Author Topic: William Burchett AKA William Jervis AKA Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle  (Read 380273 times)

Offline Unegv Waya

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #105 on: February 08, 2010, 08:30:40 pm »
I can only say that I do not recognize those words as meaning what he claims.  The words I know for turtle are: uwinali and dvgasi.  A snapping turtle would be "salegugi" and a soft shell would be "ulano", if memory serves.  The words I know for wind are: ganolvsga (sp?) and unole with that last one indicating strong winds like in a storm or tornado.

Bear in mind that the Kituwa and Lowlands dialects have some words totally different.  I don't really know those dialects save for the words that are basically the same as in Overhill.  So, someone who knows a Cherokee dialect other than Overhill would have to say if they recognize those words.  However, I somehow doubt that those words (the ones he is using on his site) are correct.

Offline flyaway

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #106 on: February 08, 2010, 09:23:04 pm »
 LOL there is no Duck clan. This guy has been calling himself all kinds of names, he can not speak Cherokee or Lakota.
I checked Federal Correctional Institution, Manchester, KY. I found a list of inmates, found many William Burchett, also found this below , need your opinion, is this him???? I get a strong feeling he is not out of the country, on the lamb???? check this out and see what you think.
Walk with the Sun; Dance with the Moon; Sing with the Stars; But always...Run with the Wind. -
Snow Owl, Nevada. December 8, 2001

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #107 on: February 09, 2010, 01:33:19 am »
Hi Fly Away
It looks like there is more than one William Burchett. That one is William C Burchet, and the bank robber is William A. Burchet. William C was convicted in 1990 and has a 20 year sentence. William A. was involved in that bank robbery in 1991. It must be 2 different people.

It sounds like there was someone who was Native, or who claimed to be, who was in prison for something ( I don't know what ) who was named William Burchet AKA Fire Walker...

Indigenous Prisoners:

William Burchett (Fire Walker)

#03655032. West 5852, Federal Prison,
PO Box 7000, Fort Dix, NJ 08640. Native
American activistheid underquestionable


William Firewalker Burchett#03655032,West 5852, Federal Prison, PO Box 7000,Fort Dix, NJ 08640. Native Americanreligious rights activist being held in prison under questionable circumstances.

Eric Wildcat Hall BL-5355, Unit I/A 10745Route 18, Albion, PA 16475-0002. Serving35-75 years for helping ship arms to CentralAmerican resisters

And Firewalker did use the name William Burchett in comunicating with Weheli ( in this thread )

Reply #9 on: February 21, 2007

My chats back and forth with William from someone name William Burchett as thesender.

So it does seem that William Jervis either is also named William Burchett or he has stolen the real William Burchetts ( Fire walkers ) name.

People based in Europe using the names of indigenous inmates in order to pass themselves off as being more legitimate is something we saw here before, and the name Eric Wild Cat Hall was one of the names that was used...

William Fire walker Burchett seems to be listed alongside of other actvists who are political prisoners .

I wonder what this Firewalker who is said to be a Native American religious rights activist was in jail for ? Were there questionable circumstances, or is William Jervis spinning another cmpletely nutty  tale which some people have believed and repeated...?

I wonder what the tale was?  

In discussion below Firewalker denied being William Burchett
When I copy and paste the translated page , it gets kind of confusin as it is in both German and English and it repeats , so i won't quote from this.  But some of what is said about the healing Cherokee massages being offered sounds even more alarming than what was previously posted mentioning this...  :o 
« Last Edit: February 09, 2010, 01:36:10 am by Moma_porcupine »

Offline firemoon

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Court papers about request of name change etc from William A. Burchett
« Reply #108 on: February 09, 2010, 08:45:00 am »
sorry I posted it twice because of bad internet connection...
« Last Edit: February 09, 2010, 09:37:40 am by firemoon »

Offline firemoon

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Court paper-request for name change from William A.Burchett -William A.Jervis
« Reply #109 on: February 09, 2010, 08:52:33 am »
I made different searches and found the docket of William A. Burchett.
I marked with red letters his request for:

     changing his name from William A. Burchett to William A. Jervis.
     request to travel to Europe in his supervised time after prison term.

Sorry, I had to delete the not relevant infos in the Docket, because it was tooo large to upload it here.

I could not find anything about He who knows being in prison.

I will ask a friend living in Pine Ridge SD, to ask around and perhaps get some informations about him..

I think the extensively traveling of 25 years in the USA, to learn from the best medicineman and medicinewoman,
as Firewalker writes in his Bio for all fanclubs, means in fact - he was in prison from 1991-2004.

be well

Offline Superdog

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #110 on: February 09, 2010, 01:28:33 pm »
Just a quick warning to you all....I visited Jervis/Burchett's myspace page and was greeted with a computer virus.  Be wary.  Never heard of a virus getting downloaded through a myspace page, but when I opened his page there was an adobe download...even right now, havin' a few computer problems....I'd advise anyone...public included to avoid his myspace page.


Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #111 on: February 09, 2010, 03:11:58 pm »
I made different searches and found the docket of William A. Burchett.
I marked with red letters his request for:

     changing his name from William A. Burchett to William A. Jervis.
     request to travel to Europe in his supervised time after prison term.

Sorry, I had to delete the not relevant infos in the Docket, because it was tooo large to upload it here.

Hi Firemoon
Do you mean online searches? Could you post the link to the exact webpage which shows this?
It would be helpful if people could verify what you are saying you found , with their own eyes...

Thanks  :)

I still haven't got my head around that this guy isn't just a very silly man..... and that he apparently grew up in a country that speaks english , and that even with his Irish father he somehow manged to avoid learning the language himself...

Last night I reread reply number 70 by Ingeborg... it was funny tthe first time I read it, and the second time it was even funniier

And I keep having it go through my head.... Did he do it while wearing balou ...Oh my...Did he do it while wearing Balou...


« Last Edit: February 09, 2010, 03:24:12 pm by Moma_porcupine »

Offline Superdog

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #112 on: February 09, 2010, 04:16:35 pm »
I made different searches and found the docket of William A. Burchett.
I marked with red letters his request for:

     changing his name from William A. Burchett to William A. Jervis.
     request to travel to Europe in his supervised time after prison term.

Sorry, I had to delete the not relevant infos in the Docket, because it was tooo large to upload it here.

Hi Firemoon
Do you mean online searches? Could you post the link to the exact webpage which shows this?
It would be helpful if people could verify what you are saying you found , with their own eyes...

Thanks  :)

I still haven't got my head around that this guy isn't just a very silly man..... and that he apparently grew up in a country that speaks english , and that even with his Irish father he somehow manged to avoid learning the language himself...

Last night I reread reply number 70 by Ingeborg... it was funny tthe first time I read it, and the second time it was even funniier

And I keep having it go through my head.... Did he do it while wearing balou ...Oh my...Did he do it while wearing Balou...


Moma P. there is a PDF file attached to firemoon's last post.  It contains all the info your asking for.

Here's the highlights of it.

In William A. Burchett's case where he was convicted of armed robbery, he represented himself, showing an address in Florida.

He made a few appeals in 93 and 94 and also in 2002. All denied.

9/9/02 he made a motion for Habeas Corpus and was granted supervised release at a halfway house.

12/27/02 MOTION for order for name change to William A. Jervis by William A. Burchett (MJY) (Entered: 12/27/2002)

12/31/02 ORDER by Judge Joseph M. Hood dft William A. Burchett mtn
for order for name change to William A. Jervis [394-1]
DENIED; the relief dft seeks pertains to exec of sent. relief may
only be granted by the court which has jurisdiction over his
current custodian AFTER dft has exhusted his adm remedies
(cc: all counsel) (MJY) (Entered: 01/03/2003)

7/29/04  Letter from Aleza Jervis-Zenner Requesting Permission for William Burchett to Relocate to Europe.

8/2/2004 ORDER as to dft William A. Burchett re 397 Letter, the letter is
CONSTRUED to be a motion by dft William A. Burchett
ORDERED said mtn is DENIED, dft is serving a tern of
supervised release. To grant the request, Court would have to
modify sentence, something Court is not authorized or willing to
do.. Signed by Judge Joseph M. Hood. (MCB)cc: COR, USM,
USP, William A. Burchett (Entered: 08/02/2004)

10/4/04 MOTION (Pro Se) for an Order to grant leave to make trips to
Europe, filed by dft William A. Burchett.
(TDA) (Entered:

10/5/04 ORDER: Letter asking Court for permission to travel to
Europe while on supervised release 400 by dft William A.
Burchett (1)is DENIED. Signed by Judge Joseph M. Hood.
(MJY)cc: COR,USM,USP (Entered: 10/06/2004)

6/22/05 MOTION (For Court to Rule on Supervised Release Motion with
priority due to emergency) by dft William Burchett (MJY) Modified
text to show unsealed on 1/9/2006 (Younce, Mary). (NOTE:
Document unsealed pr order filed 10/6/05) (Entered: 06/22/2005)

6/23/05 ORDER: William A. Burchett having move the Court to terminalte
his supervised release, IT IS ORDERED that said motion is
GRANTED effective 6/25/05. 402 403 . Signed by Judge Joseph M.
Hood. (MJY)cc: COR,USM,USP, William Burchett (Entered:

6/30/05 ORDER: Upon the filing of the report of US Probation as to dft
William A. Burchett ORDERED pursuant to the report the dft is
DISCHARGED from Supervised Release and proceedings in the
case be terminated. Signed by Judge Joseph M. Hood. (MCB)cc:
COR, USM, USP, Copy mailed by first class mail to William A.
Burchett, DUSM (Entered: 07/01/2005)

From the docket it's clear that William A. Burchett made an attempt while still serving his sentence to change his name to William A. Jervis in 2002 and was denied.
In 2004 Someone named Aleza Jervis-Zenner requested permission for Burchett to relocate to Europe...also denied.
Later in 2004, Burchett made a motion asking for permission to travel to Europe.....also denied.
In 2005 Burchett was discharged.

So it seems that if Burchett did change his name to Jervis then it happened after his discharge, but that doesn't rule out the possibility that his name is still legally William A. Burchett and he's using an alias to distance himself from his prison record and make a business in Europe of selling out his pseudo Native ceremonial practices.

The name Jervis wasn't picked out of a hat.  Aleza Jervis-Zenner obviously had something to do with that and I'd speculate that this person is possibly an acquaintance/love interest/girlfriend that Burchett had made contact with (probably through your website disparities on your effort or website, just a likely place for connection).

He definitely made attempts to get permission to travel to Europe after Aleza Jervis-Zenner's involvement with his case.  I would definitely like to know more about this person.

This docket is definite proof that William Firewalker Jervis IS William A. Burchett and he's misrepresenting himself.  A definite fraud and possibly still engaging in criminal activities...if not...he's operating just barely enough within the law for the authorities to leave him alone.

« Last Edit: February 09, 2010, 06:18:59 pm by Superdog »

Offline Superdog

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #113 on: February 09, 2010, 05:03:48 pm »
From a google search

Aleza Jervis-Zenner comes up as Alexa Jervis-Zenner, Alexa Jervis and Alexa Zenner.  All the same person.  She's on the board of directors for a non-profit she and a few others founded with Burchett called Native American Friends of Luxembourg Association after his release.  On the board of directors the names listed are:

William Jervis, président
Joseph Heymanns, vice-président
Jean-Pierre Heymanns, secrétaire
Alexa Zenner, trésorière

This particular group was formed in 2007 and as you can see Burchett was using his alias William Jervis at the time it was formed.

From what I've read in a few European forums, Alexa Zenner is a radio DJ in Luxembourg.  That explains Burchett's invitations for artists to contact him and get radio exposure.  Someone in a forum also called Alexa his wife.  Can't confirm any of that, but the two of them are definitely giving that impression to people that show up at their events.

It's hard to tell if she's aware of Burchett's false claims or just duped by him and going along for the ride.  My guess is that it's a little bit of both.  One of his most fraudulent claims is that he's been running sweats for "real Indians" for 25 years prior to his involvement in Luxembourg.  All I can say to that is....hard to run sweats behind bars.  Wake up Alexa...he's just telling you what you want to hear.


Offline Superdog

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #114 on: February 09, 2010, 05:18:14 pm »
Just a note to the mods....I'm gonna make a suggestion to add the name William Burchett to the subject line of this thread as well as Turtle Winds Firewalker

Possibly something like
William Burchett (aka William Jervis, aka Turtle Winds Firewalker)

So that it turns up more easily in a google search for anyone looking for info on this person.


Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #115 on: February 09, 2010, 05:46:13 pm »
Moma P. there is a PDF file attached to firemoon's last post.  It contains all the info your asking for.

Thanks Superdog & Firemoon

I'm not very technically competent and I missed noticing that attachment. And even if people had seen it, they might not have felt comfortable downloading it, so it helps to have the contents quoted here and explained, for those of us who have a hard time following legal documents...

Considering the information recently posted here,  I wonder how people who allowed Burchett to touch them believing this was a "Healing Cherokee massage" would feel about this?

I see Firewalker has placed many advertisements offering so called, healing Cherokee massages. These ads come up when I do a google search on the terms  

massage Firewalker turtle

Is there any such thing as a "healing Cherokee massage"?

I was thinking  Firewalker was some lonely German wannabe who went way ......way ......way.... off the deep end. Now he is beginning to look like a calculating manipulator and more than a bit of a creep...
« Last Edit: February 09, 2010, 05:51:55 pm by Moma_porcupine »

Offline flyaway

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #116 on: February 10, 2010, 06:04:44 pm »
Found this under Federal Prisons:

No there is not any thing called a Cherokee message, massage, etc. I have not heard nor have anyone I have spoken to in KY or TN a sacred Buffalo Mountain. I believe in some prvious post by Jervis he said he was from KY. The Lakota would NEVER ask this man for anything nor give permission to do anything. He is not an enrolled Cherokee which he has also said he was. IDK but going by so many AKA and wanting to get out of the country, leads one to believe perhaps there is other chatges here in USA. This guy is such a fraud and I believe can be dangerous.
Walk with the Sun; Dance with the Moon; Sing with the Stars; But always...Run with the Wind. -
Snow Owl, Nevada. December 8, 2001

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #117 on: February 10, 2010, 07:27:18 pm »
Found this under Federal Prisons:

This must be a different person, as his name is William Burchett, not William A. Burchett, and then he was 57 years of age when he was released from prison in 1999.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #118 on: February 10, 2010, 07:45:10 pm »
Regarding Ms Jervis-Zenner - there are also entries for Lexy Jervis and Lexy Zenner.

Her name also comes up in connection with Radio ARA in Luxembourg. From an earlier search a few years ago, I had the impression this was an open-channel radio project, i.e. a communal project, non-profit.

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #119 on: February 10, 2010, 07:55:31 pm »
Hi Flyaway

Thanks for the link to that website- though as Ingeborg says, i don't think that William Burchett is the same person as Firewalker as they are too old and the release date doesn't match.

But I think i did find the William Burchett who is Fire walker listed on this same website..

Register # 03655-032
Release Date 06-25-2004  

It sounds like the story he has a Cherokee Grandma may be true , but not much else is.

He himself says he was born in 1966. If he was convicted for armed robbery in 1991, when he was 25 years old , and he was in jail until 2004, until he was 38, there is no way his stories about traveling around the country for 25 years , doing ceremonies and learning from various Elders could possibly be true.

Below is quoting from part of one of his advertisements for supposed Cherokee healing massage. (my bold)
fire walker
About me
Public profile
Name:fire walker
Communities:Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, Cologne
Living in:Cologne (Germany)
Languages I speak:English
Looking for:Friends, Dating, Business contacts
Relationship status:Single
Interests:Camping, Hiking, Outdoor life, Coffee, tea and conversation, Religion/Spiritual, Volunteer/Community Activities, Horseback Riding, Martial Arts,

(continues in German)

About me:
native american indianer

Profession:indianer teacher
Field of work:native american
Position:teacher indianer

•fire walkerfire walker
17 Oct 2009, 13:11
cherokee massage healing philosophy

the cherokee massage phhilosophy is to incorporate massage as part of a

integrated approach to the whole person body,soul ,mind,spirt,pastlife,and a person

future health and spritual balance.

the cherokee massage is not only for relaxing and wellness

the cherokee massage includes

cherokee herbal knowledge

cherokee holistic treament

reblance of the heart,soul,mind,sprirt,health,

each indivdual is carefully assessed to provide the most relaxing massage

and to remove future problems that may appear in a person life

it works on the pastlife,present,the now,the future, and the afterlife

and sets the medicine wheel for the person when there reborn again into

the world,

best i can explain in human words


I guess the main thing here is that even if this guy did have a cherokee grandmother, most of what he claims can't possibly be true... and much of what he is doing just seems nutty... Even if some tiny part of what he claims is true, what he is doing sounds like it would be considered exploitive by the Cherokee community...

This is from the official CNO website

Traditional Cherokees consult with medicine people for help with medical problems, dilemmas in their lives, or other problems. There are fewer of them alive and practicing today, but are still well known by traditionals and in the Cherokee communities. It is not accepted for these medicine people to advertise or make their services known in other ways. The proper way to find a medicine person is to be part of a Cherokee community, ceremonial ground, or family, and come to know this person through those connections. (As a tribal government, we are not at liberty to disclose the names of these persons.)

Info provided by the Cherokee Nation Cultural Resource Center. For information regarding culture and language, please contact:
The West Virginia Division of Culture and History will continue its monthly cultural heritage lecture series with Dr. Richard L. Allen, policy analyst for the Cherokee Nation, on Saturday, Nov. 6, at 7 p.m., in the West Virginia State Theater at the Cultural Center, State Capitol Complex, Charleston. The talk, “American Indians Today,” is free and open to the public.
Allen will present an overview of American Indians in contemporary America from a Cherokee perspective. He also will explain that American Indians have maintained their language, history, culture, traditions, customs, and spirituality and that their life ways remain a source of strength in spite of years of forced assimilation and colonization. Allen says, “American Indians are a diverse people and to understand them, one must move beyond the stereotypical image perpetuated by print and visual media.”
As policy analyst for the Cherokee Nation, Allen prepares policy documents, white papers, and research papers in support of cultural identity; tribal sovereignty; Cherokee history; anthropology; and federal, state and tribal legislation. In addition, he acts as a liaison between the Cherokee Nation and appropriate federal, state and tribal agencies, as well as dealing with Veterans, Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act and Section 106 issues of the National Historic Preservation Act.

(article continues...)

Below is an often quoted article by Richard Allen

The Cherokee Nation is overwhelmed with those charlatans who fraudulently claim to be shaman, spiritual leaders or descendents of a Cherokee princess.

Such individuals make such claims without ever having lived within the Cherokee communities. They claim to be descended from some nebulous and mysterious ancestor who was from "a reservation in North Carolina" (there is only one) or "a reservation in Oklahoma" (there are none). The ancestor is never just a plain ordinary everyday Cherokee citizen but a "Cherokee Princess," a "Cherokee Shaman," or a "Cherokee Pipe carrier" none of which actually exist or ever have. Those who claim to be "shaman" do not reside within the known boundaries of the Cherokee Nation in Oklahoma.

Cherokee medicine people and spiritual leaders are known to the Cherokee people and do not practice medicine for a fee nor sell "shamanic" lessons to anyone. They do not advertise their services through any form of media and certainly not over the internet.

Traditional Cherokee healers and spiritual leaders provide their services to the Cherokee people. A Cherokee medicine person or spiritual leader is fluent in the Cherokee language and would conduct any medical or spiritual practices by using the Cherokee language. Therefore, our medicine people are those who were born of a Cherokee mother and a Cherokee father and would have been reared within a Cherokee community speaking the Cherokee language. Our traditional Cherokee healers and spiritual leaders are humble people and would not present themselves as such nor "hang out a shingle" so to speak.

Cherokee medicine people are acknowledged and recognized by members of the Cherokee community as effective healers and leaders. It is the recognition of the Cherokee people that validates these persons as medicine people and healers not self-proclaimation. We may provide them small gifts, a token amount of money or foodstuffs in payment for their services. They do not charge for their services nor would they withhold their services when asked and they certainly would not prescibe payment by credit card.

Cherokee medicine people may provide services to recognized members of other tribes or may provide services to non-Indians who would seek them out for treatment, but certainly would not mix their spirituality or medicine with that of other nations.

Cherokee medicine and spiritual practices do not include tarot cards, palmistry, psychic readings or sweatlodge ceremonies.

One may assume that anyone claiming to be a Cherokee "shaman, spiritual healer, or pipe-carrier," is equivalent to a modern day medicine show and snake-oil vendor.

You have my permission to print this response as is.
   Richard L. Allen. EdD
   Research & Policy Analyst
   Cherokee Nation
   P.O. Box 948
   Tahlequah, Oklahoma 74465

« Last Edit: February 10, 2010, 08:00:04 pm by Moma_porcupine »