Author Topic: Hello Group  (Read 5229 times)

Offline onceuponatime

  • Posts: 10
Hello Group
« on: March 28, 2013, 10:04:17 pm »
I have been reading for a while and decided to register.  I only wish that the information on this site was read by more, well intended people searching for a spiritual connection.  I am non-native, but have been involved with native american crafts and culture my entire life. Started pow wow dancing very young and still enjoy dancing (but have transitioned from the Fancy Dancer I was when younger to Northern Traditional as I grew older). 

I, like many people, got involved with the drugs and alcohol in my early years and when I decided I had had enough, stepped back onto a good path.  It never made since to me when I was young to go into a building to pray and find god, so a went back to what had felt good to me growing up.  Following Lakota teachings, as best as I knew them at that time.  That small step has taken me on many different roads to many very good teachers (and some that are noted on this site).  In this jouney, I always try to listen to my heart and have found that Tunkashila will guide me to where I need to be if I get out of the way. 

I value the experiences that I have had, both good and bad, because they have moved me to the place I am today.  My hope is that the predatory shaman and medicinemen and women, will be exposed so that no more people fall prey.  That is enough for now, but I do have the greatest respect for all of you that are standing up to say enough and exposing frauds, regardless of their genetic make up.