Author Topic: "Peace Mother Geeta Sacred Song"  (Read 17653 times)

Offline educatedindian

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"Peace Mother Geeta Sacred Song"
« on: May 15, 2006, 02:42:38 pm »
From Bryant's group.
E Bryant Holman
"Sorry I didn't see this sooner. This person is one of many frauds, obviously, who use Maya lore as their jumping off point into the world of commercial exploitation.
I am toying with the idea of trying to locate some Mexican scholars from some Mexican university to look into the matter of exploitation of the culture of Mexican and Central American Indians by nuagers. I imagine that something must have been written by now and that there should be some scholars who would have done such investigations and writings. If not, there is bound to be someone who would do it if the importance of this were only pointed out to them.
One thing that I did find rather interesting was an article in National Geographic where the writer when to Guatemala in order to photograph some important artwork in a cave in the mountains. The Natives, a group of Maya Indians, acted as guides. The leaders of the expedition back into the jungle were these people they call "daykeepers". This is one of the favorite titles that nuagers like to give themselves. But I can tell you that there was little in the real "daykeeper" persons to suggest what nuagers were doing.
On top of that, their views and reactions to things did not seem all that romantic or attractive in the sense of the nonsense that nuagers like to promote. It was all about fear and demon propitiation more than anything - that was the impression I got. For instance, the minute one of these "daykeepers" saw a quetzal bird on the wrong side of the path, they took it as a bad omen, that something bad was going to happen to them if the kept on, and so they had to turn back tothe village and try it the next day,
setting off through the jungle the nest day and hoping not to see any more bad omens. In short, these "daykeepers" were nothing like whatever these nuagers like to make it out to be, and in addition, the modern Maya are not carrying on the traditions of their ancestors entire. In fact, the matter of
syncretism is so dominant that, just like so many Indian groups in Mexico and elsewhere, they are really not adherants of their ancestral religion or of Catholicism, but rather they are adherants to a sort of hybrid religion that combines elements of both. This is the reality. So matters that are strictly concerned with the beliefs and "prophecies" of the Ancient Maya are concerns for scholars who are still having a difficult time decoding the relics of the past, and the population is not aware of any of this to any
degree at all. The nuagers are simply having a conversation with themselves.
They are not on the same page as the indigenous population, who would likely never have even a clue as to what these people are talking about, and they are definitely at odds with real scholars who would, or course, scoff at their nonsense.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mambo T" <andezo@...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2006 12:06 AM
Subject: RE: [shamandebunk] Peace Mother Geeta Sacred Song

> Ow, my eye.
> She also has a swamiji and offers mantras....
> Is she an Indian who is an Indian?
> Or an Indian who is an Indian?
> The mind boggles.
> -T
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Nick Noble Wolf
>> Sent: Monday, May 08, 2006 9:05 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: [shamandebunk] Peace Mother Geeta Sacred Song
>> Bryant,
>> Do you know of this woman, Peace Mother Geeta Sacred Song?
>> Guess she is a Mayan shaman who performs "soul retirevals,>> ie, limpias" and was "trained by Don Jacinto Tzab, one of>> Mexico's most powerful and beloved  Mayan Shamans".

Offline educatedindian

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Re: "Peace Mother Geeta Sacred Song"
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2006, 02:45:13 pm »
More from Bryant.
"As a Huichol & Mayan descendent, Peace Mother is trained in Ancient Mayan Medicine and Sacred Sounds of India, Tibet and Native American Spiritual traditions. Miracles abound around her, which she credits to Divine Mother Grace, her Mayan Spirit Guides and the Celestial / Earth Forces of the
Sacred Pyramids, Caves, Waters and Winds. This participatory evening will use ceremony and sacred ritual to show you how to:

[laundry list of new age delights]"

Okay. If I can go out on a limb for a second here and say that I agree with President Clinton's stement that "[it] depends on what the meaning of 'is' is", because, as he pointed out, "is" is not "was", because "is" implies the present and "was" the past.

Okay. Thank you, Mr. President.

Now, the above statement may heave intended to say one thing, but what it does state is defined by the words and the sentence structure and one item that seems odd, to say the least, is that it makes a clear connection between this person's claim that she is "a Huichol & Mayan descendent" that she is "trained in Ancient Mayan Medicine and Sacred Sounds of India, Tibet and Native American Spiritual traditions", because the laws of grammar show that this type of clause implies a concrete association. It states that if
she is one of these people, then she is necessarily trained in all of this stuff. So, for example, the secrets of Tibetan nirvana stuff or whatever - she didn't learn that from the Dalai Lama or some other chump like that. She already had a mainline ot the source of all that there wisdom through her
simply "a Huichol & Mayan descendent" because as such, she was bound to receive all of the extensive scholarly/psychic/mystical lore that being one of those implies. It is all so simple.

The whole concept is absurd. Mexico does not have anything even remotely resembling any "one of Mexico's most powerful and beloved  Mayan Shamans". I mean do we have some stable of powerful and beloved Mayan Shamans of which one or more stand out as the most notable here in the US? No, Mexico is not crawling with high profile Maya shamans of which one might say that one or several are more notable than the rest. In fact, I don't think that anyone describing themselves as such has ever appeared in the mass media there at all at any time. Personally, I don't think anything exists. For one thing, Mexicans don't care a wit about either Maya or shamans. These are strictly the sort of thing that gringos take interest in.


Offline educatedindian

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Re: "Peace Mother Geeta Sacred Song"
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2006, 02:58:12 pm »
Oh boy, what she says is pure comedy gold.
"The Impeccable Warrior of Light
Wisdom Teachings for Spiritual Protection"

OK, that's ripping off both Castaneda and Jamie Sams I think.

"How to Protect Yourself from Evil or Negative Forces
by Peace Mother Geeta Sacred Song...
Treasuring the Golden Energy
It is often difficult for people to value themselves, because they do not believe themselves to be a superbly wondrous God-created temple and have no comprehension of the phenomenal, mystical Energy housed within that temple."

Well of course, if you don't think of yourself as an energy temple your self image will be lousy. ;)
"The Violet Light
The Impeccable Warrior must have a protective shield that is easy to transport and access and the Violet Light, which is also known as the Violet Flame of Transmutation, is an immediate transformer and uplifter."

Doesn't this sound like it was written by a Star Trek fan?

"Wearing Positive Colors
The spirit needs to be fed with power colors."

Yeah, those weak colors just leave ya feelin hungry.

"An Impeccable Warrior of Light knows what colors enhance their Life-Force and power. You will find that when you wear certain colors, people compliment you and confirm how great you look in them."

So by buying her books, you can get enlightened and look JUST FABULOUS too!

"Since the human being is made up mostly of water, if you do not have a container of water in your home or office to absorb the many energies that are floating around, they will be absorbed by your body"

Yeah, those Huichol ancestors of hers kept water around them in their dry mountains just for that, not for anything like THIRST.

You know, it occurs to me these Mayan "shamans" never say which Mayan group they suposedly are part of. There are about two dozen language/ethnic groups, with thousands of villages.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: "Peace Mother Geeta Sacred Song"
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2006, 03:02:55 pm »
More comedy, this time intentional.
"Scam Peace Mother
Filed under: Rants, Social Issues — SCG at 2:31 pm on Sunday, July 31, 2005
OK, this one really fries my nuts!
Here I am, trying to not be cranky and actually seek some place where I can volunteer my services. Yes, I am Some Cranky Christian Guy, but I am trying to exercise more the Christian part. I log onto my trusty Internet and quickly find this site. Wow, what a great site. So, I enter my zip code, set the range for state-wide, and select the ‘Religion??? category. Hey, why not give that a try, eh? What the Fart do I find???? A wonderful opportunity to cook for the divine mother! What the Fart????? I’m like, what? What divine mother? So, I click on it. Here is the description, right from the volunteer match web site:
There is rare opportunity available for people that wish to earn great merit to cook for Enlightened Master Peace Mother Geeta Sacred Song, who is the manifestation of Mother Mary, Tara, Kuan Yin, Durgaâ Divine Mother from all traditions
See link right here.
I sat there just starring at the monitor, not quite believing what I was reading, my mind filled with mental flatulence. What the F? I repeat – what the Flatulence??????
I read further:
Peace Mother is constantly on pilgrimage and is traveling the US on a Grace & Compassion Pilgrimage. Volunteers can visit to website to see where she will be and choose to do selfless service in the area that she will be in, or travel with Peace Mother on pilgrimage. Being in the presence of a true Master dissolves karma and propels us to our highest destiny in each moment. An ocean of Grace is available through Peace Mother, as she is the fountain of Grace. Volunteers interested, are recommend to read Peace Mother’s book The Impeccable Warrior of Light: Wisdom Teachings for Spiritual Protection, which is a hand book to understand Peace Mother’s / Divine Mother’s wisdom teachings that explains how Masters live, regardless of the tradition.
I think I could end this post by simply writing WTF WTF WTF about a thousand times.
However, being an enlighten university educated fellow, I decided to learn more. I surfed to the sacred peace dot org website. Immediately, this scam artist’s photo showed up.
Holy crap. Who the hell is this scam artist pretending to be? Here ya go, right from the non-tax paying organizations web site:
As a Huichol & Mayan descendent, Peace Mother is trained in Ancient Mayan Medicine and Sacred Sounds of India, Tibet and Native American Spiritual traditions. Miracles abound around her, which she credits to Divine Mother Grace, her Mayan Spirit Guides and the Celestial / Earth Forces of the Sacred Pyramids, Caves, Waters and Winds.
So, bottom line, I can volunteer to cook for this b itch.
I think not. I think this whacko is no whacko. I think this is a shrew business woman who has realized that most Americans are dumb as a box of rocks, and open to any kind of feel good crap. Hey, she has created a non-profit organization, so doesn’t pay taxes, accepts “love gift??? donations, probably a lot of it cash, sells her books, tapes and God knows what else to idiot saps, and now she is looking for some hollow-headed fruitcake to cook her meals – as a volunteer! Give me a freaking break.
If you really, really want to laugh your bladder off, go to the stupid website and read all the material there. It is so much more creative and funnier than anything I could write.
Enlightened Master Peace Mother Geeta Sacred Song my as s."