Author Topic: Three Bears/Lyell Deer Farm  (Read 5459 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Three Bears/Lyell Deer Farm
« on: October 24, 2007, 12:47:48 am »
Concerns about them selling sacred (or what they claim are sacred) items down in Australia.

Authentic Na'he Nahkohe Personal Prayer and Peace Pipes.
In Native American tradition pipes were used for ceremonial gatherings,
personal prayer and day to day relaxation.
As a Prayer Pipe, the bowl became Mother Earth and the stem the male
entity thereby bringing together these two energies.
The tobacco was a gift from Mother Earth and the smoke carried the
 words and thoughts to the Great Spirit.
The term Peace Pipe was coined in European time when negotiations
 occurred between whites and tribal people.
These 'Peace Pipes' are for day to day recreational purposes just as
 would have been used in days gone by.

Authentic Na'he Nahkohe Talking Feathers
Feathers have been used by native people for rituals, ceremonies, and
decorative purposes for millennia.
They believed that the spirit and gift of the bird remained with the
feathers and could be called upon to help them.
Talking Feathers were generally used in groups formed into a circle.
 The person holding the feathers could speak without interruption.

Smudging Feathers
 Smudging is a practice used to remove negative energy from a person,
place or item by burning White Sage ( sometimes concurrently with
Sweetgrass which brings positive energy) and directing the smoke around
the focus of the smudging.
Using Smudging Feathers is an intergal aspect of the process as they
enhance and bring there own energy to the ritual.

 Na'he Nahkohe Ceremonial Rattles
 Within Native American cultures, the concept of percussion performance
and spirituality are intertwined.
An instrument can be deemed to possess a life and persona of its own,
which is awakened when played and assists the performer in
 communicating with the spiritual realm.

Na'he Nahkohe Deer Antler Fetish
If it needs any reassertion, the deer is adaptable, has acute senses,
clarity of vision, represents innocence and is a reminder of the
 bounteous gifts from Mother Earth.
Antlers are symbols of connections to higher forms of atunement.
They also remind us to be open to renewal (just as they are renewed
 every year) and opportunities for imperceptible, yet certain new growth.
The shed antler can remind us also of primal wisdom, the significance
 of what our ancient elders understood.
They are reminders to seek the gentleness within.

 Text written by Na'he Nahkohe (Three Bears)
with respect to all tribal traditions, customs and their variations.

The Lyell Deer Farm, Foggs Rd/Lyell Court, Mt Samson, QLD 4520,
Phone:(07) 3289 4270 Fax: (07) 3289 4334  send e-mail
Open to the PublicMonday to Friday   9.00 am - 1.00 pm
Saturday/Sunday 10.00 am - 4.00 pm
Coach Tours & Group BookingsBy Appointment Only

Copyright 2004 -2006 © The Lyell Deer Farm / AAAWS