Author Topic: Linda Star Wolf & Bradford C. Collins - Venus Rising Association  (Read 10600 times)

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 525
These people came up in relation to some other people involved in the Sedona and Phoenix temples / brothels, specifically Crystal Dawn Morris, a "tantra" / "shamanism" teacher / "sacred sexual healer" with connections to the Phoenix and Sedona "temples" and also with FB friends who are vulnerable women recruited by the Russian THB network.  Crystal Dawn Morris also co-presented a workshop with the notorious "Master" Chekes aka Chekes Rada aka Soledad at the Sedona Temple in 2010 (will add a link when I have a moment).

Anyway, Ms Morris trained in Shamanic Brethwork (TM) with Venus Rising Association, thus this thread.

It may be that Ms Morris and other similar people train with Venus Rising as an addendum to their existing "tantric" training and that the Venus Rising Association does not really have anything to do with the Sedona and Phoenix brothels other than a lot of shared newage contacts.

At this stage I am still checking out all the links and associations and I still have a lot of work to do, however I thought that it might be worth starting a thread now, just in case others know about them. 

Their website suggests that they are purveyors of a newage blend of pseudo-shamanism including "sacred journeys" and "shamanic breathwork".  Interestingly they seem well connected to many individuals within the pseudo-tantric scene, although I do not see any explicit references to tantra on their site. 

Text from the website:
Linda Star Wolf has been a vision ary teacher and shamanic guide to thousands of people over the last 35 years. Star Wolf is the Founder and Co-Director of Venus Rising Association for Transformation, a 501c3 non-profit organization, and the Founder and President of Venus Rising University for Shamanic Psychospiritual Studies, established in August of 2010 in the state of North Carolina. The author of several books and the creator of the Shamanic Breathwork™ Process, much of Star Wolf’s work is revelatory and comes from her own direct experience. With over 30 years of recovery from her own experience with addictions, Star Wolf has dedicated her life to helping others to release dysfunctional patterns of all kinds and to radically transform their lives. She teaches people how to awaken to the bigger picture, embody their own inner Visionary Shaman and step into a life of passion ate purpose. Star Wolf’s strong per­sonal commitment to sacred activism and visionary leadership led her to create the Shamanic Ministers Global Network, a world wide association of Shamanic Ministers and Congregations ded i cated to help ing those they serve to awaken to their own sacred purpose. Star Wolf also co-founded the annual Wise Wolf Councils, a four-day gathering of spiritual lead ers and lay peo­ple from around the world who come together to share their wis dom teach ings and to vision for our planet. In 2003, Star Wolf and her hus band, Brad Collins, Co-Founded the Isis Cove Community and Retreat Center in the beautiful Blue Mountains of western North Carolina where they reside in community with 20 other shamanic practitioners who have also made Isis Cove their home—along with several dogs, cats, chickens, goats, birds and critters of all kinds.

Starting out as a ther a pist in the mental health and addictions fields in the 1980’s, Star Wolf is a nation ally certified alco hol and drug counselor. She holds a BA in Human Services from St. Leo College and a Doctorate of Ministry and Ph. D. in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Integrative Learning where she first conceived the idea of some day cre at ing a shamanic psy­chos piritual university. Star Wolf was originally introduced to Holotropic breath work by its founder, Stan Grof, and trained exten sively with Jacquelyn Small, founder of Integrative Breathwork, becom ing one of the lead train ers at Small’s Eupsychia Institute. Star Wolf also studied shamanic earth wisdom teachings with the late Grandmother Twylah Nitsch, a Seneca Wolf Clan elder and founder of the Seneca Indian Historical Society. Grandmother Twylah adopted Star Wolf as a Spiritual Granddaughter and gave her the spirit name of Star Wolf.

Star Wolf created the Shamanic Breathwork™ Process as a syn the sis of her per sonal explo ration and direct heal ing experiences with breath work, shamanic wisdom, depth psychology and addictions recovery methods. The Shamanic Breathwork™ Process utilizes the breath, sound healing through chakra-attuned music, energetic body work, soul return and extraction, shamanic art processes, scribing and group processing. Journeyers enter an altered state of conscious ness that trans forms and integrates trauma experienced earlier in life, creates a con­nection with their soul and spirit guides, and receive visions about their sacred purpose in the world. Click HERE to learn more about the Shamanic Breathwork Process.

s the Co-Director of Venus Rising Association for Transformation, Vice President of Venus Rising University for Shamanic Psychospiritual Studies and Director of the Transformation House Soul Recovery Program. A cer ti fied Shamanic Minister, Shamanic Breathwork™ Teacher, Trainer and Facilitator, Brad is the Co-Director of the Shamanic Ministers’ Global Network. After a life-changing vision he received dur ing a breath work jour ney in 1994, Brad created the Shamanic Initiatory Priest Process (SIPP), a highly experiential and transformative process designed to help men step into their authen tic power and Visionary Leadership. A pioneer in planetary transformation for more than three decades, part of Brad’ s mission encom passes land-stewardship.

With a back ground in Environmental Science and Education, Brad was a leader in the develop­ment of the natural foods move ment in the United States. He helped form many of the original organic farming standards for several states and educated thousands of people in natural living and healing. Brad has held the vision of living in community ever since he was a teenager. Brad co-founded the Isis Cove Community and Retreat Center with his wife, Linda Star Wolf, in 2003. Isis Cove Community stew ards over 45 beautiful acres in the magical Blue Mountains of west­ern North Carolina. Brad has been involved with 12 step recovery programs for more than 25 years. In his private shamanic counseling practice, Brad’ s passion is to assist others in releasing self-defeating behavior patterns.

Providing safe and sacred space for those seeking his counsel, Brad offers everyone he works with, both men and women, loving kind ness and acceptance. Brad believes the shaman lives within each of us and lovingly holds that vision for those he serves.

To contact Brad, email or phone: 828–631-2305.


Linda Star Wolf and "Wind Daughter" are also involved in this abomination

the Panther Lodge Medicine Society and the Venus Rising Association Present - Sun Bear's Medicine Wheel (I can't C&P the text as it is on a jpeg so you'll have to check the image - needless to say it's an awful twinkie-fest).

So much more to write but pushed for time.

I would be interested in the views and opinions of others, especially re the lineage of Linda Star Wolf.

Offline snorks

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Re: Linda Star Wolf & Bradford C. Collins - Venus Rising Association
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2011, 05:26:49 pm »
What I know about Star Wolf is her Egyptian writings.  She with Nicki Scully have been promoting a version of Ancient Egyptian religion, along with astrology to go with it.  She has been around for quite some time and publishes through Bear & Company/ Inner Traditions.  From what I learned about Venus Rising is that part of it entails learning "shamanic astrology".  As for her shaman lineage, I have never heard it mentioned.  Scully received hers from direct initiation with Egyptian Gods, and I think that Star Wolf did something similar - initiation through a non-corporal entity.

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 525
Re: Linda Star Wolf & Bradford C. Collins - Venus Rising Association
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2011, 07:32:13 pm »
Thanks so much snorks

It was the ancient Egyptian stuff that I was interested in and your post is very helpful.


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Re: Linda Star Wolf & Bradford C. Collins - Venus Rising Association
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2017, 09:58:24 pm »
The group says that Brad Collins died in 2014.

Brad passed away on August 2, 2014.

Their North Carolina companies include Venus Rising University, Inc., Venus Rising, Inc., Illuminated Heart Center of Venus Rising, Inc. (corporation search: They used to have Isis Cove Council, Inc.

Linda Star Wolf continues to be active:

A congregation of Venus Rising, Inc. is Full Moon Sanctuary of Venus Rising run by Anyaa T. McAndrew and Gary L. Stamper.

Dell Griffin ( says that Star Wolf told him that his totem is a wolf .


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Re: Linda Star Wolf & Bradford C. Collins - Venus Rising Association
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2017, 11:20:36 pm »
She trademarked "Shamanic Breathwork" in 1998 to use in "educational services, namely, conducting classes, seminars, conferences, and workshops in the field of pastoral counseling and spiritual-soul-centered psychological topics".
(REGISTRANT) Piscitelli, Linda AKA Linda Wolf

A prior married surname is Piscitelli. Her birth name is Linda K Finley. I pieced this together with public records, she also on social media has described her name changes.

She has quite a few ministers
graduates and practitioners
Some students have formed congregations