Author Topic: Answers for a fraud  (Read 16168 times)

Offline 180IQ

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Answers for a fraud
« on: June 20, 2006, 03:54:18 pm »
I'm writing a rebuttal to some of Roy Steevensz's material and would like some input from you folks.

Here are the statements I'd like help on. All of them appear on his website.

1.) "To get upset about how another prefers to be named truly shows the depth of ones consciousness." (His stock answer to being criticized for referring to himself as a Hopi Messenger.)

2.) "Nationality is merely a political concoction" (another variation on the previous stock answer).

3.) "Littlesun is the name I chose to accept" (one of his white buddies actually thought it up).

4.) "The name Hopi have yet to be earned" (by the Hopi themselves, of course).

5.) "The incident [being evicted from Hopiland] spurred me to travel around the World, to actually give resonance to Titus' wish."

Thanks in advance for all input.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Answers for a fraud
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2006, 03:38:05 pm »
I'd refuse to debate him on his level, it legitimizes his offensive nonsense. I'd go after him using half serious but very pointed humor. Even though he seems humorless and too clueless to get it, it might make others think twice to see him the butt of jokes. You can attribute these to me if you wish.

 "To get upset about how another prefers to be named truly shows the depth of ones consciousness." (His stock answer to being criticized for referring to himself as a Hopi Messenger.)"

Hey bubba, nobody "prefers" to be named, they ARE named by OTHER people, at birth. People usually change their names cuz they don't like Mom and Dad's choice.

So all you do by changing your name to a Nuage twinkie one is showing us the depths to which you're ashamed of your Mom and Dad's choice, as well as ashamed of being Dutch Indonesian.

So let's see "Littlesun", hmm...How about Little Son instead? As in childish. As in brat.
"Nationality is merely a political concoction"

No bubba, your nation is your HERITAGE. A political unit called the State is the Invention.

A concoction is a figment of your imagination. Like all those drugs you took that make you imagine being Hopi.

"Littlesun is the name I chose to accept" (one of his white buddies actually thought it up)."

And I choose to accept that you are one serious loony toon!

Deny reality! Choose wannabe lunacy!
"The name Hopi have yet to be earned" (by the Hopi themselves, of course)."

Earn being Hopi? You have yet to earn anything but pity and laughter.

You do need to earn a living by finally getting a REAL job. Quit living off of others with your drugged out psycho ward fantasies, bubba.

Seriously, a tribe is not something you "earn" it's something you are part of. And every REAL Hopi has certainly earned the name by putting up with your cr ap, and all the other frauds too.
"The incident [being evicted from Hopiland] spurred me to travel around the World, to actually give resonance to Titus' wish."

Give resonance? Did you take the wish and bang it in a metal drum?

It didn't "spur" anything, bubba. You were ON THE RUN, like a convict fugitive! And running from reality too!
You just "travel the world" cuz people WISE UP to you in one spot after awhile.

Offline 180IQ

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Re: Answers for a fraud
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2006, 05:16:56 pm »
Very good, Al! One part may need revision, though, and it might be important for anyone who's met or will meet Roy, since his age (now 72) will be obvious to them... He doesn't need to and probably won't be going back to a real job, since he has three retirement pensions being direct deposited to his bank account each month.