Author Topic: Dr. Carrie Bourassa — claims of Métis, Tlingit and Anishinaabe heritage  (Read 22759 times)

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1455
On June 2, 2022 this subscription article was published:

I quote the first part of the article, visible to non-subscribers:

'WHAT A HOAX': Pretendian professor slithers away

Carrie Bourassa couldn't even spell one of her claimed Native nations

[Sparks' note: Click article link to watch image "Bourassa’s presentation slide at the top of the Substack"]

Dr. Carrie Bourassa, a Pretendian professor who promoted herself as “expert” on Native health issues in Canada, is no longer employed at the University of Saskatchewan, according to a statement released on June 1, 2022.

“The purpose of this communication is to advise Dr. Carrie Bourassa has resigned from employment at the University of Saskatchewan, effective June 1, 2022,” Dr. Preston Smith, Dean of the College of Medicine, said in the statement.

Bourassa claimed to be Metis from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; Anishinaabe from Treaty 4 Territory and Tlingit from the Yukon. Too bad none of it was true.

In fact it was so untrue that Bourassa could barely spell one of her claimed Native nations! Yes, this so-called expert told audiences that she was “Tlinglit” — which is not how Tlingit people in Canada or the United States refer to themselves. Ever.

Lest someone out there think Bourassa’s presentation slide at the top of the Substack was some sort of typo or temporary slip-up, it was not. She even described herself as a “Tlinglit/Anishnabe Metis mother” — in a book she herself edited. At least she was consistent with her Pretendianism!

Read on for more. Paid subscribers only!

The italicized and bolded phrases are clickable free links in the original.