Author Topic: Mike Bouvier dangerous violent sex offender  (Read 4061 times)

Offline NDN_Outlaw

  • Posts: 104
Mike Bouvier dangerous violent sex offender
« on: September 22, 2009, 04:19:31 am »
Mike Bouvier from Islelacrosse Saskatchewan Canada violent repeat sex offender. Served prison time in Saskatchewan. He has been identified by prison Elders Cliff Toweyaka, Dakota Sioux and Dennis Thorne, Metis Elder as violent long term criminal who abuses the Indian culture. Pretends to be a medicine man. Located in Burns Lake British Columbia. Conning local people into giving money over to him.Phoney sweat lodges and doctorings. Sexually assaulted local woman.He told her to strip naked while he rubbed sweat lodge fire ashes on her body to "doctor" her. He was stopped when local Chief and council requested a criminal record check be conducted. Pulled over by police in possession of stolen car with additional warrants for his arrest.