Author Topic: Hi I am Mike  (Read 7551 times)

Offline Mike

  • Posts: 2
Hi I am Mike
« on: January 27, 2011, 06:33:53 am »
I think its very important to make the many frauds responsible for their lies. But in my case am one of Dr. Turi's debunkers because I am also one of his student and the man is real and many people have tried hurt to hurt his integrity on many websites. First read about some of the people's feedback on these sites then I will post some of his work here.

Good ay


Online Sparks

  • Posts: 1426
Re: Hi I am Mike — & "Dr." Louis Turi
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2018, 10:44:27 pm »
I think its very important to make the many frauds responsible for their lies. But in my case am one of Dr. Turi's debunkers because I am also one of his student and the man is real and many people have tried hurt to hurt his integrity on many websites. First read about some of the people's feedback on these sites then I will post some of his work here.

My bolding in quote: "… one of Dr. Turi's debunkers …" — I guess this is a typo, you are one of his defenders.

(The links below the quote are dead by now: "Oops! That page can’t be found".)

You started a new topic about "Dr." Louis Turi, it's here: