Author Topic: "Red Elk"  (Read 44670 times)

Offline educatedindian

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"Red Elk"
« on: November 15, 2004, 04:39:51 am »
educatedndn" <>  
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2004 13:10:45 -0000
Subject: [newagefraudsplastichshamans] Re: Red Elk
--- In, "Bryant"
<bryanth@p...> wrote:
> What do you think of Red Elk, Al?

Looks like someone set up a forum and charges money on his behalf.
Looks to be this "999", who says nothing about himself/herself, and
who I suspect may be Anderson.

"RE" always struck me as a Christan fundamentalist/End-Timer, no
surprise that Anderson would fixate on him and try to promote him.
If it weren't for his promotion and now this website with charging
for ceremony, I'd be tempted to dismiss him now as I did before, as
someone a bit out there but not esp harmful compared to other

Offline educatedindian

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Re: "Red Elk"
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2004, 08:00:43 pm »
Ted Burton" <>  
Date: Sun, 19 Sep 2004 15:39:54 -0700
Subject: [newagefraudsplastichshamans] Re: Red Elk

At 3:27 PM -0700 on 9/19/04, Ted Burton spoke about [newagefraudsplastichshamans] Re: Red Elk thusly:

With apologies for replying to myself, I should have added:

I do not know how significant he is, but he tells a familiar story respecting the Peacemaker among the Iroquois, but then blows a major fuse with me, namely, he says:

"So powerful were these teachings that the tribes of the Algonquin peoples  formed the Iroquois Confederacy. "

My, oh my.  The Iroquois are the traditional enemies of their Algonquin neighbors. The Iroquois are NOT Algonquin. Further, the Mohican were not part of the Iroquois Confederacy.

and to the best of my knowledge all the patter about a prophecy of the Peacemaker is not familiar to me at all, though I certainly am aware of the Peacemaker tradition.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: "Red Elk"
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2004, 10:01:46 pm »
debbieredbear2000" <>  
Date: Sun, 19 Sep 2004 18:22:42 -0000
Subject: [newagefraudsplastichshamans] Re: Red Elk

He has links to Harley Reagan's group, the twisted hairs. Not a good
thing IMO.

--- In, "Bryant"
<bryanth@p...> wrote:
> What do you think of Red Elk, Al?

Offline educatedindian

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Re: "Red Elk"
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2005, 11:23:50 pm »
Michael Two Horses" <>  
Date: Sun, 08 Jun 2003 19:17:51 -0000
Subject: [nafps_again] Re: Inner Heyoka society????

BIG TIP the guy's a fake: there's no actual "K" sound in the language of the Ani Yun Wiya...the Euros couldn't wrap their mouths aroung the g-guttural/aspirated sound in the word "Tsalagi" and
changed the "L" to an "R" and the "G" to a "K."  The work "heyoka" couldn't exist in their language.

--- In, educatedindian <no_reply@y...>
wrote:> As opposed to Outer Sanity, no doubt.
> OK, I know that's more than a bit off base. Somebody come up with a > better one.
> This guy actually claims his leader is a Cherokee medicine man named > Heyoka. Other than that, can't really tell what the hell he believes,  other than some "we are the world" rhetoric.
> --- In, "debbieredbear2000"
> <debbieredbear2000@y...> wrote:
> >

Offline educatedindian

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Re: "Red Elk"
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2005, 12:20:49 pm »
educatedndn" <>  
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 22:39:10 -0000
Subject: [nafps] Re: New World Order and Red Elk?

Red Elk's Medicine Message Of Worlds Within Worlds: Old Mysteries, Powerful Truths For Today

<< click image to enlarge
Just when you thought this poor old fool couldn't get any more bizarre...

3/8/02    Rick  MARTIN
"Movies such as Journey To The Center Of The Earth evoke exotic images of strange creatures, precious stones, wondrous waterfalls,
singing crystals, mysterious tunnels, and grand cities.  For some adventurous ones, such exotic themes also stimulate images of lost cultures, buried archives of secret information, and fantastic treasures beyond description...

Red Elk is one of the last nine members of the Red Web Society, who are working to bring true understanding to Earth.  He is Official Keeper of the Tunnels, Official Keeper of the Pyramids, the Temporary Caretaker of the Flying-Red-Dragon Drum—a very sacred symbol of the Hopi nation; he is likewise the Altar Carrier of the Native Nations.  
Red Elk is regarded—by both Whites and Native Americans—as the bridge between the Native people and ALL other religions—including the
atheists.  (Now there's a challenging position in itself !)"

Offline educatedindian

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Re: "Red Elk"
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2005, 12:21:10 pm »
Dragon Drums among the Hopi??? Hard to get more ridiculous than that, but official keeper of the pyramids comes pretty close...
So does that mean he's supposed to wash and dust the pyramids...?

"Red Elk was the featured guest on Art Bell's late-night talk-radio program on Wednesday night/Thursday morning December 12, 2001."

Oh well, then you know it just has to be true...

"Anyway, at 4 it was predicted that this would be—in short, without saying it, I would be a medicine man, and evidently Wakian, a holy man, as well."  

Hmmm, claims to be Blackfoot and Shoshone, but uses Lakota terms...and then he gets *really* weird.

"[Editor's note: It should be pointed out here, as an aside, that this discussion with Red Elk completely sidesteps the "dangerous"
realm of secret MILITARY underground bases and related shenanigans—a subject well known to most readers of this publication and to Red
Elk.  Those of you who may be new to that subject should at least go back and re-read Rick Martin's recent UFO feature series.  Rather, the focus of this interview is other interesting things going on under our feet—besides what one particular secret faction of the military are up to, in conjunction with certain alien races here on planet Earth.]
Rick Martin: What we are curious about, and all of our readers will be curious about, is the Inner Earth, and all of the worlds, the supposedly 5 worlds, under us.  And yet, after reading your document [a powerful 24-page booklet titled The Agendas], I want to skip all that and go straight to the War in the Heavens.  But, I guess they're
both so related, we'll cover both.
Red Elk:  It's a doozy...  
[Red Elk posted a note on the Art Bell Seattle area chat-club, online, concerning Mel's Hole.  Here's what he wrote:
"Do not look for this hole.  It is/can be extremely dangerous.  It's name is Lucifer's Leap.  One of the original holes dug-in by Lucifer to gain entry to #2 Earth (near the center of the Earth).
It is feared by all wildlife, and with good cause.  Death emits from it.  They Know.  Ho.
At the same time, these deep holes come in pairs.  Usually not far from each other, they are roughly 12-14 miles apart.  Just as it is so with the one here in Washington.
Combining these Negative/Positive energy holes creates our Earth winds!  This is the "stirring" in the atmosphere above us, Earth "round" that begets them (winds).  Ho.
Other forces (black) are drawn to the "bad" holes to "inhale" these black energies and also to refuel their particular ships' engine needs.  The "Black Light" mentioned (on the Art Bell Mel's Hole
program) is the expelling of excess deep Earth's inner energies.  A "flushing" in a sense.
The oppositive (good) hole(s) do not radiate this black light; instead their light is purity and unseen.  It is there, but unseen.  It is our Earth Mother's goodness and love that emits from these.
The turmoil of the two meeting high above is, in a sense, a form of energy warfare.  Each trying to overpower the other, and in so doing the two forces act as a cooling "fan" to our Earth Mother's skin.  There are no "accidents".  All is designed to work together—black verses light equals perfect balance!  Thus both are good—i.e., both
are GO(O)D.  Ho...
Red Elk:  They talk about the black light that comes out of this.  Well, this is an expurging of the black energies of the [level] 2 and 3 inner-lands, Lucifer and his army's inner-lands.  It's kind-of a
flushing-out.  And it IS black!  And it creates a form of—oh, I don't know—a really strange energy, and it mixes in our heavens.  And this is not the only hole, or set, as you'll find out, in existence on our
planet.  There's quite a number.  Not far from that hole is ANOTHER ONE, that is also endless, that exerts an OPPOSITE color, an unseeable color.  But those who can see, see it.  You understand what
I mean?
[Editor's note: Red Elk is here referring to those who can see the higher-frequency energies often called etheric energies, like seeing auras around people.]"

An extremely bizarre mix of UFO/conspiracy nonsense mixed with the most ridiculous branches of Christian fundamentalism. Outside of a
few misused Lakota terms, nothing the slightest bit NDN about him. I'd say he belongs in a hospital with lots of professional help.

--- In, "Judith Brannan Armbruster" <jarm48@y...> wrote:
>> any ideas about this one?