Author Topic: John SPirit Walker & friends  (Read 11532 times)

Offline AlaskaGrl

  • Posts: 195
John SPirit Walker & friends
« on: May 10, 2005, 12:50:56 am »

""John was given the name Spiritwalker by an Ojibwa Shaman named Chawakee, in 1983, following a vision quest in Ontario, Canada, in a medicine cave on the shore of Lake Superior, and serves as a trance medium and channel for messages concerning Spiritual Growth and Earth changes from those on other planes of existence.  Some of his contacts are:


Ch’uan, a Taoist Master from the highlands of China.

 Walks With Thunder and Gray Eagle, warrior mystics from the plains of North America.

Harolde, a Celtic/Druid Herbalist and Healer from the British Isles.

Hildegard, the Abbess of Bingen, a mystic, poet, musician, and writer from medieval Germany.

 El Charon, an Extra Terrestrial Light Worker from the direction of the constellation Orion.

 John is currently preparing several books for publication, with the help of these and other entities. ""

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: John SPirit Walker & friends
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2005, 08:59:48 am »
...serves as a trance medium and channel for messages concerning Spiritual Growth and Earth changes from those on other planes of existence.  Some of his contacts are:...

Harolde, a Celtic/Druid Herbalist and Healer from the British Isles.

Oh, for goodness' sake! I think it's very unlikely that a disembodied Druid would call himself by an Ango-Saxon name, and spell it in a medieval-French way!

Offline educatedindian

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Re: John SPirit Walker & friends
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2005, 02:52:10 pm »
I like "El Charon" myself. Is that someone taking the name of the Greek god as it would be in Spanish, or does it mean "the baddest cowboy"?

In Spanish the suffix -on is to mean "the most" "the biggest" or in slang "the most badass".
A charro is a cowboy.

I wonder if this "Walks With Thunder" is where Debbie's "Texas Caddo" got his name. I did a search on the name and got mostly lots of role playing games.

That photo of Reverend Ronald John Story/"John Spiritwalker" sure doesn't inspire confidence. There was a bug eyed redheaded comedian who was semi big about five years who looked like his brother.

And I never thought Mary would speak in Nuage gibberish. Is he out to offend Catholics too?