Author Topic: Adam DeArmon AKA Adam Yellowbird of Sedona  (Read 89874 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Adam DeArmon AKA Adam Yellowbird of Sedona
« on: June 03, 2008, 01:58:50 pm »
Got a request about him. He claims to be healer and "visionary religious leader."

At first glance he seems to be hosting multicultural gatherings. But like with many of these groups, the alleged elders are never even named.

In one case he's working with a "spiritual tour guide" named Louis Delgado.!8817C1C096427AA2!222.entry

He's also appeared with outright frauds, like Jade Grigori, a Russian who claims to be both Siberian and a Pueblo Indian healer.

Did a music concert and film with Sonny Reyna.
"In Search of the Future
Concert and Film Screening
Chief Sonne Reyna’s Joyous Healing Songs from the Heart, with Sunny Heartley on Native American flute, and Adam Yellowbird on Native American drum. In Search of the Future: What do the Wise One’s Know?"

Notice that Reyna is listed as one of the "wise ones" along with Woody Vespra and "Sakina Bluestar of Sedona."

Also this:

"Sweat Lodge Teachings
This presentation is by Adam Yellowbird in Sedona, Arizona"

A white pagan doing what she believed to be NDN ceremony defended him here.

Adam Yellowbird DeArmon, the founder of the Earth Dance, is a white man. His heritage is Jewish, though I understand that he trained with Lakota Sioux teachers. The Earth Dance itself has features reminiscent of the Sioux Sun Dance, but dancers don't pin themselves to the central tree, and unlike in many versions of the Sun Dance, people of every religion and nationality may dance.

My understanding is that when Yellowbird had his vision of the Earth Dance, he prayed with it a long time and took it to his teachers for confirmation before doing any work to manifest it. Nevertheless, Yellowbird shows up on at least one "plastic shamans" Web site as a white man trying to present himself as Native and make a profit."

Offline bls926

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Re: Adam DeArmon AKA Adam Yellowbird of Sedona
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2008, 07:18:47 pm »
Earth Works For Humanity

The Elders and Youth Council Wisdom Keepers in these pages are some of those that have honored us with their acceptance of our invitation to attend the Return of the Ancestors Gathering.
Thank You!

Current International Multi-Cultural Project:
"Return of the Ancestors"

Northern Arizona - April 18-28, 2009

[Check back soon for for Over View & Agenda...]


Upcoming Events


10th Annual Earth Dance8
Tecate, Mexico
International Multicultural Gathering.

Tecate, Mexico
May 16-20, 2008


1st Annual Earth Dance8
Terenife, Canary Islands
International Multicultural Gathering.

Terenife, Canary Islands
June 15-19, 2008


7th Annual Earth Dance8
Northern Arizona
International Multicultural Gathering.

Northern Arizona, USA
October 11-15, 2008


Pray for Mother Earth and all she supports,
Dance if you can!

This Earth Dance8 Celebration will be held in Northern Arizona. The actual location to be announced.

Come join the thousands of children, women, and men as they dance and pray for the earth and humanity.

For directions, protocols and general information, please check back as we are finalizing the specifics.

Our gratitude goes out to each and everyone who has ever been a part of our family of supporters. We send you our love and our prayers for the fulfillment of your life and your purpose.

However, we need your help to enable this
2008 Earth Dance8.

(Link to Donations Page)

For more information contact:

Adam DeArmon

Earth Dance8 is sponsored by the Institute for Cultural Awareness.

ICA is a 501 c3 non-profit organization. It seeks to provide a safe and healthy environment for cultural exchange and healing. Whether it is teaching children the importance of respecting their environment, preserving sacred sites, or providing our elders a forum for sharing their wisdom, ICA is a champion of community and cultural awareness.

Websites: or

The Earth Dance8 is Now...

Northern Arizona, Earth Dance October 11-15, 2008

Offline bls926

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Re: Adam DeArmon AKA Adam Yellowbird of Sedona
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2008, 07:39:59 pm »
Adam on YouTube

These are all by Yakima Lee.

Joined: March 04, 2007
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Name: Lee Graham
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Adam Yellowbird's New Year's Song

Comments & Responses

this man is not native. he is a fake

Adam Yellowbird has been adopted by the Lakota tribe and has been taught their ways. He has recieved the message from Great Spirit to teach these ways. He is white, but I believe he is helping greatly with the teaching of these important things. I don't know if you believe in re-embodiment, but he is the reincarnation of "Yellow Bird." I, too, was once born in the Yakima tribe and I claim that heratige for myself as "Yakima" Lee. It is our wish that the world will benefit from the teachings.

Adam Yellowbird @ Shaman's Cave

Comments & Responses

this man is a fraud and sells ceremony.

Adam Yellowbird's Interview

With Adam Yellowbird in Peru

Ruben with Adam Yellowbird in Peru

Uqualla in Peru with Adam Yellowbird

Offline bls926

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Re: Adam DeArmon AKA Adam Yellowbird of Sedona
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2008, 07:46:12 pm »
Bridging the Americas with Adam Yellowbird
From: worldviewz
Added: May 04, 2007
Adam Yellowbird reflects with Diane Cooper about Bridging the Americas Gahtering in March 2oo7
Peru Lake Titicaca.

Elders Gathering at Lake Titicaca
March 19-28, 2007

By Adam Yellowbird 

Bridging the Americas

Peruvian Prophecy states that all the Americas were once united by a common spiritual tradition and leader, and that they will be again. The Americas were anciently united as Amaruca or Ameruca, meaning "Land of the Serpent" during the time when the serpent was the universal symbol of mystical wisdom and spiritual power.

One legend states that North and South America were named after a culture bearer known historically as Aramu Muru or Amaru Meru, the "Serpent Meru." Aramu Muru came from the ancient continent of Mu with many power objects including the powerful Solar Disc that had previously hung in an important temple in his homeland. He also brought many sacred rites and symbols, like the Chacana (the "stair-step" cross) and after being taken by missionaries to all the four directions, served to unite the Americas into a homogenous spiritual culture. 

Legend states that Aramu Muru assisted many Native American tribes after they arrived in Peru during the time of the destructions of Mu and Old Red Land (Atlantis). He then united these tribes into a very advanced culture that proceeded to build many of the towering megalithic temples that still adorn the landscape of Peru today. Although most of us have forgotten our past connections, the spirit of Aramu Muru has never left us, and he continues to watch over all the Americas from his Illumination Temple located above Lake Titicaca.

Moreover, the great Solar Disc of Mu is also said to still continue to exist and is currently located on the bottom of the sacred lake. Since 1992, when Pachacuti or "World Transformation" anciently prophesied by the Incas first commenced, Aramu Muru and the Illumination Temple have made their presence known again and the Solar Disc has begun emanating powerful streams of spiritual light that will eventually unite the Americas and uplift the entire world.

Soon the prophecy will be complete; the Eagles (North America) will reunite with the Condors (South America) and the tribes will once again become one.

For more information on the gathering, please go to
« Last Edit: June 03, 2008, 08:14:48 pm by bls926 »

Offline bls926

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Re: Adam DeArmon AKA Adam Yellowbird of Sedona
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2008, 07:50:00 pm »
Article written by Adam Yellowbird for Manataka, April 2005.

By Adam Yellowbird

Understanding and expanding the Earth Energies of Sedona...

We live in a time of profound changes. These changes occur on the level of our consciousness, but also with the Earth itself. There are many ways to look at these changes and there are many interpretations about what their cause(s) are. Even science begins to acknowledge that what is happening can no longer be seen as extremes of normal fluctuations. The Earth is in motion and the weather is erratic not only in faraway places but locally as well. In the winter of 2004/2005 there were several floods in the Sedona and Camp Verde area and Arizona had 6 earthquakes within one week (at the end of February/beginning of March 2005). The strongest had 4.6 on the Richter scale.

Many people pray and hold ceremonies hoping to prevent more big natural disasters, such as the tsunami of December 26, 2004. The ceremony to activate the Sedona Landscape Temple on April 24 is one of the worldwide activities to heal and balance the Earth to prevent these types of disasters. Of equal importance is the intention to activate the energy of the Sedona area to a more optimal state.

Whenever we pray and/or hold ceremonies it is helpful if we understand what actually happens during these activities and on what to focus our intention.  It also helps to realize that in the process we are not only healing the Earth, but also ourselves. We are intricately connected with the Earth.

The Earth “Source???
Connecting with the Earth was and is an essential part of spirituality in many ancient and Indigenous traditions. In these traditions spirituality is an essential part of their daily lives. The separation of science and spirituality in our Western culture has estranged most of us from the Earth. The Earth has become an object that is there to use.  We no longer consider her to be a living entity. We have forgotten that she is truly a “mother??? who provides us with everything we need on every level of our being.

What does Mother Earth provides us with? In the first place the Earth provides us with every atom in our body - either directly or indirectly - making us inseparable from the Earth.

Secondly, the Earth provides the electromagnetic environment we need to function optimally.  NASA discovered with the first astronauts, that we do not function without this field. The Earth also creates a special electromagnetic frequency that is important for us: the Schumann resonance frequency of 7.83 Herz. This frequency resonates with our brain activity in the lower alpha (relaxation and peak performance) and higher theta (deep relaxation, meditation and access to our unconsciousness). The Schumann frequency stimulates a broader functioning of our brain.  In addition this frequency helps us to connect with the subtle energies of the Earth.

The subtle energies are a third gift to us. These energies resonate and interact with our meridians, chakras and subtle energy bodies. On Earth we find those energies in lines, grids and vortexes. 

Vortexes, Lay Lines and Grids.
Many books have been written on Earth energy lines and grids. There are, however, only a few books on vortexes and all of them are about the vortexes in Sedona. This is quite remarkable, because vortexes exist everywhere. They are found where energy lines are, because almost all vortexes are found in connection with lines. We define a vortex as a place where energy goes in and/or out of a system. That system can be the Earth (vortexes), our body ( the chakras and acupuncture points) or the Universe (galaxies, black holes and white holes). According to science whenever energy moves it will move in a spiraling way, hence the name vortex (vertere (Latin) = spiraling).

There are many different types of vortexes. To a varying degree they all have an effect on us. From some we do not yet know what the effect is, but from others we now have quite a good idea. There are vortexes that resonate with our meridians. Others resonate with our chakras or with our energy bodies. There are grid systems with vortexes that hold our consciousness, the Christ consciousness and even other types of consciousness.

Although vortexes can be found everywhere it does not make Sedona less special. Sedona has more vortexes and a larger variety of them than any other place that I am aware of. When we compare a certain vortex with a similar one in Europe the one in Sedona has a diameter 5 times larger than the one in Europe revealing that the amount of energy in each vortex is very high. Sedona is truly “a place of vortexes???.   

Communication Lines
To understand the landscape temple of Sedona we need to mention one other type of lines, the communication lines. These lines are induced through human consciousness during certain activities. These lines appear between churches. They appear when we handle (charge) stones and place them in the landscape. They also exist between rocks with petroglyphs. The lines have a certain type of sub-lines that were named triads by researchers in England. Between churches and stones you usually find lines with 3 triads. Between stones with petroglyphs you may find lines with 5 triads. Between some of the larger ceremonial kivas we find lines with 9 triads. There exist even lines up to 12 triads. If we can create lines with 3 triads between churches and Jeanne (my wife) and I can create lines up to 5 triads with crystals, I wonder what state of consciousness (or maybe even what consciousness) can create lines with 12 triads?

The Landscape Temple of Sedona
The term Landscape Temple comes from the book “Sedona Sacred Earth??? by Nicholas Mann. Geomancy (Mann is a geomancer) looks at alignments and mathematical patterns of prominent features of the landscape. In this way he discovered in the Sedona landscape a 6-pointed (hexagram) and 5-pointed star (pentagram). He also discovered a couple of alignments, which are called ley lines. In addition he saw a snake and a bird in the outlines of the landscape. Initially skeptical I was surprised that I could indeed find a hexagram almost identical to the one Mann has drawn in his book. Each point was anchored on a vortex. The lines between the points were communication lines with 12 triads. This means they are induced in a very high state of consciousness. At the point near Steamboat Rock were 2 extra lines. In one of them the energy was flowing towards the star and in the other the energy was flowing away from it. The energetic center was close to where Mann indicated the center: just above Devils bridge.

I was, however, not able to find any lines indicating the presence of a pentagram. This does not mean that Mann is wrong. The potential for the formation of this sacred symbol may be present but not yet manifested as with the hexagram.

Consciousness and Earth energy activation
Adam Yellowbird has had a vision that he gives form via Earthworks and through The Institute for Cosmic Awareness. He organizes ceremonies together with Elders of many traditions to balance and heal Mother Earth. In his vision the hexagram and pentagram are very important. The hexagram represents the balance of the masculine and the feminine. The pentagram represents “man???.  He felt guided to organize a ceremony to activate the pentagram and the hexagram in the Sedona landscape.  As Sedona already has so much energy what will the effect of such a ceremony be?

I believe that every ceremony with focused intention will have an effect that goes beyond our current understanding. This ceremony will be a contribution to the healing and balancing of the Earth. In addition there will be a localized effect that is very important for Sedona. Based on research it has become clear that none of the vortexes and lines are optimally activated. Increasingly many types of human activity deplete the energy even further.  Activation on the scale as is planned will stimulate the activation of many vortexes and lines in Sedona. Several vortexes and lines will be measured before and after the ceremony to study the effects the ceremony will have on them.

One of the most interesting aspects will be the pentagram. Will a group of dedicated people be able to physically create a pentagram in the landscape?  Will they be able to induce lines forming a pentagram with points anchored on vortexes? If that will happen it will change the energy of Sedona and increase the experiences of those who will visit these areas. Who would not like to participate in such a wonderful and challenging event?

The activation of the Sedona Landscape Temple will happen on April 24, 2005 starting at 9.30 am. For information call The Institute for Cosmic Awareness ( at 928-646-3000 or email
« Last Edit: June 03, 2008, 09:13:35 pm by bls926 »

Offline bls926

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Re: Adam DeArmon AKA Adam Yellowbird of Sedona
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2008, 08:15:23 pm »
Earth Dance Sedona Oct 23-27, 2oo7
From: worldviewz
Added: October 17, 2007 World ViewZ introduces in effort to help them spread the word about the amazing work they are doing in Northern Arizona

Thank you to the Yavapai Nation for providing space for this event to take place.

Earth Dance 2oo7 in
Sedona Northern Arizona, USA
Opening Ceremonies October 23
and the Earth Dance October 24-27, 2007
Pray for Mother Earth and all she supports,Dance if you can!

Offline bls926

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Re: Adam DeArmon AKA Adam Yellowbird of Sedona
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2008, 09:10:36 pm »
No, I didn't do all this research today; I had it filed away. I was researching something else and stumbled on Adam Yellowbird a few months ago. Although Yellowbird is involved with some legitimate people, he's connected to some questionable ones as well. Even some of the people who seem legit on the surface, have some questionable ties. It's surprising how much you can learn about a person by who their friends and associates are.


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Re: Adam DeArmon AKA Adam Yellowbird of Sedona
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2010, 03:03:19 pm »
On May 11, 2010 the following judgment was issued against Adam DeArmon "Yellow Bird", by Yavapai Country in Prescott, Arizona regarding not obtaining a "use permit" for an Inipi, or sweat lodge.


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Re: Adam DeArmon AKA Adam Yellowbird of Sedona
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2010, 05:23:45 pm »
Adam Yellowbird makes my skin crawl, and this thread here almost seems like a cheerleading campaign where all we do is read what he has to say. Any dissenting remarks on this capitalist-shaman? Here's a link:

Offline earthw7

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Re: Adam DeArmon AKA Adam Yellowbird of Sedona
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2010, 04:29:04 am »
I know adam, he came to visit ol man Joe Flying Bye
Joe has been dead a few years now, now he claim
to have been adopted by him.
Claiming he is some kind of medicine man NOT
In Spirit

Offline wolfhawaii

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Re: Adam DeArmon AKA Adam Yellowbird of Sedona
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2010, 05:34:13 am »
The real Yellow Bird lineage continues in a good way; it is not necessary for reincarnated wannabes to carry these names. Sounds like this guy has been reading too much Harvey Arden and hanging out in Sedona.

Offline bls926

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Re: Adam DeArmon AKA Adam Yellowbird of Sedona
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2010, 05:42:14 am »
The real Yellow Bird lineage continues in a good way; it is not necessary for reincarnated wannabes to carry these names. Sounds like this guy has been reading too much Harvey Arden and hanging out in Sedona.

Why speak ill of Harvey Arden?

Yes, DeArmon does hang out in Sedona.

Offline bls926

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Re: Adam DeArmon AKA Adam Yellowbird of Sedona
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2010, 05:51:34 am »
Adam Yellowbird makes my skin crawl, and this thread here almost seems like a cheerleading campaign where all we do is read what he has to say. Any dissenting remarks on this capitalist-shaman? Here's a link:

You have a problem with my research, dualbuster? The pages speak for themselves. This thread is definitely not a "cheerleading campaign".

It's funny that you would quote a 2009 article from Manataka. Reply #4 above is a 2005 article by DeArmon published in Manataka. What a difference a few years makes. But then, I wouldn't put a whole lot of faith in anything I read in Manataka, if I read Manataka.


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Re: Adam DeArmon AKA Adam Yellowbird of Sedona
« Reply #13 on: May 27, 2010, 07:40:40 pm »

You have a problem with my research, dualbuster?

Of course not. What I have a problem with is your attitude, and that's all. I will definitely research manataka. We need to get to the bottom of all this. It seems like a tangled web of deception.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Adam DeArmon AKA Adam Yellowbird of Sedona
« Reply #14 on: May 27, 2010, 09:44:55 pm »

Of course not. What I have a problem with is your attitude, and that's all. I will definitely research manataka. We need to get to the bottom of all this. It seems like a tangled web of deception.

I suggest strongly you take any personal dislikes you may have towards anyone at the forum to private email or IMs. Or better yet, drop it entirely and focus on the real issues.

DB, you probably will be best served by spending a lot of time using the search function, as well as reading a thread before jumping to conclusions. I'm sure DeArmon and his followers certainly wouldn't think we "cheerlead" for him. Pretty much every exploiter NAFPS has researched has come after us, often repeatedly.