Author Topic: Deborah J. Ling - Center for Shamanic Practice, Inc.  (Read 4596 times)


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Deborah J. Ling - Center for Shamanic Practice, Inc.
« on: February 06, 2015, 08:48:56 pm »
This thread is because of her abuse of a client detailed here:

I don't know if Deborah Ling is still active. Her Ohio non-profit CENTER FOR SHAMANIC PRACTICE expired in early 2013. She filed for dissolution. She is older, so perhaps she has retired.

From a past site

What is Shamanism?

Shamanism is the oldest form of healing.  It is the ancient practice of joining with the intelligence of all beings, of living in balance and harmony with creation.   Shamans are assisted by helping spirits in the natural world to bring about healing to individuals, communities, and the world.  In a Shamanic world view, all illness has a spiritual origin.
         Shamans (sometimes called Medicine People) are primarily about being of service to others.

Our founder and mystery-holder is Deborah Ling.  Deborah has been studying and practicing shamanism for 22 years.  Her emphasis is on calling forth the healing potential within individuals and groups.  She does this through drumming, rattling, shamanic journeying, chant, movement, healing touch, art, conversation and prayer.  Deborah is a member of the Society for Shamanic Practitioners

I gratefully acknowledge the love, patience, and humility of my primary teacher, Grandfather Hollis Littlecreek, Anishinabeg Medicine Man, Zeebeanz.  I thank him for his encouragement in pursuing the Red Road.  Aho.

Is this a Native American Practice?    No.  Shamanic Practice is found on every continent on earth.  Though one of my primary teachers was of the Medicine People of the Anishinabee people of North America, I do not have any tribal affiliations.  My program and practice is a distillation of many shamanic paths.

We are available for information journeys, healing journeys, soul retrieval, psychopompery, hauntings, clearings and more.  All services except for the training can be done remotely - you do not have to physically be present.
Time for the session and fees are as follows:

Shamanic Healing Session - about one hour - $75.00 USD

Soul Retrieval or Extraction - up to two hours - $125 USD

USA Training - $300 per quarter (there are 3 quarters plus an initiation retreat)


THE SHAMANIC DRUM. Deborah Ling, M.A., Director of Shamanic Practice, leader. For persons who are interested, Deborah will discuss the historic nature of the drum in shamanic (and other) traditions. For persons who wish to make their own drum, Deb will be the instructor. Expense for the drum-making kit is $115.

THE HISTORY AND THEORY OF SHAMANIC PRACTICE. Deborah Ling,, leader. Attention will be given to a differentiation between spiritual direction and shamanic practice.

Deborah Ling is following a lifelong calling to deeper consciousness and healing through Shamanic Healing. Her teachers include "All My Relations" but especially Grandfather Hollis Littlecreek, Anishinabe Healer, and Stanford Addison, Arapaho Healing. She has been practicing shamanism her whole life, and founded The Center for Shamanic Practice in Columbus, Ohio.

She appears to be now in Florida