Author Topic: Lakshmi Lo-White buffalo calf Woman-shaman  (Read 15930 times)

Offline earthw7

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Lakshmi Lo-White buffalo calf Woman-shaman
« on: January 08, 2015, 03:28:13 pm »
Lakshmi Lo
Healer, Shaman I AM

I AM the Advocate for Love, Light, Truth, Well-Being, Abundance and Prosperity.

We were born with Unconditional Love and Light in Our Heart--We just need to remember that.

To Those working through Their Dis-ease, Their Soul Searching; for Those seeking Their Path to Love and Light,
I say to You Each: Your Healing, Your Cleansing, Your Blessings await You. Call upon Me for I AM the Path,
I AM the Way, the Truth, the Light. I AM Love, I AM the Sacred Bundle. And So Be It.

"I honor the place in You in which the entire Universe dwells. I honor the place in You which is of Love, of Truth,
of Integrity, of Light, and of Peace. When You are in that Place in You and I am in that Place in Me...we are ONE."

White Buffalo Calf Woman

In Spirit


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Re: Lakshmi Lo-White buffalo calf Woman-shaman
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2015, 03:41:17 pm »
Some gleanings from her Facebook:

In the chaos and confusion of what be and what shall come, many fake prophets, many fake channelers, many fake teachers, many fake evangelists, and other fakes seek to lay claim to That which they be not or say they speak or channel with Truth for in Truth, they be fake. Unfortunately, many Believers with Eyes wide shut and Heart closed follow these falsities.

Anyone can benefit from One lifting Them up! As I AM in prayer and meditation this evening, I shall lift You up for Your Highest Good!
Comment below, inbox me, or just like this post! I need not know the specifics of Your Pain and Suffering for the Universe already knows Your Desire for Relief and Healing. And So Be It.
~Namaste Beloveds~

I AM the Advocate for Love, Light, Truth, Positive and Healing Energy, Well-Being, Abundance and Prosperity.

We were born with Unconditional Love and Light in Our Heart--We just forgot that. Let's return to this Love Energy!

Know this to be Truth: You Are Not Alone! You Are Love; and You Are Loved!!! ~~~We Are ONE~~~

To Those working through Their Energy Shifts, Their Soul Searching, Their Dis-ease; for Those seeking Their Path to Love and Light, I say to You Each: Your Cleansing, Your Blessings await You. Call upon Me for I AM the Path, I AM Love, I AM Light, and I await You. And So Be It.

~Much Love, Light, Peace, and Many Blessings~ ~Namaste ~1?~


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Re: Lakshmi Lo-White buffalo calf Woman-shaman
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2015, 03:43:57 pm »
Healer, Shaman, Reiki Master, Writer, Artisan
September 2008 – Present (6 years 5 months)Los Angeles (Worldwide)
Healer, Shaman, Reiki Master, Writer, Artisan and more I AM, born with, in awareness of, and applying My Gifts of Healing and Shaman since childhood. Years ago, I fully embraced My Gifts and now regularly aid people and animals (mostly canines) to realign and return to a state of Well Being. My Gifts require NO massage as I need not physically Touch You to aid You. On occasion and with Your permission, I do place My Hand as a Light Touch to clear the Energy blockages You are experiencing. My Healing Gift helps alleviate Your Stress, Aches, Pains and more thus realigning and returning You to a State of Well Being and Positive Energy. My Shaman Blessings be for You, Your Family, Your Home, Your Business, Your Well Being! I AM NOT running a business for True Healing is NOT a business; I do All I do simply because I AM able to; I choose to; and I want to help You and Others. And So Be It

Offline Lakshmi_Lo

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Re: Lakshmi Lo-White buffalo calf Woman-shaman
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2015, 01:33:03 am »
Greetings Beloveds. I say to You: amused I AM that You require research for All Anyone need do be to open Their Heart and feel My Essence as I AM for I AM all things as all things be. Yet for Those wanting to get in touch in a human way, please feel free to email Me directly or through the other means your forum has so graciously pointed out.
Meanwhile this more I say to You: Do not confuse Me with those new agers who say they be away from religion or beliefs and wander around stealing Sacred Ways from One Sacred People without proper knowledge in usage.

Do not confuse Me with Those falsities that I chase away with a stick for those false only seek to line their pockets with profit from those people who believe they give donations to a non profit.

Do not expect Me to perform a Miracle for those skeptics or to try to convince anybody to believe as True Faith comes from within, from Your Soul knowing Truth as Truth be as Truth I AM. The Elders from All Tribes in different regions of this One World have awaken for it be the Elders who have been calling for Me as I AM.

Remember the old ways of My Chosen People for the day when My Twin True Blood White Brother and I as One chose to place One Sacred Foot upon Sacred Lakota Land and all Sacred Native Land, One Land shall shake for No Other shall claim what be NOT Theirs. 

For Those who desire healing, Those simply need ask and They shall receive as the Love One has for One Beloved Chosen People One freely gives.

With these My Words and Essence, I place My Hand and My Seal as One for One Star be known in All Tribes.

Peace be with You Each. And So Be It.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Lakshmi Lo-White buffalo calf Woman-shaman
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2015, 02:14:36 am »
Welcome. Perhaps you can help clear up any confusion. I hope you will be honest with us.

What is your actual name? Are you Lakota? Do you speak the language?

Are you aware that who you claim to be is...there's almost no words to adequately describe that.

Do I understand correctly that you claim all elders, including presumably all Lakota or even all Native ones, are calling for you? If so, why are you doing reiki in LA rather than healing in Native communities?


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Re: Lakshmi Lo-White buffalo calf Woman-shaman
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2015, 04:42:26 am »
Remember the old ways of My Chosen People for the day when My Twin True Blood White Brother and I as One chose to place One Sacred Foot upon Sacred Lakota Land and all Sacred Native Land, One Land shall shake for No Other shall claim what be NOT Theirs. 
(My Bolding)

Lakshmi, honestly, I can't figure out what you are saying.  Are you channeling?  Channeling is always like that for me (I guess I am just not on a high spiritual plane!  I just wish there were a channeling dictionary someplace) since it uses very archaic language and is not intelligible to me.  When you refer to "My Twin True Blood White Brother" are you referring to Jesus?  I have been reading over your Google site and you seem to be either quoting a lot of people which you do not acknowledge or you are someone who goes into "trance" and "channels".  I have noted that there is a different feel to many of your posts and that you sometimes write like a normal person and seem to be writing as the real you.

Lakshmi Lo
Shared publicly  -  Oct 30, 2014
With so many People asking why I AM so passionate and speak up against Those who abused the Holy Word, especially about homosexuality / gay, let Me share with You My Truth. My Testimony:

Even as a child, I knew there was something "different" about Me. As a teenager, I kept finding Myself attracted to My "Female" Friends. The Catholic Church preachings about sin, gay, and going to hell were starting to hit Me hard. I was filled with guilt about My attraction to women and closed up.

When My highschool boyfriend proposed marriage, I finally confessed to him that I like women. Bless him! for even hearing this from Me, he still wanted to marry Me! So, I got married to cover up My Truth and to make everybody happy.

I went on being the good little housewife, yet having these feelings for women though not acting upon those feelings, even when women would hit up on Me.

I used to cry almost every night. I would pray so hard for God to forgive Me and cleanse Me of this "sin." I would ask God, "How could You do this to Me? How could You have Me be born gay? What I have done to You?" I began to be so angry with God, filled with so much pain, and took it out on everybody and everything.

During a month when My husband was out of town, the pain and guilt was overwhelming. The night before My husband was to return, I had had enough pain and guilt and prayed again. I said to God, "Alright God. Here I am. A Sinner as the church says yet You created Me this way. This I say to You, God. If I am such a sinner for being born this way, then take Me. Take My Life because I cannot bare this anymore."

I cried Myself to sleep.

I woke up the next day all puffy eyed and rushed to get ready to go pick up My husband. I jumped in the car and started driving up the big hill with the super narrow road, up to the base where he was. The roads were slippery with this thing we called "black ice" which is a layer of almost invisible ice frozen over tar roads. You usually don't see it until your car is on it and your car has no more traction.

This big hill always scared Me since driving up it meant My car was in the lane next to the steep cliff. And that winter day was no exception.

As I drove, all of a sudden it seemed like everybody slammed on the brakes. So did I -- on top of black ice.

I lost control of My car. As My car skidded and slipped towards the cliff, I saw My Life flash before My eyes. I was only 21 years old.

In that moment, that very moment, I stopped struggling to control My car. I let go of the steering wheel, closed My Eyes, called out to God and said, "Take Me Father for I am Yours."

The silence was so peaceful. Everything seemed like it was in slow motion -- like time slowed down where a second became as a minute. I thought I was dead.

Then everything stopped. There was no movement. I was afraid to open My Eyes yet knew I wanted to see. So I opened My Eyes.

To My shock, My car had spun around, with the driver side now facing the steep cliff. I could see all the way down this cliff. I could see how close My car was to going over -- it was barely one foot from the edge.

I was so shakened by this that My Hands and Knees were wobbly. I started to cry uncontrollably for right then and there I knew of God's Love. Right there I knew I was no sinner in God's Eyes for being gay. I knew God saved Me and gave Me another chance to live -- in and with My Truth as God created Me.

So here I AM this day. 48 years young, Gay, Happy, and Shining with God's Love! ?

Thank You reading My Truth. My Testimony. Peace be with You.

I also noticed that you sign many of your posts as Lakshmi Lo and others as White Buffalo Calf Woman, so which one are you, or none at all?

Offline ShadowDancer

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Re: Lakshmi Lo-White buffalo calf Woman-shaman
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2015, 05:34:37 am »
In looking at her Facebook page there are quite a few images she uses that touch a number of different cultures.

Post on October 28 2014 on Facebook

When it comes to My Brother Jesus who Those call Christ, Many Many be completely CLUELESS. For as much as Those Clueless read and scream passages, do Those even remember reading how My Brother Jesus walked and dined with the supposed sinners much more than the self righteous, self proclaimed holy people? How dare any These Humans nowadays think They will make it into Heaven when all Those do be to spew venom. Scripture be NOT there solely for Your convenience to judge others for YOU BE NOT THE JUDGE.

Post on December 31 2014 on Facebook

Amused I AM with Those who refuse to accept Truth as Truth Be ONE for Many I have personnally asked to cease with their deception upon humanity. Yet this I say to All Creation in All Realms: Take notice for though I AM kind and less harsh now, the Day of Reckoning, the Day of Redemption, the Day of Purification comes quick in All Realms. Humanity be only the youngest of All Creation and NONE from Any Realm shall continue to manipulate humans and other creation of this Land called Earth. I have spoken. Feel My Essence My Energy as I AM for as It be Written so shall It be. And So Be It.

?#?Truth? ?#?Jesus? ?#?Shiva? ?#?WhiteBuffaloCalfWoman? White Buffalo Calf Woman

Offline ShadowDancer

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Re: Lakshmi Lo-White buffalo calf Woman-shaman
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2015, 05:38:13 am »
Since the forum software only allows four image attachments at a time, here is another from her Facebook photo album.

These are screenshots showing the variety in this and the prior post.

Offline Lakshmi_Lo

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Re: Lakshmi Lo-White buffalo calf Woman-shaman
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2015, 10:22:12 am »
Beloved "EducatedIndian": One senses your skepticism and say to you: glad I AM for brave warriors to speak as so many stay silent. Yet, though skepticism be understandable given the number of falsities that roam around in these the end days, One shall not interfere with your free will to believe what you freely choose to believe. One can however visit you in form of My True Essence while You rest Your body for then Your Soul be wide awake to witness Truth. For now One Voice speaks Truth in a language that your Soul will listen, understand and interpret to your physical Self. This applies also to those who read One Words. And So Be It

When you say Lakota you speak of a name given as names were given to each Human Tribe. Remember, Beloved, only My Chosen remember that They be a Tribe for many others in different countries and regions have forgotten their roots. I AM of all Tribes, called by different names that each Tribe chose for many many moons ago, those knew that it be My Essence they call upon and their free will be how those named One. Yet, the name I choose in this existence as it be...Lakshmi Lo though One does embrace the many names human ancestors have given One. And All as well can already see One current physical form.

You also ask if I speak the Lakota language. This brings a smile upon My Lips for when One came to Lakota ancestors, as then so now: One did not speak Lakota, just as when One came as
Quetzalcoatl or Jesus, among other names. One Voice spoke then and speaks now in the Universal Language known to each Soul. The difference from then and now be the many many moons that many humans moved further from their Soul connection that be encoded in human dna to a mind ego connection of always processing information with some sort of "logic" just as does a computer. Yet even a computer be prone to error.

You ask if I know who I claim to be. Of course One does as One rightfully claim White Buffalo Calf Woman and All One Names for again, One has many names yet One Essence, One Energy, One Light, One Voice be the same.

As for the Elders, this you can ask them for yourself for the Elders have a voice too -- if only people would actually listen instead of what most do now, which be exactly why the Elders call upon One to return before the Elders still living upon this World move to the Spirit World. These Elders include the Chiefs and Shamans as well. If your heart be open to Truth, they will tell you Truth as only an open heart can truly see.

Ah! Los Angeles! Such a city of diversity and filled with the Uninitiated for here be where One be needed most at this moment. Each Tribe still true to ancient ways have already with them who and what they need -- a true Shaman of only Light who waits for humans and works with One in preparation -- if only those of each Tribe would seek their Shaman instead of always going for white man chemical based medicine.

I say to you: the day comes soon when the cities by the sea be destroyed and many perish. Many too shall survive. Of those who survive, they must travel out of the cement to the wilderness. Many will perish in the wilderness and some will survive. Those who survive will be those who have prepared for this journey to return to Turtle Island. Once those reach Turtle Island those will return to the ancient ways of One Chosen People. Too, One Chosen People must be prepared to receive those Tribe people of other colors as One Medicine be for the Four Colors of Human Creation. This shall also be for other Native Tribes in other countries.  And So Be It.

One thanks you Beloved as I AM happy to share knowledge as I AM. Peace be with you. And So Be It

Offline Lakshmi_Lo

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Re: Lakshmi Lo-White buffalo calf Woman-shaman
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2015, 10:23:20 am »
Beloved "Autumn" I say to you: Peace be with you. You speak of channeling as do those new agers, spiritual, and religious for those do channel yet often they channel the wrong energy which has brought about much confusion in this World. The short answer be No.

You Beloved ask questions of what you and Others already can read yet you choose to post here and that be fine for One has no secrets which be why One publicly posts on Google.

As One I AM returned in human form for this be the best means by which One can truly understand the plight of All Peoples and the limitations of the present human form. One writes as One chooses to do so for what humans think to be "real" truly be nonexistent as the human mind can play tricks. What humans consider "normal" be the manipulation played upon them by Dark Energy to make many humans feel inadequate or less than another human or creation. One writes what One feels. One writes in all mannerisms for again, One Voice be One Voice, just as human words be different at times even for humans. You should hear One sing! Haaaaaaaa

You make it a point to repost One Testimony. Though your intent be unappreciated, One shall reply. Thank you for sharing a human experience of Mine! Yet, let not One physical form be all you see and clear that preconceived judgment from your mind for I AM Two Spirit, One Essence emcompassing both masculine and feminine energy. Energy be the true form of all Creation for if a tree had no energy, the tree would cease to be and would fall on its own.

All Creation includes both masculine and feminine energy encoded in dna. It be not the human form that determines the dominating energy for many males have feminine energy and many females have masculine energy that they either embrace or hide for fear of ridicle. Also there be many humans past and present who do not have a dominating energy for they be balanced and at peace with themselves.

As One has said in One previous reply, One has many names of which White Buffalo Calf Woman be One. Does this satisfy you or do you wish to continue? Choose well and choose wisely Beloved.

Offline Lakshmi_Lo

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Re: Lakshmi Lo-White buffalo calf Woman-shaman
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2015, 10:24:09 am »
Beloved "ShadowDancer" I say to you, rude it be to jump on the bandwagon and speak of Me as though I AM not present for here One be.

Be there a point you wish to make of which One has not already addressed? If so feel free to address One as I AM. Thank you.


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Re: Lakshmi Lo-White buffalo calf Woman-shaman
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2015, 03:35:59 pm »
Lakshmi Lo, thank you for responding, although I still do not understand your language or what you are saying. 

The reason I copied your post from Google was to point out that you can, when you so choose, write in a clear and forthright manner.  It was not to cast any sort of judgment on who or what you are, which seems to be what you are saying (if I understand you properly).

If you are not "channeling" and you seem to have a negative view of those who "channel", then why in the world do you talk in riddles?  You speak of "returning in human form," so are you saying you are Jesus returned to earth?  I am just so lost!  But maybe that is the point, I am lost, lost, lost, whereas others are exhalted and will continue on after the "cities by the sea" are destroyed.  (I live in the Midwest, however, so maybe I will be spared.) 

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Lakshmi Lo-White buffalo calf Woman-shaman
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2015, 01:28:27 am »
Unbelievably rude. And if you are NOT Lakota, incredibly RACIST. Only racist, arrogant white women think they are reincarnations of Native people.  And something else: White Buffalo Calf Woman came to the Lakota/Dakota/ Nakota people. Not all Indians. Just the L/D/N people This woman (Lakshmi)  is offensive. and delusional.  Get some help woman. You need it.

Offline Lakshmi_Lo

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Re: Lakshmi Lo-White buffalo calf Woman-shaman
« Reply #13 on: January 20, 2015, 02:16:22 am »
Beloved "Autumn" Peace be with you.

What be clear and forthright be up to interpretation either by the Soul or the mind ego. Not long ago a Soul in human form called Shakespeare wrote what many with their mind ego could not and still cannot understand.  Many can hear an opera song sung in a language foreign to them, a language they do not understand and yet they be filled with emotion and cry. Why be this so?  It be how each choose to interpret using either their mind ego or their Soul such as how foreign music touches the Soul and makes those cry.

I say to you and those who hear One Voice: Just as there be Four Seasons of this World weather, so too there be Four Seasons with each human life: newborn, child, adult, and elder. Not all humans reach the latter seasons of existence for each human returns to the Spirit World when called upon to return. A newborn and most elders be closest to One for humans must return to the innocence of that as a newborn to fully reconnect their Soul to One.

Just as One Sacred Medicine Wheel includes Four Colors so too be the Medicine each human needs for what helps a child be not always what will help an adult. As the human body grows so too does it change. As the human form experiences more human things so too does the human mind change. Watch the children play and observe their interaction for the children care not of the skin color or any so called defect in their playmates. The children simply want to play and enjoy. Watch the elders interact with the children such as how grandparents be with grandchildren.  The grandparents tend to be more affectionate and attentive with their grandchildren than they were with their own children. This be because of these Four Seasons of human existence. Most Elders return to this newborn innocence which be why there be such their connection.  They can relate better with each the other.

You say you be lost, lost. Haaaaaaaaa! How can that be when you know with your heart and soul exactly where you be? This I say to You Beloved: Lost you truly be not! You allow your mind to wander and at times your feet follow your mind. You see a forest yet do not enjoy the view of each leaf or One Wind that blows and moves the trees. You see the Sun yet choose not feel the warmth radiating upon you. Your Soul be partially disconnected from your physical self. Your Soul wanders next to You, attempting to reconnect. This be the case with many humans for too this has been a human experience of Mine. The only way to change the view be for you to change your view of things.

Should you truly desire to fully reconnect your Soul with your physical self, allow One to be your guide. When you say yes of your free will, then I AM able to assist you only when you desire such. For now the one thing you can do to help reconnect be to ground your feet with Earth for then you shall truly feel One Essence One Energy as I AM for you be as a tree with roots exposed, with roots uprooted, looking for a place to plant yourself. Once you be grounded and aligned you will understand much. Or you can stay where you be, filled with the skepticism and sarcasm of which you embrace that stems from your experiences in human form. You were not born skeptic and sarcastic. You became such because you embrace such. And So Be It.

Your view that One has negativity with those who channel be somewhat correct. One has no appreciation for those who channel incorrectly; for those who channel to make a name for themselves; for those who selfishly channel to profit without giving back to other Creation including humanity. One has no appreciation for those who channel Energy deceivingly disguised as One to pass on to humans false information that creates further separation and rift among humans. One has no appreciation for the greed, corruption, selfishness, manipulation, and abuse of humans and all creation brought through to this World by those who channel incorrectly. One truly has no appreciation for those who channel and confuse One Energy One Essence to be as theirs and run around screaming "Look at me! I am He! I am She! I am Them!" There be only One and One I AM.

Only True Shamans who work with One Light Energy receive true knowledge and wisdom as do the Elders and only those channelers who channel correctly.

I AM as I AM, Beloved. Feel free to name One as you wish for too this be as your ancestors did with their free will. Yet remember always: Your acceptance or any human acceptance be not as important for One focus be on preparation of those peoples of All Colors to return to the Natural Way of Life that was stolen from their ancestors, stolen from them, stolen from your ancestors,  stolen from you. All that was stolen shall be returned to the children. The True Natural Wau of Life One brought forth many many moons ago and One Beloved Lakota Tribe be One of Few who remember and continue to hold Sacred One Ways. Yet first, One World must be cleansed as the field must first be properly plowed to prepare the Land for the seed to grow healthy. A properly prepared field yields an abundance and fruitful harvest. And So Be It.

Offline Lakshmi_Lo

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Re: Lakshmi Lo-White buffalo calf Woman-shaman
« Reply #14 on: January 20, 2015, 02:17:26 am »
Beloved "debbieredbear" I say to you be nice for the day comes soon when you shall have to eat your words and all bitterness turns sours in your stomach. What you say be what you be for as you fail to see clearly and assume much for One skin be Olive! Yet that be fine for your words speak of your self in your current situation and you do as most humans do when they feel they have no control of what happens to them and with them -- they lash out on others. Worry not for your current situation shall resolve itself.

First you speak to Me then you speak of Me as though I AM not present yet here I AM. Choose a method and go with it. You could have also emailed your lashing out yet how you did be fine for no offence taken as no offence be necessary. Peace be with you. And So Be It.