Author Topic: My petition against an Italian Group of Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society  (Read 17100 times)

Offline AlessandroItaly

  • Posts: 35
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My petition against the Iruka Study Group, an Italian Group of Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society, have 180 signature!! The majority of the signatures supports the stop to the fraudulent activity of this association, even if some signatures are hard attacks against the petition and against my person (are easy to imagine from part of who)...
The url of my petition is

I think that is a good success...and I want to share it with you…

Offline Ric_Richardson

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I have signed the petition, as a Metis person who is offended that this group, the "Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society" have appropriated our name, in order to romote a false image of "Indianness."

It would be beneficial if the site had an english translation.


Offline Geyatahi

  • Posts: 1
I am a new member and as a Cherokee I will stand for this of any Native American,I have signed your petition :)


Offline AlessandroItaly

  • Posts: 35
  • Indians are people!
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Thanks to all  people that have signed my petition...