Author Topic: Tecumseh Brown Eagle, aka Abdul Abdulla Mohammed, & James Oliver Johnson 111,  (Read 422361 times)

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Subject: RE: Butlers Paternal Grandmother Leona Butler
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 10:06:38 -0400

I had 3 different people looking for me. 1 in Oklahoma 1 in North Carolina. 1 In pa. And me.
I have found no connection for your Butler that matchs our peoples. Or that Tsaligi blood as well. And Watts do not match your claim as well.
It seems that one of your members has said that I and members would be eating Crow for dinner. And the Senica as well.
Well I really find that your member that said that will be eating Crow insted. It really is not bad.
I have searched with no connections to any of your people.
Be proud of who you are. Be what you are.
Have a nice day Tecumseh.
Chief Walter Renz
> Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2009 20:39:06 +0000
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Butlers Paternal Grandmother Leona Butler
> Chief Renz
> I am away from my computer and these are US Dept of Interior documents have others who question me produce the same
> --
> Tecumseh Brown-Eagle, Chairman
> Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation
> 814-572-4137 fax/voice mail 877-822-6285
> Healing, Compassion, Respect, Responsibility, Accountability
> We accept results not excuses!
> Confidentiality Note: The information contained in this message is legally privileged and/or confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, saving or copying of this message is strictly prohibited.
> "First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win"
> Gandhi


  • Guest
niiki i was reading your post #91 ,i got to say i have never met a BLOOd that behaves like you.
you demand to know this persons clan,what tribe she is from etc.
I was taught that my name ,my clan,my colors,if i have helpers ,how many helpers,who those helpers are,are all scared and very personnal information,why would anyone tell you anything the way you behave.

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
Tecumseh Brown Eagle is NOT an Indian. He's a member of the Washitaw/Nuwabians and the Nation of Islam. From his history and genealogy it would be safe to say that he probably has no Indian blood. Having seen how these black racist cults work, they have nothing to do with Indians, because they believe that they are God's chosen people. They simply want to exploit people's ignorance and prejudice. This group wants to get recognition so that they can get a casino, that's all, easy money. TBE is in the following yahoogroups, and The Washitaw group was shutdown by yahoogroups as far as I know.
This man has been impersonating an Indian for years and some really gullible black people and even some white new agers on both sides of the border have been sucked in. He is like all black Muslims a believer in UFOs and Planet X. They believe that Elijah Muhammed and W.D. Fard (founder of the Nation of Islam) will return to earth and destroy whites in their view of the "rapture".
These people are dangerous haters and are listed as a race hate group by Southern Poverty Law Center.
One thing that I have learned about these people is that they are ruthless and will stop at nothing to silence anyone who opposes them and their agenda.

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
niiki i was reading your post #91 ,i got to say i have never met a BLOOd that behaves like you.
you demand to know this persons clan,what tribe she is from etc.
I was taught that my name ,my clan,my colors,if i have helpers ,how many helpers,who those helpers are,are all scared and very personnal information,why would anyone tell you anything the way you behave.

And I have met one that behaves like you, Bullhead ... The one that you are referring to Ms. Hopson, as she not only refused to answer my questions, but also Educated Indian, the Moderator of this group. She used the excuse that it is "personal". Other of our woman also disagree with you, as they are proud of who they are, the nation and clan that they belong to, and have no trouble telling people that information when they are asked.  Apparently you have never been to Grand River as that is the first thing that is asked of someone that the people don't know.  So your post is no indication of anything. What it does indicate is your ignorance about our Community at Six Nations, and we are much the same at Tyendinaga.


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

« Last Edit: March 10, 2009, 09:59:44 pm by Niiki »

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
Its clear to folks  on both sides of the border that TBE is trying to identify himself and his group as a legitimate nation and himself as a chief. I believe that if someone claims to be associated with your people and nation that he should have to explain what the basis of that is. TBE has claimed to be both an black supremacist, a Cherokee chief, and the chief of a non existent tribe, why should he not have to provide proof to those people who he has insulted. TBE is just an opportunist and sees an opportunity to rip people off and clai to represent their culture. That's wrong.

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Anyone who would like a full version of the emails sent, today, by Chief Longtail,

you can send me a private message with your email address or you can go to these links:

Niawen Gowa Don for your posts!!


Niiki  from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

« Last Edit: March 11, 2009, 12:42:00 am by Niiki »

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
You're welcome Nikki. I will be happy to help you put this fraud out of business. TBE and his ilk are spreading dangerous lies to gullible people, like these other non Indian,black supremacist groups. TBE and others have made a good deal of money off of their lies and fraud and he must be discredited. If nothing else he is guilty of identity theft!

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
You're welcome Nikki. I will be happy to help you put this fraud out of business. TBE and his ilk are spreading dangerous lies to gullible people, like these other non Indian,black supremacist groups. TBE and others have made a good deal of money off of their lies and fraud and he must be discredited. If nothing else he is guilty of identity theft!

She:kon Don;

   Yes any help you can offer to help us put him out of Business would be greatly appreciated. As many others would also appreciate your help in doing so as well! Niawen gowa!


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
This is what TBE is really about. He wants to steal what is rightfully Indian people's right to gaming. Its all about money. Some of his colleagues believe that black people deserve reparations for slavery and that "becoming Indians" is one way to get reparations. TBE is so inconsistent he and his Nuwabians friends deny that slavery even existed and that Africans were here before Indians.

Erie Indian Moundbuilders Support Casino Issue
24 October 2008 One Comment
Here are the clips from a press conference today outside the Statehouse:

And here’s the press release:

Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle, head of The Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation today announced the Tribes support and endorsement of Issue 6, the ballot initiative to approve a casino in western Ohio. “The entire State of Ohio is encompassed within our aboriginal lands and these lands, and the people who inhabit them, must continue to thrive physically as well as financially. The passage of Issue 6 is a significant opportunity to insure the fiscal viability of the region and the Tribe as well. We encourage all voters to carefully consider the economic benefits that this bill will provide to the State of Ohio in these troubling economic times when they cast their votes.”, he said.

The members of The Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation are the original occupants of a huge area within the United States of America, including Ohio. Proof of their occupancy of Ohio is found in the thousands of mounds they built here, and elsewhere. As a sovereign Native American Indian Tribe the Erie Indians recognize their right to pursue legalized casino gaming as well as other efforts to strengthen the economy of Ohio. “It is apparent that the people of Ohio need a sound economy with good paying jobs to sustain and nourish their families. It is my hope that the Erie Indians can contribute to sustaining excellent jobs in Ohio through our business efforts in construction, fine furniture manufacturing, audio-visual technology, and gaming.”

“Consider that because of the State’s recent economic woes the Governor has been forced to trim $1.7 billion dollars from the biannual budget. This has directly reduced funds for education, public safety forces, and family services. It is also conceivable that Ohio will be forced to make additional cuts in the next biannual budget up to an additional 10% thus reducing funding even further.”

Concerning this Chief Tecumseh stated: “Voters have to make a decision this November and it is an economic one. Are they going to vote against jobs and voluntary revenue for the State, or require the State and Local Governments to raise taxes to fund education, public safety forces, and family services?”

Regarding the opposition to Issue 6 Brown-Eagle questions the motive of those opposed to its passage and whether the citizens of Ohio are their top priority: “ Don’t be deceived, those against Issue 6 are not fighting a battle against gaming, they are fighting to keep Ohio dollars flowing to their out of State Casinos.”

The Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation has initiated a number of business ventures including construction, furniture manufacturing, and audio-visual technology. Additionally, they also strive to preserve their Tribal culture and heritage through education, respect, and leadership.

The Erie Indians occupied the area from the Gulf of Mexico north along the Mississippi River to the Great Lakes Region and into Canada. History erroneously records them as being exterminated in the Seventeenth Century following an encounter with the Iroquois

Indians of New York. “Fortunately the history books are wrong.” said Chief Brown-Eagle. “If the Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation did not exist, I would not be standing here today offering my Tribe’s assistance to the people of Ohio”.

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
The Erie Indians occupied the area from the Gulf of Mexico north along the Mississippi River to the Great Lakes Region and into Canada. History erroneously records them as being exterminated in the Seventeenth Century following an encounter with the Iroquois

Indians of New York. “Fortunately the history books are wrong.” said Chief Brown-Eagle. “If the Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation did not exist, I would not be standing here today offering my Tribe’s assistance to the people of Ohio”.

Tecumseh Brown Eagle is verified not Erie nor is he even Cherokee! He needs to be happy with who he is and that is Black!
And the Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation does not exist, only in his imagination, as this is something that Abduhl put together 10 years ago.
The Erie people have not existed as a nation since 1653, when their chiefs were killed and the rest of the Eries were brought into the Six Nations communities. Fact!   Tecumseh Brown Eagle is a Fraud.  Fact!


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory
« Last Edit: March 11, 2009, 07:07:01 pm by Niiki »

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
You have to remember that frauds use people's vulnerabilities to succeed. The question I have is why are people attracted to these people. These "black Indian" groups surface and fade all over the states, now I see them moving into my country, Canada, and they are doing the same thing as in the states.  These groups and people have some common traits. 1. They are religious based (cultists) TBE is into some weird sort of Islamic cult and Jerry Monroe is an evangelical/pentecostal gospel preacher/singer. 2. They are all "associated" with some nonexistent tribe, like the Erie. 3. They all seem to have some connection to martial arts, TBE claiming to have been an Olympic champion in taewondo before it was in the Olympics and Jerry Monroe claiming to have founded the Guardian Angels in NYC. 4. They all have created a mythology based on the Nuwabian/Washitaw African as the "original autochone indigenous people of the Americas" (TBE claims all lands east of the Mississippi including Canada, because the Washitaw "Impress" ruled the Louisana territory).
I have followed these peoples' growth on the internet over the past 10 years, they are a much bigger and more dangerous group now. TBE is only one of many, but they have a growing following. Southern Poverty Law Center has also followed the Nuwabians one group associated with TBE. I posted links about the Black Israelites as well, who are another black hate group who claim to be Nuwabians/Washitaw.
Post warnings about TBE and his "tribe" in aboriginal groups so that other folks know who and what he really is...

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
She:kon Don;

That's a good idea, as we are working hard to shut him down here on this side of the imaginary line. He won't get anywhere with the Bruce Power People, or anyone else for that matter. Government officials here also know about him, and have dropped him like a hot potato. He seems to have a following among the "Dowser" organizations, and these New Age organizations.

It would be good if people contacted Indigenous Communities and Organizations to  inform them that Tecumseh Brown Eagle is a fraud.




Burlington Vortex Conference

Speakers Schedule


Hope to see you at the conference!

Vending Space Still Available   (262) 767 1116


Friday October 31, 2008

10 a.m. Stanton Friedman - Stanton Friedman will be speaking on Flying Saucers and Science. He will be providing intriguing data from a number of large-scale scientific UFO studies that almost no one, especially the noisy negativists, has discussed in detail.

11 a.m. Sherry Strub- Sherry will be sharing with the audience her experiences and research into the ghostly phenomena of Wisconsin

12 p.m. Heidi Hollis - Heidi Hollis is the leading authority on Shadow Beings. She will explain to the audience who the beings are that can be seen best from the corner of one's vision and why they are becoming so much more prevalent now. According to Hollis 'The Shadows' are more associated with aliens than one can imagine. Many believe that since their form is so similar to a ghost that they are directly related or are one and the same as a ghost. Perhaps that's due to their being transparent at times and giving off that "haunting" feeling to those that bear witness to them. She stresses that now is the time to finally address the Shadow People' presence and what they are all about. Who are they, who do they work with and what do they really want? Time is of the essence... and they are placing their bets on us not figuring them out!Time will be allocated for Heidi to answer questions from the audience.

1 p.m. Bonnie Meyer - Meyer speaks on the unholy alliance that was signed between the negative aliens and the secret world government in Europe in 1572 and with the US in 1946

2 p.m. Don Schmidt - Don will present true accounts of witnesses to the crash, the military containment of its recovery, the high level of security surrounding all phases of the cleanup operation, deathbed confessions, sealed posthumous statements and, most shocking of all, the extreme measures that the U.S. Government resorted to in preventing people from telling the truth.

3 p.m. Jon Kelly -World famous backwards speech analyst and talk-radio personality, Jon Kelly introduces unique perspectives on communications, creativity and consciousness

4 p.m. Tecumseh Brown-Eagle - Chief of the Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation- discusses the return of the Pharaohs, connecting the Pharaohs of Egypt to the Montauk Indians of New York...then tracing these Pyramid and Moundbuilders to Wisconsin

5 p.m. Dr. Claude Swanson - Swanson will be sharing his extensive research into the physics of the paranormal, touching on the science of remote viewing; ESP (extra-sensory perception); Psychokinesis (mind over matter); the Backster Effect (cell-to-cell communication) with organ transplant patients and Identical Twins; the power of group consciousness, meditation and prayer; Levitation; teleportation and bilocation; OBE (Out of body experience); parallel dimensions; NDE (near death experiences) the science of the soul; Precognition; the illusion of time; four-dimensional holography; the holographic brain.

Saturday November 1

10 a.m. Peter Moon - Moon speaks on Synchronicity, the quantum universe and the using of the ultimate powers of creation.for better or for worse. He will be discussing the legacies and personas of Jack Parsons, Marjorie Cameron, L. Ron Hubbard, Aleister Crowley and John Dee. His most intriguing and mysterious encounter with Joseph Matheny, an adept who had created one of the highest forms of artificial intelligence known to man, a computer known as the Metamachine which is designed to precipitate and generate synchronicities.

11 a.m. Don Schmidt - Author of 'Roswell' - The Movie and his latest "WITNESS TO ROSWELL" . will present Part Two of true accounts of witnesses to the crash, the military containment of its recovery, the high level of security surrounding all phases of the cleanup operation, deathbed confessions, sealed posthumous statements and, most shocking of all, the extreme measures that the U.S. Government resorted to in preventing people from telling the truth.

12 p.m. Heidi Hollis - Heidi Hollis is the leading authority on Shadow Beings. She will explain to the audience who the beings are that can be seen best from the corner of one's vision and why they are becoming so much more prevalent now. According to Hollis 'The Shadows' are more associated with aliens than one can imagine. Many believe that since their form is so similar to a ghost that they are directly related or are one and the same as a ghost. Perhaps that's due to their being transparent at times and giving off that "haunting" feeling to those that bear witness to them. She stresses that now is the time to finally address the Shadow People' presence and what they are all about. Who are they, who do they work with and what do they really want? Time is of the essence... and they are placing their bets on us not figuring them out! Time will be allocated for Heidi to answer questions from the audience.

1 p.m. Jerry E. Smith - Jerry will be speaking on the military, scientific and commercial efforts at controlling Mother Nature, the use of all environmental processes (weather, earthquakes, tidal waves, etc.) as weapons of war. Chemtrails focusing on "geoengineering" - a scheme to use particles intentionally released into the upper atmosphere to mitigate global warming. He will also be discussing The HAARP project in Alaska, one of the most controversial projects ever undertaken by the U.S. Government. This futuristic technology is everything from super-beam weapon to worldwide mind control device.

2 p.m. Dr. Claude Swanson - Understanding consciousness: Our mind is much more powerful than we realized. Understanding consciousness is leading to a revolution in physics. New forces are being discovered which defy the old limitations of space, time and physical barriers. The energy of the vacuum, the zero-point energy, is found to connect to consciousness and may be the secret to understanding life. Dr. Swanson describes the "best evidence" for many of these phenomena, including Remote Viewing, ESP, psychokinesis, plant communication, out-of-body and near-death experiences, levitation and teleportation. He shows how the current scientific model can be extended to begin to account for these phenomena

3 p.m. Frank Joseph - Joseph, editor-in-chief of Ancient American Magazine, speaks on Atlantis in Wisconsin and the Underwater Pyramids of Rock Lake - Long before the Vikings landed on the North American continent, there was an ancient civilization in Wisconsin. Frank Joseph speaks on the compelling archaeological history about this lost Bronze Age culture found beneath the depths of Rock Lake—a culture the evidence suggests had a lively copper trade with the lost continent of Atlantis! This lecture will be an exciting voyage into our pre-Columbian heritage.

4 p.m. Dr. Thomas Horn - Horn discusses his and his family's personal experiences with aliens, UFOs and unusual government cover-ups.

5 p.m. Stanton Friedman - MJ 12 documents and UFO Cover-ups

Sunday November 2

10 a.m. Tom Horn - Horn will be discussing the year 2012 and the Return of the Watchers - Stargates- UFO Abductions - Using biotechnology to ressurect the Nephilm Transgenetics- Creating the Transhuman

11 a.m. Jerry E. Smith The Holy Lance - According to the Gospel of John, as Jesus Christ hung on the Cross a Roman centurion pierced His side with a spear. A legend has arisen that "whosoever possesses this Holy Lance and understands the powers it serves, holds in his hand the destiny of the world for good or evil." Jerry E. Smith weaves together the many threads of the Spear’s legend focusing on The Christ Mind; The Holy Grail; The Templar Knights, Nazi Occultism: Blood Lodges & Secret Orders; Agharta, Shambhala & Atlantis; Nazi UFOs; Operation Paperclip; Testing The Spear; Operation Highjump, Station 211 & The Battle For Neuschwabenland; The Hartmann Expedition; The Rise Of The Fourth Reich; The Secret Of The Spear and Where Is The Spear Now?

12 p.m. Tecumseh Brown Eagle - 32 degree Mason Tecumseh Brown-Eagle will speak on the origins of the Moors in North America, the ancient worship of Isis, their followers, 'The Cat People' and the coded language of the Masons.

1 p.m. Peter Moon - Peter will be discussing The Montauk Project and experiments into space, time travel and Mind Control. After World War II Allied military commanders discovered a massive and meticulous research file on secret societies, eugenics and other scientific pursuits that boggled the imagination. Even more spectacular was an entire web of underground rocket and flying saucer factories with an accompanying technology that still defies ordinary beliefs. A missing U-boat fleet possessing the most advanced submarine technology in the world left many wondering if the Nazis had escaped with yet more secrets or even with Hitler himself. In connecting the Third Reich with its Tibetan contacts, Moon takes the audience on an adventure in consciousness that reveals a vast array of new information. Unlocking the mysterious occultism of the Nazis, Peter Moon opens a window into the lab of the ancient alchemists in order to explain the secret meaning behind the Egyptian and Tibetan "Books of the Dead". Moon then ties all of these strange associations to Montauk Point, New York, where an American military facility was used by the Nazis to further their own strange experiments and continue the agenda of the Third Reich.

2 p.m. Frank Joseph- Ark of the Covenant - Frank Joseph takes the audience on an in-depth hunt for the truth about mankind’s most valuable possession revealing the Ark’s actual function, purpose and location. Joseph will give a fact-based examination of the Arks real origins, manufactured purpose, historical application, and present whereabouts. Revealing its genuine nature and ultimate destiny represents the most profound disclosure of its kind, powerful enough to shake the foundations of established religions and modern science alike.

3 p.m. Bonnie Meyer - Meyer speaks on the unholy alliance that was signed between the negative aliens and the secret world government in Europe in 1572 and with the US in 1946

4 p.m. Stanton Friedman – Alien Abductions - Betty and Barney Hill Story

« Last Edit: March 11, 2009, 10:08:29 pm by Niiki »

Offline ny1

  • Posts: 17
Pyramids..Wisconsin...made from the finest...... cheddar ????

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Pyramids..Wisconsin...made from the finest...... cheddar ????

Yes Cheddar Tecumseh's favorite!! Tehehehe!



Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
As TBE is quoted that he is only in it for the piece of the action when it comes to economic development.
This proves that he is purely an "opportunist". Only in it for the money!!

Chief cheerleader for Issue 6

While an Indian chief promoting a ballot measure to allow gambling in Ohio may raise the specter of Indian casinos, Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle said today that's not his goal.

Brown-Eagle, the head of the Erie Nation Moundbuilders Tribal Nation, today endorsed Issue 6, which would authorize a casino in Clinton County.

The Erie, Pa., tribe is not recognized by the U.S. Department of Interior. Brown-Eagle said it has 139 members in several states, including Ohio, and a history that goes back centuries in the state.

In a news conference outside the Statehouse, Brown-Eagle said his support for Issue 6 has nothing to do with Indian gambling. Opponents of the measure have suggested that it could open the door to new Indian casinos, which would not pay taxes.

"If there is anyone who could do gaming in Ohio, it is us because we don't have a treaty," the chief said. "But it is not our intention to do Indian gaming in Ohio.

"We're only for the economic development so we can get a piece of the action."