Author Topic: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio  (Read 54218 times)


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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #30 on: July 19, 2008, 03:56:19 pm »
I am still confused about the Alleghenny Lenape'.  Since Eric was adopted into this Tribe, maybe he could give us a short history. We know they just don't spring up over-night. The Communities and/or Tribes usually go back to the 1700 or 1800's and beyond.  I would be sure the family that adopted you gave you some of the history of the group.

Offline redhawk45

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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #31 on: July 20, 2008, 01:28:56 am »
I know of some of the history and what was written on this resolution document (which I'll be finding out on Monday by calling the Ohio House of Reps Clerk to 'request a copy'.  If they find it, it's real; if they don't, then Sammy Kennedy somehow forged and faked a State document), which does have a gold embossed seal of the Ohio House of Reps. on the original.

On the document, it states that the Alleghenny Lenape have lived in the Stark County region of Ohio, their traditional hunting grounds since the 1700's (which makes sense, since the Lenape were pushed ever westward).  I guess you can say that Samuel Kennedy adopted us, and I did do the research on the Kennedy family of his, coming up that they came from the extreme western PA into NE Ohio area.  I even confirmed someone else's geneology to stem from Sammy's great grandparents, proving that the Sammy's family was inter-married with the Lenape.  True, Sammy wouldn't exactly be full-blooded at all...possibly 1/8th like my mother.

My mother and I were adopted 5 years ago, via Sammy Kennedy, and (unfortunately due to desperation on my mother's end of wanting to belong to a tribe) paid membership fees of $30 bucks each.  At the time, I figured it was a way of members to have to donate to support the food baskets and 'bake sales' they had.  Throughout that time, my mother has tried 3 times to give good ideas to Sammy:  1)  push the petition for Federal Recognition; 2)  create a member directory for members to keep in contact with one another; and 3)  to produce a church (for which my mother became a reverend and has the license to marry people within the State of Ohio) to hopefully benefit the tribe and look better to the Federal govt. (this latter we gave loads of flyers to Sammy, of whom never passed them out).  Every single idea was pushed away.  It was in 2006, when we paid our membership again, is when I seen his loads of medication sitting on the desk, and him pocketing the cash in his own pocket.  He even told me that he didn't know how long the tribe would hold up due to losing members.

All I can think of is "Duh!  Of course we're losing members!  No gatherings, no ceremonies, no actual elders who might know the legends and culture.  How do you expect to keep a tribe together without those elements?"

Anyhow, we went back last year to pay dues, and the Alleghenny Indian Center (as it was called in the phone book) was gone.  In it's place was some biker shop selling various things.  My mother had done a search on the web for Samuel Kennedy, coming up with two sources.  One phone number came up with the wrong person, and another was disconnected.  Samuel stole cash, stole membership rolls (with all the people's personal information), and even abandoned the tribe.

Also, during all this time, I was learning the language all by myself out of a couple English/Lenape dictionaries, doing research on the Lenape, all to possibly get the tribe to what it should actually be and present all the info to Sammy.  Sammy MAY have known all this info, he may have not...we will not know at all what he knew.

This tribe is all the NDN people have in NE Ohio, in truth; it's all my mother has to feel like she belongs to a community of some sort.  Though scattered, the Alleghenny Lenape members are still that, but it's trying to bring them together again, under a true council and to bring in what was lost.  It's hard to do research all by


I am still confused about the Alleghenny Lenape'.  Since Eric was adopted into this Tribe, maybe he could give us a short history. We know they just don't spring up over-night. The Communities and/or Tribes usually go back to the 1700 or 1800's and beyond.  I would be sure the family that adopted you gave you some of the history of the group.


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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #32 on: July 20, 2008, 02:58:39 pm »
Well, it appears you may be a person of Ndn heritage, but I don't believe your group meets the criteria of a "Tribe".  It appears more of a Heritage Group, which is fine.  Some of the heritage groups I have seen meet, have social occasions, learn the culture, help in the community, they may or may not have some alliance with the Recognized Nation.  A lot of them function as non-profit organizations.  They will never be a tribe as they do not nor have ever had the political and cultural structure need to meet the criteria.  The ones that I admire the most are the ones that do not feel they are entitled to Ndn monies.  These people just try to learn and are proud of their heritage. They expect nothing more. 

Offline redhawk45

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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #33 on: July 20, 2008, 11:18:42 pm »
I am pissed off at Sammy for what he did.  Yes, the Indian Center part was a non-profit organization, but the cash he got went straight to profit his own pocket and not help the members who came to him for help.

Due to his stupidity, my mother pretty much has to start from scratch with rolls, and this time form a community like it should have, even if Sammy, or whomever, petitioned to the Federal Govt. twice (most recent being in 2006).  Though, if what you say is true, I completely understand why there hasn't been any progress to get the Alleghenny Lenape Federally Recognized.  Sammy should have listened to my mother, but I think by the time we were adopted, he was becoming bored with being 'leader'; but even so, he should have held a meeting of elders or something to pass on leadership to someone else.  2 years before Sammy disappeared, my mother was worried that if Sammy disappeared or died, that who would take over the functions?  Pretty much my mother's worries were real.

Wish my mother (and I, since I'll be doing most of the research) luck with forming this 'tribe' into a true community and gaining back members!  My mother and the Alleghenny Lenape are gonna need it.


Well, it appears you may be a person of Ndn heritage, but I don't believe your group meets the criteria of a "Tribe".  It appears more of a Heritage Group, which is fine.  Some of the heritage groups I have seen meet, have social occasions, learn the culture, help in the community, they may or may not have some alliance with the Recognized Nation.  A lot of them function as non-profit organizations.  They will never be a tribe as they do not nor have ever had the political and cultural structure need to meet the criteria.  The ones that I admire the most are the ones that do not feel they are entitled to Ndn monies.  These people just try to learn and are proud of their heritage. They expect nothing more. 

Offline redhawk45

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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #34 on: July 21, 2008, 09:02:28 pm »

I just called the Ohio House of Representatives Clerk today, and found out some VERY interesting things.  Apparently there is such a thing as a yearly state recognition, where that same resolution H.R. 155 was just recognizing the Alleghenny Lenape for a year.  Meaning, Sammy should have followed up with the local State Rep. to get a bill passed to make the Alleghenny fully State Recognized, but never did.  (Apparently Sammy Kennedy was a lazy liar.  Lazy because he never followed up, and lied to many members saying that the tribe was state recognized, when it was recognized for only the years of 1999 - 2000).  Now I understand why Mr. Maier Jr. said there are different levels of State Recognition.  That is why the resolution isn't on the computer, it's just in their own computers as storage.

The Alleghenny Lenape are not fake...and the fraud in all this was Samuel Kennedy.

Because of this information, I'll be doing my research to try to find those who were members under Sammy Kennedy and to bring them back, as a community, and so the community can be recognized by the state permanently, a step to becoming Federally Recognized.  On top of that, it's prudent to save any kind of culture that is left with the Alleghenny Lenape.  I know some information has been lost permanently, and I hate for the Alleghenny Lenape to adopt other Lenape customs (like some tribes out west, whom lost certain things, regain and adopt it from other tribes), but it looks like it might happen.

There's a long road ahead to make the Alleghenny Lenape into a real community again...and I ask for anyone (since even people have different search engines) to help with any information about Lenape culture, legends, and even perhaps the whereabouts of Samuel Kennedy and/or of other Alleghenny Lenape members, please PM me.


Offline educatedindian

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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #35 on: July 22, 2008, 12:54:31 pm »
It sounds as though that recognition is more like a certificate or a formal thank you. "The state recognizes group X for their pride in promoting their heritage or contribution to the state economy by drawing in tourists." A true recognition would be the start of a formal govt to govt relationship, which under the Constitution is solely a federal matter.

It's not a bad thing to be a heritage group, and to become a community again is work that will take generations. Keep in mind there are some Lenape groups in that region of the country that have less than ethical leaders. We've received numerous questions about them and have several threads on them.

There's also a yahoo group that might interest you, Ancient Native Heritage, led by a Lenape woman, Bee Neidlinger, who is an oldtime AIMster.

Offline redhawk45

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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #36 on: July 22, 2008, 10:08:54 pm »
Yea, it sounds like it.  As I said, now I understand why Mr. Meier Jr. said there's different level of State Recognition, and this must have been the lowest of all the State Recognized levels:P

I believe that the Alleghenny Lenape will have it's times, especially when it's going to be our job to re-group all the members, convince them that they won't be scammed like Sammy did, create laws and rules, etc.  It very well could take generations, and if I ever have a child (to one who has NDN blood), hopefully he/she would help the community out.

I'll check out that yahoo group.  If she's a part of AIM, plus Lenape, plus is considerate of those with 1/8th to 1/16th blood, perhaps she'll help my mother and I out with advice and information.

Thank you for your info, though...and again, if you can do any research on the whereabouts of Samuel Kennedy, of what might have happened to him, etc., please let me know so I can tell that to my mother.


ALSO, if everyone/anyone could take a look at the new website for the Alleghenny Lenape and let me know how it looks, etc., possibly give some advice (add or take away, etc).  Thanks!

It sounds as though that recognition is more like a certificate or a formal thank you. "The state recognizes group X for their pride in promoting their heritage or contribution to the state economy by drawing in tourists." A true recognition would be the start of a formal govt to govt relationship, which under the Constitution is solely a federal matter.

It's not a bad thing to be a heritage group, and to become a community again is work that will take generations. Keep in mind there are some Lenape groups in that region of the country that have less than ethical leaders. We've received numerous questions about them and have several threads on them.

There's also a yahoo group that might interest you, Ancient Native Heritage, led by a Lenape woman, Bee Neidlinger, who is an oldtime AIMster.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2008, 11:08:44 pm by redhawk45 »

Offline Superdog

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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #37 on: July 30, 2008, 02:29:25 am »

ALSO, if everyone/anyone could take a look at the new website for the Alleghenny Lenape and let me know how it looks, etc., possibly give some advice (add or take away, etc).  Thanks!


just a quick note...checked out the website....noticed the disclaimer


The Alleghenny Lenape Indian tribe is a REAL tribe, a REAL community, contrary to a certain NAFPS site (a mostly Anti-Indian Hate Group site with white supremacists) who wants to put ALL unrecognized (and some recognized) people who have NDN heritage down, calling them all non-native, due to that we don't live on reservations, don't get federal money, and because we are united for a common cause.

Do not let people like these scare you away.  The Alleghenny Lenape are here to help those of NDN ancestry, taking nothing and giving all we can to the community.


Pretty interesting description of NAFPS.

Guess you really did miss all that was said to ya.  Sorry Eric.  Even though you've said you seem to make sense out of my posts and not really haven't gotten anything I've said. 

If you really want advice....take down the website...start it over.  Be real about things.  A non-profit organization is not a tribe.  A tribe is not a non-profit organization.  Which one are they???  It's gotta be one or the other.  Take a side and stand by it.

Being real would be saying "We are a non-profit organization dedicated to the acknowledgement and preservation of the community of descendents of the Alleghenny Lenape.  We are not a federally recognized tribe and we will never be, but that doesn't mean we can't continue to come together as a community to celebrate our collective heritage."

Tryin' to help man....but you're still gettin' it all wrong. 


Offline educatedindian

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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #38 on: July 30, 2008, 01:51:29 pm »
The site's not coming up for me. Perhaps the other ALI members became upset at his using the site's diclaimer for a temper tantrum and saying such bizarre falsehoods about us. Somehow we went from being all fullbloods and all enrolled out to get the unenrolled, to being white supremacists? Hopefully they'll avoid letting him post any more nonsense, and the kid will learn how to take criticism without exploding and spouting conspiracy theories less credible than "Hitler invented flying saucers".

Offline Superdog

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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #39 on: July 30, 2008, 02:06:46 pm »
sorry there's a typo in my post.  Should read

The site still works.  You'll find it created and run by Eric.  Apparently the staff consists of him and his mother at this time.

Offline Superdog

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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #40 on: July 30, 2008, 02:09:01 pm »
again...the goodness

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #41 on: July 30, 2008, 03:18:00 pm »
Looked at the page. Geez, can you get more cheesy and stereotypical? Objectified, come-hither Wolf maiden, and

"We run like the wind.
We are the wild Native Indians."

Pass the barf bag.


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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #42 on: July 30, 2008, 03:48:24 pm »
Well, again his history is flawed, or he just uses what he wants.  It's a good way NOT to present research.  He leaves out very important elements.  The rest of it is just talk.

Offline AnnOminous

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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #43 on: July 30, 2008, 04:50:37 pm »
ALSO, if everyone/anyone could take a look at the new website for the Alleghenny Lenape and let me know how it looks, etc., possibly give some advice (add or take away, etc).  Thanks!

Hi Eric.  I did take a look at your website.  Any possible advice I might have would focus on your identity claims here

Eric Red Hawk Macuski is an accomplished artist and flute player of Athabaskan/Shawnee/Cree ancestry.  His artwork is of high quality, and it shows in every single piece he makes.  All his work is Native American inspired.  He can make almost anything, as is seen in the examples below.

and later:
Made by Eric Red Hawk.  This took 1 1/2 months to bead.  Can be made of any type of vest or material with a bit of weight to it.  This has a distinctive Eastern Woodland Indian inspired design, true to Eric's heritage.

I don't know, but as far as I understand Athabascan is a language group, not a First Nation at all.  Athabascan-speaking Peoples have traditional lands in Alberta, Saskatchewan, the Yukon and into Alaska I think.  Some Southwestern Nations (Apache and Navajo to name two) speak Athabascan languages as well.  I've never heard someone state that their people are Athabascan though, yet in your words you claim to be Athabascan first?.  I also don't get the Eastern Woodland connection you refer to as being your heritage.......

I don't really know anything about Shawnee people, but I have spent a fair bit of time with friends and family from different Cree Nations.  One thing you would most likely not hear is someone claiming they are Cree without being more specific as to Nation.  So when you say Cree, who are you really talking about?  Also of possible interest is the fact that both Shawnee and Cree Peoples speak Algonquian languages, and not an Athabascan language. So overall I'm just confused if you are claiming heritage from specific Nations, or from an anthropological language grouping.  Perhaps you could clarify that sometime.  Thanks.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2008, 06:32:08 pm by AnnOminous »

Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #44 on: January 01, 2009, 11:32:48 pm »
The Allegheny Nation Indian Communtiy Center (Ohio Band) was started in 1979 at which time they filed "an Intent" to petition..if you would like in the records that we are # 60 on that list.... we never got an actualy petition filed.  The Allegheny Lenape group was started a few years back... we are the same people....but the Allegheny Lenape... branched off from us and started their own group...
The Allegheny Nation is still going strong... we are located in Newcomerstown, Ohio... PO  Box 431...Newcomerstown, Ohio  43832.. Execurtive Director is Arthur Kennedy...if you want more information....
Looks to me like he is starting his own group. The only state recognized tribe in Ohio is the Allegheny Nation (Ohio Band). Lois Croston is a writer/genalogist of sorts from West Virginia. She has been living in Sharpe County (Canton/Massillon area for a while.  I would take it that these are the same group.  They did file a petition for federal recognation, but can't find if it is still on hold or denied as yet. He seems to stretch the truth or probably worse. The part about his parents having the "first" Native American Church is a stretch. I believe that was the Wyandots back in the 1800's and that closed. But not sure how he is interperting NAC. It would be interesting to know if the rest know what he is doing.