation, sing indigenous songs, attend Pow Wows, speak
an indigenous language, anything??? From what I have read I do not see anything mentioned about them being
truly Native American or as we say First Nations. Well I wanted to bring it to your attention since this group is about
exposing phony Native groups.

Offline Azteca

  • Posts: 11
Hey guys I came across this youtube video on Kerry Davis.

It seems that Mr. Davis himself is on youtube as well?

Take a look at this image used by this group this is very racist.

And this one

Can some black people be this racist against us NDN's?

The person who uses these racist images is on youtube.

This individual seems like he is down with this African Americans Ain't Africans group too.
Take a look at this ridiculous image here.

Another one wow!

This is their webpage

UNBELIEVABLE! Why such hostility and malice towards the First Nations??? This group definitely has to be investigated.

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1413
This is their webpage

There is also a Facebook page:

Page Info
Short description
    This page was created to pay tribute to the Moorish Americans, misnomered black, African American, negro, nigger, and/or colored.

Is there any connection to this movement, founded in 1913?

Followers have a Facebook group, too [Moorish Science Academy]:

Welcome, This is a Moorish Science Group and we deal with Science only and not Religion, this group consist of Adept Sheiks, Scientists, Scholars, ect. and we are here to set the record straight, we are here to reveal and not conceal true knowledge, Babylon have many agents on facebook claiming to be Moors trying to keep you in the dark, but the devil reveal's them self by the words that come from their lips, much evil exist in the ranks of the Asiatic people in this country, they use us to destroy us and you see it all on facebook and in reality, we are our own worst enemy, you was warned over 100 years ago, it will be your own kind who will help them put you back in chains, as you can see from certain posts that some insist on bringing religion into this group and this is not what we are about at all, you got the devil that think they are insulting the real creators of civilization with falsehood, you can't insult a Universal Vanguard, only the fools who listen too their bul-shit, all those bad things they are saying about Drew Ali, his people and their Holy Koran will come back too bite them in the ass, KARMA is a BITCH and comes in many forms, beware of the words that come from your lips...........Peace & Love

And another group that seems to relate [(MOORISH AMERICANS........(M.D.N.M)]:

Dear Readers,
Friday, March 1, 1929

Our Divine and national movement stands for the specific grand principles of love, truth, peace, freedom and justice. And I, the Prophet, am applying to all loyal, faithful Moors, members and the American citizens to help me in my great uplifting acts of uplifting fallen humanity among the Asiatic race and nation-for I have suffered much and severely in the past through misunderstanding of what the movement was dedicated to.

It is the great God Allah alone that guides the destiny of this Divine and national movement. I know all the true American citizens are identified by national and national descent names to answer and apply to the free national constitution of this free National Republic of the United States of America that's why I am calling on all true national citizens to help me morally and financially in my great work. I am going to help this national government, for without a free national name with a descent flag of your forefathers, there is not a national diving title of the government in which we live.

This is from your true and divine Prophet unto all American and foreign sympathizers.

The Moorish Science Temple of America, founded by Prophet Noble Drew Ali, 1913, is a holy and divine national movement, to teach our people those things necessary to make our members better citizens, obedience to law, and not to cause any confusion or to over throw the laws of the said government but to obey hereby. We teach our people of their nationality and divine creed of Moorish Americans, and birthrights, to love instead of hate, and that we are part and partial of the said government and must live the life accordingly. The Moorish Science Temple of America, does not teach nor indorse or support any "sovereign" theory, or groups. Please feel free to contact us for duly qualified and authorized Divine Ministers. BRO.Y ASAF-EL S.G.G


it's all quite confusing, especially what concerns relationship to Kerry Davis and the AAAA movement?

Offline Ikooko Okurin

  • Posts: 18
  • One Wolf
As an African American man this is beyond infuriating -shakes head-. We have rich and vibrant history and culture, especially when you get back to our indigenous African roots. I'll never understand the desire to usurp someone else's history and culture...I understand it even less when coming from a Black person. I guess they weren't raised being proud of who they are and where they come from.

Offline Azteca

  • Posts: 11
As an African American man this is beyond infuriating -shakes head-. We have rich and vibrant history and culture, especially when you get back to our indigenous African roots. I'll never understand the desire to usurp someone else's history and culture...I understand it even less when coming from a Black person. I guess they weren't raised being proud of who they are and where they come from.


Offline Azteca

  • Posts: 11
This is their webpage

There is also a Facebook page:

Page Info
Short description
    This page was created to pay tribute to the Moorish Americans, misnomered black, African American, negro, nigger, and/or colored.

Is there any connection to this movement, founded in 1913?

Followers have a Facebook group, too [Moorish Science Academy]:

Welcome, This is a Moorish Science Group and we deal with Science only and not Religion, this group consist of Adept Sheiks, Scientists, Scholars, ect. and we are here to set the record straight, we are here to reveal and not conceal true knowledge, Babylon have many agents on facebook claiming to be Moors trying to keep you in the dark, but the devil reveal's them self by the words that come from their lips, much evil exist in the ranks of the Asiatic people in this country, they use us to destroy us and you see it all on facebook and in reality, we are our own worst enemy, you was warned over 100 years ago, it will be your own kind who will help them put you back in chains, as you can see from certain posts that some insist on bringing religion into this group and this is not what we are about at all, you got the devil that think they are insulting the real creators of civilization with falsehood, you can't insult a Universal Vanguard, only the fools who listen too their bul-shit, all those bad things they are saying about Drew Ali, his people and their Holy Koran will come back too bite them in the ass, KARMA is a BITCH and comes in many forms, beware of the words that come from your lips...........Peace & Love

And another group that seems to relate [(MOORISH AMERICANS........(M.D.N.M)]:

Dear Readers,
Friday, March 1, 1929

Our Divine and national movement stands for the specific grand principles of love, truth, peace, freedom and justice. And I, the Prophet, am applying to all loyal, faithful Moors, members and the American citizens to help me in my great uplifting acts of uplifting fallen humanity among the Asiatic race and nation-for I have suffered much and severely in the past through misunderstanding of what the movement was dedicated to.

It is the great God Allah alone that guides the destiny of this Divine and national movement. I know all the true American citizens are identified by national and national descent names to answer and apply to the free national constitution of this free National Republic of the United States of America that's why I am calling on all true national citizens to help me morally and financially in my great work. I am going to help this national government, for without a free national name with a descent flag of your forefathers, there is not a national diving title of the government in which we live.

This is from your true and divine Prophet unto all American and foreign sympathizers.

The Moorish Science Temple of America, founded by Prophet Noble Drew Ali, 1913, is a holy and divine national movement, to teach our people those things necessary to make our members better citizens, obedience to law, and not to cause any confusion or to over throw the laws of the said government but to obey hereby. We teach our people of their nationality and divine creed of Moorish Americans, and birthrights, to love instead of hate, and that we are part and partial of the said government and must live the life accordingly. The Moorish Science Temple of America, does not teach nor indorse or support any "sovereign" theory, or groups. Please feel free to contact us for duly qualified and authorized Divine Ministers. BRO.Y ASAF-EL S.G.G


it's all quite confusing, especially what concerns relationship to Kerry Davis and the AAAA movement?

They are all Afrocentric black culture vulture racists that needs to be exposed! We see these losers all over the internet spewing their lies about us NDN's it is ridiculous to see!!

Offline Azteca

  • Posts: 11
Davis works with and promotes NAAIP and "Hemoc Xelup." Nat'l Ass'n for Advancement of Indigenous People. Faux Mayan name for an old man with a Mohawk. Haven't found his actual name yet.
"Hemoc Xelup, citizen of the Nehantick-Nahaganset Nation, and head of the National Association for the Advancement of Indigenous People"

Pretty mangled claims and ideas.

Pretty much the Washitaw cult.
"Chakchiuma Sektchi Washitaw Tribal Trust files this Constructive and Public Notice of the creationand establishment of the
also known as NAAIP...."


There's dozens more scribd documents from them, mostly elaborate attempts to intimidate newspapers who criticized them, police they say harassed them, and land claims.
Another group called Xi Anu is claiming to be Moundbuilders. We have an extremely long thread on them. Thouht they'd broken up afer their failed attempt to start a casino with organized crime.

My question is should this group be added to the rest frauds claiming to be NDN but are not???