Author Topic: Gretings to All  (Read 4252 times)

Offline John S

  • Posts: 1
Gretings to All
« on: August 16, 2018, 06:52:57 pm »
Hello- my name is John and I thank the admins for approving my registration. My purpose here is to explore ideas and solutions regarding the phenomenon of Native American spirituality and culture.

I will not insult anyone by throwing out the almost required 'I've always felt I was an Indian...' or 'My great-16x grandmother was a Cherokee princess...' or 'I had a vision...' sort of claim. (I did, in all honesty, have a dream some two decades ago that has stuck with me but I still don't know what- if anything- to make of it. More on that later, perhaps.) Neither will I claim Native American ancestry, although 'family legend' (meaning no documentation whatsoever) says... you know the drill. Nice try, family storytellers, but it doesn't wash. If by some slim chance there IS Native American blood in me it's very, very well hidden. 

What I will say, though, is that I have an abiding admiration and respect for Native American spirituality and culture and- even as the Whitest White Man you'll ever see- it pains me to see those being sold out by people looking to make a fast buck off gullible New Agers and assorted others. As much as I may learn about Native American spirituality and culture, I can say in all truth that I would never seek to be one of those hucksters and when faced with one I wold not hesitate to call them out.

In any case here I am and after reading through the existing posts and gauging what's what I expect I will post some questions and commentaries of my own. I fear my lack of real knowledge will betray me, though, so I apologize in advance for any questions or commentary that give offense; I assure you that is not my intention at all.

In closing, again I thank the admins for allowing me in the door and I look forward to constructive participation here.