Odds and Ends => Etcetera => Topic started by: ShadowDancer on August 21, 2010, 05:23:39 am

Title: Glenn Beck - NDNs, Jewish Connection, mish mash of history
Post by: ShadowDancer on August 21, 2010, 05:23:39 am
Glenn Beck recently did a show where he decides to educate people about race relations and the history of the United States.  There are four parts which aired on August 18, 2010.

This is the first part (  It is mostly about the community center in NYC.  At the end he says he is going to teach people what they don't know about America.

Second part is here. (  Talks about Manifest Destiny and Divine Providence. At the 8:00 mark he starts talking about how the Native Americans are not savages but are ancient peoples.

Part three is here. (  Discusses evidence of 200,000 cities in North America before 1492.  Prefaces it with saying that the cities were as large as London and Rome.  His presentation could lead one to believe all 200,000 were that large.  Begins to compare the Hopewell mounds in Newark, Ohio to the Great Pyramid in Egypt through geometric measurements and similarities.

Here is a link to the part four (  In this video he goes on about the Great Pyramid then a Jewish connection to the Hopewell people in Ohio.  He also has on an author, Peter Lillback, promoting a book called "Sacred Fire". ( Lillback gives a story about William Penn and treaties.  Talks about good and bad people among us and how everyone should come together in a country without walls like Philadelphia.

Bizarre. Just bizarre.
Title: Re: Glenn Beck - NDNs, Jewish Connection, mish mash of history
Post by: critter - a white non-ndn person on August 21, 2010, 06:39:39 am
It scares me that people believe Glenn Beck.
Title: Re: Glenn Beck - NDNs, Jewish Connection, mish mash of history
Post by: Rattlebone on August 21, 2010, 08:39:39 pm
 Glenn Beck is a Mormon so I was not surprised when I seen him speak on the alleged Hebrew connections. Mormons believe Indians are lost tribes of Israel that came here and went bad. So I think he is just going along with his religious beliefs and presenting them as historical fact.
Title: Re: Glenn Beck - NDNs, Jewish Connection, mish mash of history
Post by: PATRICK LAVALLEY on August 31, 2010, 06:37:06 pm
Glenn Beck scares the crap out of me with his politics; but, I have to admit, if the Walam Olum is properly laid out it's timeline accurately corresponds to the war betweent the Lamanites and Nephites. Although the Walam Olum was recroded from the perspective of the Lenape who were one of two invader forces of the Moundbuilder Talega, since the Mengwe (Seneca) are macro-linguistically related to the Talega, it is possible that they represent the other of the  two tribes of the Mormons.

About seven years ago, I had an interesting conversation with Michael Bradley about his book, 'Holy Grail Across the Atlantic'. I had heard of maybe and what if hopes that the Lost Tribes were Indians. We had hours of extremely intriguing historical discourse. He once told me over the phone that someone he knew had researched the migration of the Lost Tribes and his research led him to Cape Croker, the western name for Neyaashiinigamiing, my home reserve. It wasn't until a few years later when I heard from two band members who had not even heard of Michael Bradley who independently corroborated this story, and one of them happened to be a Mormon. They are interestingly also from the Crane Clan who in my research are descendants and inheritors of the Talega/Moundbuilders. I have heard from Basil Johnston ( a fellow Band Member) that the disputed Nochemowenaing (Hope Bay) is also a Stopping Place on our Mide/7-Fires Migration; also it is common knowledge that Saugeen territory is the southern region of an area once known as God's Country and was once singled out to be a Canadian version of 'Indian Country'. Last month I heard first hand from someone from a family who would know better that Tecumseh and his sisters are also buried on my reserve (contrary to currently held notions).

I am willing to give these notions the benefit of the doubt for know until more history is understood about all these subjects...and as much as G.B. makes me cringe, having world history knowledge is extremely useful in solving this Mystery.
Title: Re: Glenn Beck - NDNs, Jewish Connection, mish mash of history
Post by: critter - a white non-ndn person on August 31, 2010, 08:04:47 pm
I have views, thoughts, impressions on much of what is happening now, but it is not relevant to this forum, nor can it be corroborated with anyone that I know of.  I'm just simply waiting while GB destroys that which he is apparently trying so hard to create.. :D
Title: Re: Glenn Beck - NDNs, Jewish Connection, mish mash of history
Post by: Defend the Sacred on August 31, 2010, 09:35:27 pm
I think Glenn Beck is mentally ill.
Title: Re: Glenn Beck - NDNs, Jewish Connection, mish mash of history
Post by: critter - a white non-ndn person on August 31, 2010, 10:03:33 pm
i agree and there are A LOT of people with the same mental illness..

I think Glenn Beck is mentally ill.
Title: Re: Glenn Beck - NDNs, Jewish Connection, mish mash of history
Post by: apukjij on August 31, 2010, 10:54:56 pm
glen beck and sarah palin are terrorists, assaulting the very notions of Patriotism and Freedom that the United States was built on, with the foundation they learned from the Haudonasaunee Confederacy. No one will be able to convince me against my belief that their and the Tea Party intentions are the subtlest and most insidious form of Racism against our African-American President, where the world has acknowledged him with a Nobel Peace Prize, but in his own Country, these people told their constituents to pull their kids out of school because the President was going to address the Public Schools.
Now about your time-line. i am wondering how recent events here in Mi'kma'kik fit in. As i related before the Midewiwin Grandmothers were here, and also i understand time was spent in discussion of the Time-line. Mi'kmaw Oral Tradition dictates that the Great Exodus of the Seventh Fire Journey, took place around 1100ad.  The Midewiwin say they know exactly; in their Oral Tradition it was 23 generations ago, around 1050ad. Your fellow community member Basil could tell you more. They will be back, as they expressed an interest into coming to Eskasoni for their next gathering as they are most interested in the Prophecy that was given to the Mi'kmaq in 1250ad and how it lead to the Sacred Treaty-Making Protocol that lead up to the Treaty of 1752; which the Supreme Court of Canada has affirmed as being the only Treaty valid that does not include a transfer of Title to the British Crown.  We Mi'kmaq are the only Indigenous Nation in the world where a Supreme Court has ruled that each member has the entrenched right to make a moderate living off the resources that are now controlled and invested in the Crown; including all the Territory of NS, NB, PEI, Gaspe, and NFLD.  i will hopefully be present in the next Unification Gathering and will bring up what ive learned from you Patrick, as i find the Time-Line one of the most important facets of our combined Peoples History, as i find your Time-Line fascinating as well.
Title: Re: Glenn Beck - NDNs, Jewish Connection, mish mash of history
Post by: Rattlebone on September 01, 2010, 06:31:12 am
Glenn Beck scares the crap out of me with his politics; but, I have to admit, if the Walam Olum is properly laid out it's timeline accurately corresponds to the war betweent the Lamanites and Nephites. Although the Walam Olum was recroded from the perspective of the Lenape who were one of two invader forces of the Moundbuilder Talega, since the Mengwe (Seneca) are macro-linguistically related to the Talega, it is possible that they represent the other of the  two tribes of the Mormons.

About seven years ago, I had an interesting conversation with Michael Bradley about his book, 'Holy Grail Across the Atlantic'. I had heard of maybe and what if hopes that the Lost Tribes were Indians. We had hours of extremely intriguing historical discourse. He once told me over the phone that someone he knew had researched the migration of the Lost Tribes and his research led him to Cape Croker, the western name for Neyaashiinigamiing, my home reserve. It wasn't until a few years later when I heard from two band members who had not even heard of Michael Bradley who independently corroborated this story, and one of them happened to be a Mormon. They are interestingly also from the Crane Clan who in my research are descendants and inheritors of the Talega/Moundbuilders. I have heard from Basil Johnston ( a fellow Band Member) that the disputed Nochemowenaing (Hope Bay) is also a Stopping Place on our Mide/7-Fires Migration; also it is common knowledge that Saugeen territory is the southern region of an area once known as God's Country and was once singled out to be a Canadian version of 'Indian Country'. Last month I heard first hand from someone from a family who would know better that Tecumseh and his sisters are also buried on my reserve (contrary to currently held notions).

I am willing to give these notions the benefit of the doubt for know until more history is understood about all these subjects...and as much as G.B. makes me cringe, having world history knowledge is extremely useful in solving this Mystery.

In my opinion, Mormonism is sham and a cult made up by Joseph Smith in order for him try and take over the US government. There is no truth to that religion whatsoever, and there is a ton of research out there to prove it.

Furthermore, DNA evidence has ruled out the theory of Jews being here, and the LDS church has been scrambling for years to come up with an answer to explain why science has debunked them so badly.
Title: Re: Glenn Beck - NDNs, Jewish Connection, mish mash of history
Post by: E.P. Grondine on September 10, 2010, 03:37:56 pm
Patrick asked me to offer an opinion, and I will do so briefly now.

First off, I am not a Mormon, as you may well know.

One of the differences between a cult and a religion is its effect on people, and there is little question that millions of people live their lives benefiting from Mormon beliefs.

Mormons should not be confused with Glenn Beck, an individual.

As near as I know, Mormon relations with Native Americans have been good for many years, and they show respect for the peoples. But I would be interested in more information on this.

I have met several people trying to span the two worlds who have taken up Mormon beliefs. They are fine individuals.

Joseph Smith's account of Native American history may be placed with his readings of Egyptian hieroglyphs, as a "personal failing". The gross errors in his Native American history are well documented.

Patrick, the history of the Lenape is covered in my book, along with all the remains that survived of it. I can not repeat that here as a post.

I am enjoying learning more of the traditions of the north here. I hope to be able and permitted to include them in a second edition of "Man and Impact in the Americas", alongside the other histories and their remains.
Title: Re: Glenn Beck - NDNs, Jewish Connection, mish mash of history
Post by: E.P. Grondine on September 10, 2010, 04:04:04 pm
Glenn Beck scares the crap out of me with his politics; but, I have to admit, if the Walam Olum is properly laid out it's timeline accurately corresponds to the war betweent the Lamanites and Nephites. Although the Walam Olum was recroded from the perspective of the Lenape who were one of two invader forces of the Moundbuilder Talega, since the Mengwe (Seneca) are macro-linguistically related to the Talega, it is possible that they represent the other of the  two tribes of the Mormons.

Patrick - the "Talega" were the Tchalaga division of the Shawnee, as pronounced by the Lenape. "Mengwe" is a  Lenape term for those not Lenape, often mixed peoples, not just Seneca. The Lenape migration is covered in my book and the crossing east of the Mississippi may be set around 1200 CE.

About seven years ago, I had an interesting conversation with Michael Bradley about his book, 'Holy Grail Across the Atlantic'. I had heard of maybe and what if hopes that the Lost Tribes were Indians. We had hours of extremely intriguing historical discourse. He once told me over the phone that someone he knew had researched the migration of the Lost Tribes and his research led him to Cape Croker, the western name for Neyaashiinigamiing, my home reserve. It wasn't until a few years later when I heard from two band members who had not even heard of Michael Bradley who independently corroborated this story, and one of them happened to be a Mormon. They are interestingly also from the Crane Clan who in my research are descendants and inheritors of the Talega/Moundbuilders. I have heard from Basil Johnston ( a fellow Band Member) that the disputed Nochemowenaing (Hope Bay) is also a Stopping Place on our Mide/7-Fires Migration; also it is common knowledge that Saugeen territory is the southern region of an area once known as God's Country and was once singled out to be a Canadian version of 'Indian Country'. Last month I heard first hand from someone from a family who would know better that Tecumseh and his sisters are also buried on my reserve (contrary to currently held notions).

I am willing to give these notions the benefit of the doubt for know until more history is understood about all these subjects...and as much as G.B. makes me cringe, having world history knowledge is extremely useful in solving this Mystery.

It would be best if you sought information from some midewiwin. I remember that the story of the megi shells and the barks containing them were published a few years back.

There is a lot of misinformation out there.
Title: Re: Glenn Beck - NDNs, Jewish Connection, mish mash of history
Post by: earthw7 on September 13, 2010, 02:54:44 pm
ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT MORMON! i call them child stealer who said we had a great relationship with them as they invade our reservation steal our children. The state of Utah has the highest rate of welfare because each of those nice white white mormon families collect money off our children. They mess up their minds with their Myths and lies. I am not a mormon fan here
Title: Re: Glenn Beck - NDNs, Jewish Connection, mish mash of history
Post by: earthw7 on September 13, 2010, 02:55:17 pm
Oh and we did not forget about the Mormon Cow Incident either
Title: Re: Glenn Beck - NDNs, Jewish Connection, mish mash of history
Post by: Rattlebone on September 13, 2010, 05:07:40 pm
ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT MORMON! i call them child stealer who said we had a great relationship with them as they invade our reservation steal our children. The state of Utah has the highest rate of welfare because each of those nice white white mormon families collect money off our children. They mess up their minds with their Myths and lies. I am not a mormon fan here


Mormons are the reason the US Government, in part, passed the Indian child welfare act in order to prevent them from taking off with Indian children.
Title: Re: Glenn Beck - NDNs, Jewish Connection, mish mash of history
Post by: E.P. Grondine on September 17, 2010, 02:22:14 am
Thank you for that information - while I'm sure they meant well, that is most serious, and I'm glad to hear that problem was addressed. You know I am in the east and not intimately acquainted with the situation in the west, or that in Oklahoma, for that matter, so the knowledge you share of the situation elsewhere is of great interest to me .

I think that most here are of the opinion that adoption of native american children would best be restrained to other native american families - true?

Title: Re: Glenn Beck - NDNs, Jewish Connection, mish mash of history
Post by: PATRICK LAVALLEY on September 20, 2010, 04:35:02 pm
I am getting my translations from ShepShe, 'Ahnishenabe Gikinoigun' in regards to Mengwe it can be found in his chapter, 'Masinaigun Nijwaswi', although he uses 'Mahungwi'.
Title: Re: Glenn Beck - NDNs, Jewish Connection, mish mash of history
Post by: PATRICK LAVALLEY on September 20, 2010, 04:47:27 pm
... ShepShe/Shup Shewana was also a 4th Degree Midewininni. He was also Bodewatomi or Fire Nation which I am also, so I respectfully defer to his wording before others.
Title: Re: Glenn Beck - NDNs, Jewish Connection, mish mash of history
Post by: Rattlebone on September 20, 2010, 08:50:19 pm
Thank you for that information - while I'm sure they meant well, that is most serious, and I'm glad to hear that problem was addressed. You know I am in the east and not intimately acquainted with the situation in the west, or that in Oklahoma, for that matter, so the knowledge you share of the situation elsewhere is of great interest to me .

I think that most here are of the opinion that adoption of native american children would best be restrained to other native american families - true?

No they didn't mean well.

 In fact they had the intention of erasing native culture and people, and doing so by marrying into the native population in order to gradually turn NDN people white by way of gradually lowering the blood quantum until all traces of native ancestry and culture were erased.

Taking native children was huge aspect of this heinous act. There is one known case of Mormons going on the Navajo reservation back in the days when many could not speak english at all. They had the parents and grandparents who could not speak English or read/write very well if at all, sign what was supposed to be permissions slips for a field trip sort of event. In reality what was being signed was papers giving the Mormons custody of the children.

They did such things because of their so called religious beliefs. If you have studied their doctrine you would understand this.

Also if you did research on what a lot of their leaders have said, you would be appalled.

If you get a chance check out some research done on the Mormons in a book called

One Nation Under Gods
A history of the Mormon Church
By Richard Abanes.

If you do, check out the statements, policies and statements about Mormons in that book, and then do some cross reference and research on your own about what is stated. What you find will be shocking to say the least.

Title: Re: Glenn Beck - NDNs, Jewish Connection, mish mash of history
Post by: debbieredbear on September 21, 2010, 03:23:21 am
My husband's siter lost all five of her kids to a mormon family. The kids were taught that ALL Indians are drunks and that should NEVER tell anyone they were Native. Part of the Book of Mormon says that people are to become "white and delightsome". One niece found the family and has learned the truth about her illegal adoption. She tries to tell the others, but not much luck there. My sister-in-law was in the hospital, having been beatenb near to death by her non-Indian husband. He said she abandoned them and signed the kids over. They were in a Catholic orphan home before the adoption. Not for long but log enough for the 2 girls to be raped by a pedo priest. The social worker was a close cousin to the adoptive parents and knew they were looking to NDN kids to adopt. When my sister-in-law got out of the hospital, she looked in vain for her kids. The state of Montana lied about their whereabouts. And even though she had proof she had been in the hospital, they would not giver her kids back.
Title: Re: Glenn Beck - NDNs, Jewish Connection, mish mash of history
Post by: ny1 on September 23, 2010, 02:19:31 am
One Thing Mr. Beck said that I found disgusting was "George Washington loved the Indians"  what kind of putrid bs is that? I live Near Two Seneca Territories and I have never heard any Seneca nor any other Haudenosaunee Citizen in General say anything positive about Washington. 
Title: Re: Glenn Beck - NDNs, Jewish Connection, mish mash of history
Post by: apukjij on September 23, 2010, 03:30:04 pm
As much as I despise Beck, what he says is True. GW did love the Indians. His first Official Act in 1776, was to send a Letter to the Mi'kmaq Grand Council, asking for aid in the Revolution. One Mi'kmaq District immediately sent Warriors to his aid.
This lead to the Watertown Treaty of 1776 >
Which is the first Treaty signed by what would be known as the United States Of America and First Nations.
It is still valid, as one of the precepts would be that any Mi'kmaw or Maliseet can join the US Armed Forces regardless of whether or not they are American Citizens and to this day, young Maliseet and Mi'kmaw men and women from canada are still joining the US Armed Forces.

His attention towards the First Nations set the way for the Jay Treaty, which he sent to the Senate for ratification in 1795 which removed the artificial border between Canada and the US > guaranteeing passage within our Traditional Territories "unencumbered", (which is only good for ground travel, ALL airline passengers need a passport to cross the border). Chief Ardy Born With Three Thumbs has used this successfully and for 37 years she has driven without a license, and when stopped, she proclaims to the Officers that the Jay Treaty guarantees "unencumbered" passage within our Traditional Territory, and the Provincial Dept of Motor Vehicles and their mandate of drivers licenses encumbers her passage within her Traditional Territory, shes never been sent to court over it.
I cant speak for the Maliseet or other First Nations, but i can proclaim that Mi'kmaw love George Washington for sure!