Author Topic: Rock Formations & Rock Carvings  (Read 24268 times)

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Rock Formations & Rock Carvings
« Reply #15 on: October 28, 2010, 12:14:20 pm »
Karen, some of those formations are pretty neat!  I question the pic of the small stone pilings though.  It appears to be surrounded by a young forest, it seems as though it would have been difficult at best to clear old growth without toppling them.  It also looks pretty similar to trail markers on the AT.  The large cobbled one really caught my interest.  I'll pm you about it this evening.

I'll bet there are numerous submerged 'thingies (It's early, I slept very little, brain is not working and technical names are being elusive) in the Quabin.  The area surrounding the reservoir is riddled with these ...'thingies'. 

I know there are also burials in the area from very early cultures.  We got one of them protected out by Easthampton that was from the Red Paint or Ochre period.

Offline karen mica

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Re: Rock Formations & Rock Carvings
« Reply #16 on: October 28, 2010, 02:20:21 pm »
If I were to tell you the resent history of this place, you would be enraged!

This site is in the backwoods of one of the historically "oldest farms" in the area.

I will only say that there was a whole lot more there, then there is now.

I have spoken with two of the "boys" ( they were only 15 years old at the time they were working for the rock thief ) and were paid to haul rock out of there.

The description of what this place "was" before they destroyed it, made me want to cry.

One of our "locals" who made a "big business" out of tearing apart our old stone walls and other rock formations, hauling them away and selling the rock to wealthy Boston homeowners for decoration, is responsible for destroying this site and probably others. 

I was told by the boys that they actually had chains around the "monument" itself and had tried to pull it off the platform with a skidder, but fortunately it wouldn`t budge an inch.

I am told that the "stone thief" had been offered big bucks to haul that to Boston and set it up on someones lawn! Those flat squared stones in the picture (maybe two left) came from a spot that had stone steps leading down to an area that was completely paved with these flat stones!

There were stone pillars here that formed a kinda gate to the place...and dozens of those big rocks with stone piles on them, in the shape of a high dry well.

The rock thief took it all.

But he could not move the big rock with the face and finally gave up on that. 

In fact they also mentioned to me that after making several attempts to pull it off the platform they took a lunch break and were chased out of the area by the biggest "snake" they had ever seen!
They swear it was 10 feet long and jet black!

They actually tried to kill it but it went underground and they couldn`t find it again!

The boys told me that they took probably 50 loads of rock out of there, and the rock thief paid the "elderly farmer" for maybe 10 loads of rock, stealing the rest.
I hate to even talk about this, so enough said.



Re: Rock Formations & Rock Carvings
« Reply #17 on: October 28, 2010, 03:37:50 pm »
Sad that it has been ripped up like that..leaves me to wonder how many other
places existed.. that are now gone. :(
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline karen mica

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Re: Rock Formations & Rock Carvings
« Reply #18 on: October 28, 2010, 09:15:09 pm »
I think it happened to most of the ancient places Critter.

I remember hearing ( or reading ) that there were thousands of such sites at one time, but that a "Manifest Destiny" rule regarded these sites as a threat and most of them were ripped apart and hauled away in the earliest colonial times or whenever they were found after that.

It seems that this Manifest Destiny thing only worked if they were dealing with "savages" who needed civilizing and "church-ifying" in which case it was all perfectly legal to civilize such people to death...claim their land for a christian king, rob them, kill them, steal the resources, etc, all under the guise of "saving" them from the arms of the devil.

But, apparently if you came upon a people who were already "civilized" which means they had settlements/towns, other signs of occupatation or whatever, then they could not be plundered "legally" without declaring some war or something first. So to make this easier on themselves and keep it all legal for the king, they had to destroy any signs of civilization and declare a "barbarian race" as the occupants of the land.
They could then proceed with manifest destiny and take it all for themselves.

So if indeed this was the case, then anything that resembled civilization in the "new world" needed to be erased and the people called "wild" in order to proceed with civilizing them under the direction of the law of the times.  But if this was not the case, then I am open to correction in the matter.

Re: Rock Formations & Rock Carvings
« Reply #19 on: October 29, 2010, 12:03:39 am »
It's vicious, and sadly, probably true.

When I see ancient artifacts I always think about our
own (edit: current) civilization and that it can't last forever either..  

« Last Edit: October 29, 2010, 12:39:16 am by critter »
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline karen mica

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Re: Rock Formations & Rock Carvings
« Reply #20 on: October 29, 2010, 03:16:19 am »

As a general rule I usually do not recommend anything coming from "Project Avalon/Camelot" since they mostly interview the currently popular disinformation specialists.

But I have recently watched the video in the link I will include, and was very impressed with the honesty and the extensive research of Klaus Dona concerning ancient artifacts and the possible technologies of the past. This is definitely worth a watch.

There is some fascinating information here, have a look at it, I don`t think you`ll be disappointed.

Offline Saga

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Re: Rock Formations & Rock Carvings
« Reply #21 on: October 29, 2010, 04:54:37 am »
It seems that this Manifest Destiny thing only worked if they were dealing with "savages" who needed civilizing and "church-ifying" in which case it was all perfectly legal to civilize such people to death...claim their land for a christian king, rob them, kill them, steal the resources, etc, all under the guise of "saving" them from the arms of the devil.

These had sadly happened everywhere in some form and destroying the sacred sites was probably the most important thing to do when "civilizing" people. In Finland many of the sacred groves and trees were cut down to force christianity on people as well. And some of the "cup stones" destroyed and most of the drums of sami people and everything.

Re: Rock Formations & Rock Carvings
« Reply #22 on: November 21, 2010, 02:18:46 am »
Might I suggest contacting your local branch of the United States Geological Service (USGS)? They may be able to provide some insight into the features / formations that you are observing. I'm not saying that human influence wasn't a factor, however, the size alone of the stone suggests primarily natural formation. USGS is an amazing resource and can assist in discovering the truth about many interesting formations.
May we all be blessed with an abundance of peace, compassion, and love.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Rock Formations & Rock Carvings
« Reply #23 on: February 23, 2019, 03:10:37 pm »
"It sucks that the information is so twisted everywhere... bit same when looking the roots of my own culture, all the christianity and romantic as well as down grading the original beliefs and culture has wiped so much of it off that it is hard to find the real thing behind it."

Quoted from Saga who wrote that in this post: