Forty years ago I met my husband. He was tall, good looking, with blond curly hair, and a baritone voice that melted most women.
He was also a Vietnam Vet and spent the rest of his life having flashbacks.
We were the perfect couple as I readily needed a man who didn't mind small explosions going off around him and he needed someone who dealt with his occasional nightime tour of Vietnam.
I was born in New York & learned early how to speak my mind to anyone, anytime, anyplace. Hubby was an Ohio boy.
I finally got Steve to join the local Vet's group in town ( early 80's), hopefully to mitigate the nightmares. There was a large cross section of guys ........ one who said he was Indian. Hawk was his name.
There were a few guys in attendance who puported to be Vietnam Vets and it was obvious they were not. There were also guys who seldon spoke of service. Hawk was one .... he said his service was classified

I was curious about Hawk. My Grandfather was from Montreal, supposedly French & Indian .. and I was curious to health, family, lifestyle issues. Never got any answers and he drifted off the map when discharge papers had to be presented to receive VA services.
So ....... 30 years later I'm driving by Bellefontaine Ohio & telling my youngest, blond, green-eyed son, about the Indian who pretended to be a Vet, started his own tribe in that area of the Zane Caverns. What was I to do ....... I came home and did an internet search on Jerry Hawk Pope.
You folks & forum popped up and I haven't stopped laughing yet. No wonder he couldn't answer anything ....... HE'S LIED about everything.
At least I have Indian DNA in my family - ran the test last year. And I apologize weekly to my kids that inherited my health issues from Grandpa.
AND, ole Hawk, a Mildred Pope, in her late 80's, just sued him and his latest wife for fraud. Many years ago, I made a job out delivering some folk's secrets to local courts. Gee, the internet makes it easy to find such things now ........ beats the many times I was photographing people from a tree.