Author Topic: Irna  (Read 5264 times)

Offline Irna

  • Posts: 1
    • Le site d'Irna
« on: August 18, 2013, 05:04:52 pm »
Hi everybody,

I'm a French blogger, writing about pseudoarchaeology, mainly about some "pyramids" in Bosnia since 2006, and more recently about a French documentary titled "the Revelation of the Pyramids". I stumbled upon your forum twice, looking for more informations about some people mentioned in the context of these subjects:
- one Karin Tag, owner of a crystal skull, who traveled to Bosnia in order to "activate the pyramids" (
- and one Mallku Aribalo, "Inca shaman", presented as "historian" in the film about the pyramids (

I just wanted to thank you for the wealth of information you provide on various New Age frauds; and to ask whether I can use some of the informations you gave about Karin Tag in a booklet to be published in French.

Best, Irna