Author Topic: Carl Big Heart  (Read 21352 times)

Offline Mo

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Carl Big Heart
« on: August 09, 2005, 01:21:25 pm »
This may be a no brainer but I will put it in this category until someone decides to move it.

I can check on the "Iroquois elders" who supposedly endorse this guy. Maybe someone else can check his other claims?

If you go to the schedule of this place you will see that you too can be a shape shifter in 3 easy lessons.

Kinda funny that the guy who was taught how to bilocate by tibetan monks can't teach the class because he has to be somewhere else.....heh.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Carl Big Heart
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2005, 02:35:59 pm »
The people I spoke to in the Netherlands and Belgium called him the number one fraud coming to their part of Europe. He also comes to Britain quite a bit. Anything you can find out on the supposed elders who endorsed him would be a help. My guess is it'll turn out to be Twyla Nitsch's people.

Thanks for pointing out Omega Institute, one of the biggest fraud centers in the country. Not just Bigheart but also Sandra Ingerman and Albert Villoldo are regulars. And now add John Perkins and Lynn Roberts-Herrick (M.A.! like that's supposed to impress people?) to the fraud list.

Perkins is a weird case (even more than usual) since he also peddles a claim to have been part of a (booming melodramatic voice) BIG CONSPIRACY as an "economic hit man" to keep poor countries poor.

Hoskins has almost a lifelong history of working with one dubious character after another.
"An author, intuitive, Kagyu Buddhist seminarian, and student of the late Chögyam Trungpa, Rinpoche,"
See Barnaby's earlier post on him.
"Lyn holds a master's degree in Tibetan Buddhist and Western Psychology from Naropa University"
THE fraud institute run by Buddhist exploiters and sweatlodge sellers.
"She was a psychology intern with Hispanic populations in the U.S."
That's supposed to impress us? You were an intern in East LA?
"and with Hindu children in India, where she also studied Buddhism, naturopathy, and yoga with B.K.S. Iyengar. She worked as a psychotherapist for the acclaimed Buddhist-inspired therapeutic community Windhorse (aka: Maitri Psychological Services) in Boulder, CO. "
Another famous fraud center.
"Lyn is practiced in numerous body-mind and energetic therapies, has trained extensively with Quechua Andean healers, has been initiated into Birdpeople Yachak circles in South America and Siberia, and is a student of Nordic mystery traditions. She has been featured with John Perkins on the Wisdom Channel, in Spirit of the Shuar, Shaman's Drum, in the Shamanic CD (A Hundred Ways to Sunday)...Lyn has worked closely with Dream Change since 1997, cofacilitating trips to the Amazon and Andes and workshops in the United States with John Perkins"
I don't know whether she's ethically challenged or just very gullible herself.
"expanding Dream Change's trip program to include diverse cultures, initiating its first intensive training programs with Quechua Andean healers as well as work with the Maya at vortex centers in Guatemala"
Vortex centers? Redundant, redundant.


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Re: Carl Big Heart
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2013, 02:29:36 pm »
Big Heart focuses on building bridges between the world’s wisdom traditions and on healing the relationship between humankind and all living beings. Through healing ceremony with the Sacred Pipe, the sweat lodge and children’s blessings, as well as giving in-depth talks, he seeks to connect us with our own living Earth roots. His work regularly takes him to Holland, Germany, Belgium and to the Republic and Northern Ireland.

The Big Heart foundation is a non-profit organisation supporting the work of Carl Big Heart. We are based and (mostly) operating in the Netherlands.

Carl Big Heart is an elder among us who chooses to repeatedly to live his life in service to the spiritual needs of several communities, ours included. He reminds us that the altar is within and that we are all called to love. He pours sweat lodge and holds sacred space in many teaching circles. His life includes an offering of service to the spiritual healing and liberation of us all.

Carl Big Heart works by donation. Please, let us together support the important and valuble work of our elders by being as generous as we can.
Donations for the gathering itself are also requested to help offset expenses for firewood, supplies, etc.


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Re: Carl Big Heart
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2013, 03:59:38 pm »
Archive of the 2005

Bigheart, Carl
Date added to index: 30-10-2003
Names: Carl BigHeart, Bigheart
Real Name: Carl Gamba
Claimed Tribal Affiliation: Claims to be Abenaki, but does follows plains traditions (?)
Current Website:

unknown unless you count, a website in the Netherlands which promotes him.

Lives in Orleans, Vermont. Usually found selling sweats in Europe though. That is, when he's not at the Omega Institute Holistic Center in Rheinbeck, NY selling them.
"Carl Big Heart's work and visions have been blessed and approved by Elders from the Abenaki, Muskogee Creek, and Iroquois Nations, as well as being accepted by recognized teachers in the Sufi, Buddhist and Hindu Traditions. He is considered a beloved teacher and medicine keeper in the Turtle Clan and is recognised by many Spiritual Leaders from the People of the First Nations as an Elder."
Turtle Clan of where? Abenaki? Muskogee? Creek? Iroquois? I have to wonder why people from these Nations would bless a man who obviously (since he's promoting sweats) is promoting bits of plains ndns religions. For people who still don't get it, that's like if the Cherokee Nation were to officiallly endorse the Pope. What do we know about Catholocism? Nothing. And the East Coast and Southeast Nations are not the same thing as plains people.


Unknown. But he does get an endoresment from Eduardo Luna.
"Eduardo Luna, North America Ambassador for the Superior Council of Shamans whose family is caretaker for the Sacred Pyramids of Couchasui, carries this message from the Council: "The Shamans of Ecuador congratulate and bless the work of Carl Big Heart, Medicine Man. In our sacred ceremonies the Shamans of Ecuador are praying for his work."
Abassador for the Superior Council of Shamans? Caretaker of the Sacred Pyramids? Carlos Castenada anyone? Justs one more person trying to jump on the plastic medicine man boat. If this is the sort of "Elder" endorsing him, I have to wonder about all the supposed Abenaki and Creek singing his praises.

"was more than sweating. carl bigheart threw water on the rocks and it was pitch black inside. i could see nothing, not my own hand in front of my face, only the redness of the stones. i was aware of the people near me, sometimes i felt their sweat drip onto me, or i felt a stray limb. carl bigheart beat the drum into the empty blackness and the stones glowed. in the comfort of the darkness i rocked and sweated. when time for praying came i whispered to myself, surrounded by others whispering to themselves. the sweat poured. it soaked my sarong entirely, it soaked the blanket floor, it dripped into my eyes and stung. "
You don't go into a sweatlodge or any other ceremony and come out and put it on your weblog, sorry. Both the participants and the person leading it would know better.
"Youthstockers try a Native American Sweatlodge
With the Irish summer finally here, what better way to spend a cold grey evening than in a Sweatlodge. Using traditional Native American methods, Carl Bigheart and his dedicated team have created an experience that will be hard to beat. The sacred igloo like structure, heated by over 30 red-hot volcanic rocks, had peoples blood pumping and sweat pouring. "
Were these people prepared for this Ceremony? I really have to wonder. Could I just waltz into a Catholic Church in Ireland and (not being Catholic) go up to the priest and demand the Holy Sacrement? I doubt it. Do you think we take any less care with our spiritual practices?

Listed Because: He seems to be just one more phoney baloney touring Europe and ripping off ignorant people.
Links to suspected frauds: Unknown, possibly Eduardo Luna?


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Re: Carl Big Heart
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2013, 12:25:37 am »
Carl Lewis Gamba Jr., in past of Orleans Vermont, born Alabama- his mother's obit here , she was born in Alabama, her parents and grandparents all from Alabama.

On Carl Gamba Jr.'s paternal side - all grandparents and great grandparents born in Italy.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2013, 12:48:38 am by Piff »