Author Topic: help through a petition site  (Read 4270 times)

Offline czech

  • Posts: 76
help through a petition site
« on: December 21, 2010, 07:35:23 pm »
I have gone through some older threads on how U.S. media ignore the situation of Natives not just generally but even in cases of serious natural disasters. Since I've joined this forum I am shocked by the dire reality of the living conditions of many Natives within two of the World's wealthiest countries - U.S. and Canada.

In future cases of emergency or just to create awareness, perhaps you can find help through the petition site that may help you get the support of the worldwide community to reach those who are in power. It allows an easy creating of a petition that goes automatically to their Facebook page and you can also spread it via Facebook, Twitter and e-mail, and it is very easy for people to sign without leaving the actual site they're on.

Here is one particular petition you might want to consider signing (Belo Monte dam in the Amazon affecting the Indigenous people)

Another organization that is very quick in spreading the word is Avaaz
media [at]

My thoughts will be with you this winter.

Offline earthw7

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Re: help through a petition site
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2010, 09:15:29 pm »
Thanks Czech
In Spirit

Offline Ric_Richardson

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Re: help through a petition site
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2010, 12:06:16 am »

A reporter recently contacted me, to advise me that, according to the Conference Board of Canada, the region that I live in, Northwestern Saskatchewan, has the lowest median income in Canada, as well as one of the two highest unemployment rates, in the country.

I often wonder why this is not considered a crisis, but am not surprised that many billions of dollars worth of raw materials leave our region, annually, while our majority Aboriginal population lives in third world conditions. 

I will definitely be looking at the petitions!  Thank you!

Offline czech

  • Posts: 76
Re: help through a petition site
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2010, 07:21:57 am »

I often wonder why this is not considered a crisis, but am not surprised that many billions of dollars worth of raw materials leave our region, annually, while our majority Aboriginal population lives in third world conditions. 

This is an irony I cannot understand. We hear in the news of poverty and disasters in Africa, Asia, even South America, appeals with bank accounts where you can send money to help, but I have never ever heard anything about the Native people of Northern America through mass media. It creates a feeling like they are living happily in their own ways on their reservations, not needing and perhaps not even wanting any attention...

Re: help through a petition site
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2010, 03:52:57 pm »
it's the same in most abuse cases. what goes on behind closed doors. to the outside world, everything looks like the perfect.. but behind the closed doors.. there is abuse.
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Offline sunka nunpa

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Re: help through a petition site
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2010, 06:36:11 pm »
It's like this all the time. Dams in North Dakota pretty much redirect waters to reservations. Another example is, in Canada, there was this huge scandal in British Columbia over Indian education being a front for a child prostitution group in the late 90s, but nobody heard about it. (I couldn't help but think of that pedophile from BC who was on Degrassi Talks. Yes, they actually interviewed a pedophile. Degrassi does everything! Including casting a white guy for a character with an Eskimo name in the spinoff.)

Thanks for this, czech.